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31 Days of Praise: The Abc’s of Faith Vol.4
31 Days of Praise: The Abc’s of Faith Vol.4
31 Days of Praise: The Abc’s of Faith Vol.4
Ebook85 pages54 minutes

31 Days of Praise: The Abc’s of Faith Vol.4

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About this ebook

These devotionals should be utilized to study and reflect on the Word of God. Use this book as a manual to support your daily, personalized time with God. Please feel free to read each devotional day by day in chronological order. Or, you can skip ahead to the days or themes which resonate with you most. Please allow the spirit to lead you on this faith journey. As always, I am praying with you and for you.

God Bless Family!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 14, 2020
31 Days of Praise: The Abc’s of Faith Vol.4

Alexis Hamlor

Alexis Hamlor is an African American female who loves to spread the word of God in her writings. Alexis was born and raised in New York. She is a Special Education Teacher who enjoys teaching children. Alexis has earned four college degrees and is completing her fifth degree in a Doctoral Program. Alexis has been writing devotionals for the past three years, entitled: 31 Days of Praise-Two Minute Daily Devotionals. This is currently the fourth edition of the series, which focuses solely on faith and healing. Alexis wants to encourage and inspire people to foster a relationship with God so that they can grow in their spiritual walk. For other releases, check out the digital formats available on: Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Apple I-tunes, Barnes & Nobles, Xlibris website.

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    31 Days of Praise - Alexis Hamlor

    Copyright © 2020 by By Alexis Hamlor.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]


    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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    Rev. date: 10/07/2020






    How to Utilize the Devotionals

    DAY 1 :   A- Always Give Thanks

    DAY 2 :   B- Build Others Up

    DAY 3 :   C- Cast Your Cares On Him

    DAY 4 :   D- Delight in God’s Words

    DAY 5 :   E- Exercise a Life Worthy Of Your Calling

    DAY 6 :   F- Forgive as You Have Been Forgiven

    DAY 7 :   G- Give Cheerfully and Generously

    DAY 8 :   H- Humble Yourself

    DAY 9 :   I- Increase Your Faith

    DAY 10 :   J- Joy in The Journey

    DAY 11 :   K- Know His Love

    DAY 12 :   L- Listen to Wise Counsel

    DAY 13 :   M- Make Peace with Others

    DAY 14 :   N- Never Give Up

    DAY 15 :   O- Overflow with Kindness

    DAY 16 :   P- Pray Without Ceasing

    DAY 17 :   Q- Quiet Yourself

    DAY 18 :   R- Renew Your Mind

    DAY 19 :   S- Seek to Do His Will

    DAY 20 :   T- Tell the Truth in Love

    DAY 21 :   U- Use the Gifts God Has Given You

    DAY 22 :   V- Value Godliness

    DAY 23 :   W- Work unto the Lord

    DAY 24 :   X- perience His Presence

    DAY 25 :   Y- Yield unto Others

    DAY 26 :   Z- Zealously Share the Reason for Your Hope

    DAY 27 :   Faith Without Works

    DAY 28 :   Put your Faith into Action NOW

    DAY 29 :   F.A.I.T.H. – Forward All Issues to Heaven

    DAY 30 :   The Faith Journey from A-Z

    DAY 31 :   Congratulations! You Made It...


    I WOULD LIKE TO dedicate the writings of this book to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for another volume being published, and for all those who pick up this book, and read the contents in it. I also want to thank my family, friends, and all those who continuously support my work. I want to extend a great big hug and kiss to Elder Robert Brown Sr., who is specially featured in this edition. I thank you for everything and I couldn’t have done this without you! Additionally, I would like to give a very special thanks to Xlibris Publishing Company for continuously publishing my writings. Love you all, xoxo

    God Bless Family!

    Jeremiah 29:11

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the

    Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

    plans to give you hope and a future."(NIV)


    T HANK YOU SO much for choosing to pick up this book and read the contents inside of it. These devotionals should be utilized as a way to study and reflect on the Word of God. Use this book as a manual to support your daily, personalized time with God. Please feel free to read each devotional day by day in chronological order. Or, you can skip ahead to the days or themes which resonate with you most. Please allow the spirit to lead you on this faith journey. As always, I am praying with you and for you.

    God Bless Family!

    DAY 1

    A- Always Give Thanks

    Good Morning Family,

    You know this pandemic has certainly taken the nation by storm. But one thing is for certain, two things for sure…we are surrounded and protected by God’s heavenly and earthly angels. That’s right! Angels do exist and many are in the form of everyday people, who God can use as our personal guides. This is why we have to always give thanks. Allow that to marinate, as we go into today’s word.

    In Psalms 91, the scripture starts off by stating: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalms 91:1) This scripture declares that if we hide ourselves in the safety of God’s arms, then he will protect us from all hurt, harm, and danger, and we will find peace

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