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The Kindness Playbook
The Kindness Playbook
The Kindness Playbook
Ebook81 pages40 minutes

The Kindness Playbook

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About this ebook

The Kindness Playbook is an invitation. You are personally invited to join a group of like-hearted, like-minded people who are bold enough to believe that, together, we can be the change we want to see in our homes, our communities, our country and our world.

There are many people, organizations, corporations, faith-based and community groups that are doing good works. But, the questions remain...with all of this good, why is our world still in need of more kindness? Can intentionally kind people make a difference? How can we tip the world toward kindness? How can we end isolation? How can we support each other during challenging times?

Using our Kindness Pillars - Notice, Inspire, Encourage, Gratitude - we can create a unique experience of kindness. And then we can pass it on. We can equip and empower people to create solutions to problems they see in their communities.

And, together, we can choose to be intentionally kind. We can do something as simple Kindness Card or as a 7-Day Kindness Challenge. We can select one event like “Be Kind on Wednesday”. Or we can solve a major social issue. Together, the possibilities are limitless.
Release dateMar 17, 2021
The Kindness Playbook

Karen Hannon

As a Certified Dream Builder Coach and Barbara Sher Success Team Leader, Karen has had the privilege of helping people discover and realize their dreams. Without a doubt, she knows that it is possible to gain clarity about your purpose or assignment, to create a life of live with intention and purpose. Karen has been blessed to have realized several of her dreams. She founded and served as the Executive Director of Richmond Entrepreneur’s Assistance Program (REAP), a nonprofit organization that helps people with and without disabilities realize their dreams for employment. She is a contributing author of three Amazon best-selling books; Everyday Joy and The Gift of Gratitude and 365 Days of Gratitude. She has appeared on television and radio numerous times. She speaks about kindness, the giftedness and value of each person and the infinite possibilities of realizing our dreams. And now for the biggest dream of all...a dream that includes you! A dream that needs you. A dream to tip the world toward kindness; where kindness and respect become the norms for behavior. With a unique approach, our pillars of kindness and a Kindness Card or a 7-Day Challenges...we can realize this dream, together. Karen is a woman of faith who thoroughly enjoys spending time with her thirteen grandchildren, helping people become the best version of themselves, learning new things and experiencing the theater and afternoon tea with family and friends.

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    Book preview

    The Kindness Playbook - Karen Hannon

    © 2021 Karen Hannon. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  03/17/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1487-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1507-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021901441

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    This above all else, to thine own self be true.

    -William Shakespeare

    This book is

    dedicated to

    Madeline Dixon




    A woman who lived the kindness

    pillars of notice, inspire, encourage and act.

    With much love and gratitude.


    Why Kindness?

    You’re Invited!

    Why The Kindness Playbook?


    Here are 10 ways gratitude can improve your life!



    The Schmitt Sisters

    My Special Friends

    In Loving Memory of Sean Timothy Nelligan

    A Hero I Never Met



    Stand Up For Kindness!

    One-A-Day Kindness Cards

    Wednesday: A Day of Kindness

    Guerilla Kindness


    The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

    The Challenge

    The 7-Day Challenge

    Creating a Tipping Point for Kindness


    Why Kindness?


    "I have children. They deserve a better world.

    I can still make an impact, and I feel a

    responsibility to make the world better."

    - Chris Rosati

    Chris made this statement after he was diagnosed with ALS. He chose to spend the rest of his life making people happy, being a source of encouragement and spreading kindness. He had children. They deserved a better world. He could still make an impact. So can we.

    I have thirteen grandchildren. They deserve a better world. So do your children and grandchildren and all the children in your life and beyond. We can make an impact; intentionally and together.

    I have been engaged in intentionally spreading kindness, doing events and creating opportunities since 2005. Many of you have been doing the same thing and much more. We’re not alone. Google kindness and prepare to spend a couple of hours online reading inspiring stories and viewing videos about thousands of kind people. It’s encouraging. But, maybe a little disappointing, too.

    With all the good that happens every day, why are there so many problems in the world? With so many good, kind people, why is the majority of news that is reported about bad things?

    With so many excellent organizations, corporations and faith-based communities focused on acts of kindness, why is there still a need for more people to be intentionally kind? Why aren’t kindness and respect the accepted norms for behavior?

    And can we – individually or as a team of people – really make a noticeable difference?

    Obviously, I think we can. I think we must. All of our children deserve better. For them, we have to try. Together, with simple acts of intentional kindness, we have the power to change lives, provide hope, encouragement, inspiration and practical support to each

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