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Energy Is the Real God
Energy Is the Real God
Energy Is the Real God
Ebook80 pages1 hour

Energy Is the Real God

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The images and diagrams on the front cover of the book represent
the creation of our universe from a black hole. The bolts of lightning
represent the Big Bang explosion that created our universe which
formed into stars in our galaxy. The important star is the sun that
resulted in the creation of our lives.
The two faces are that of Albert Einstein and me that represent
the pair whose thinking created the contents of this book.
Release dateNov 16, 2020
Energy Is the Real God

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    Energy Is the Real God - Rajinder Sharma

    Copyright © 2020 Rajinder Sharma.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8255-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8256-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  12/08/2020




    Chapter 1 Human concepts

    Chapter 2 Unbelievable origin of life

    Chapter 3 Different forms of life on Earth

    Chapter 4 Plagues created by humans

    Chapter 5 Mysteries of human sports

    Chapter 6 Creation, evolution and termination of life

    Chapter 7 The scientific God

    Chapter 8 My ten commandments

    Addendum 1 Foreign words

    Addendum 2 The book cover


    Amongst the humans, I have the greatest respect for Albert Einstein who had incredibly created a simple formula about the most complex concept in human minds. Strangely, he himself had not realized that, what he had created, reveals the very origin of life, which is something that no human had ever managed to fathom. To me, Einstein’s formula reveals that there is life in the entire universe. My dedication to Einstein is to educate all the humans on our planet what Einstein’s thinking that has revealed to me.

    My life is also dedicated to numerous lifeforms on my beautiful planet. It has been a privilege for me to have been on a planet that is delightfully populated by an enormous variety of lifeforms. I cannot imagine that such a variety of life is likely anywhere else in our universe.



    My recollection of my own life resulted in me thinking about the major change of human life that has occurred during my lifetime. We humans may have been the most advanced species of life on our wonderful planet, but currently we have started creating more problems, not just for ourselves but also for the numerous other lifeforms on our wonderful planet. We are not even aware that the concepts created in our heads are plaguing the whole of our unique planet.

    During my life, there were disasters that made me experience being in hell. Also, during my life, there were disasters that placed me in a better state of existence than what I had been experiencing before. That then made me recognise that, most of my normal existence on my planet had been unique because no other existence on my planet could or would have experienced what I have. My book is to alert humans that you yourself should become aware of your own existence on the most wonderful planet in the universe and to recognise that heaven and hell can only be experienced during our lives on our planet and not somewhere else. I advise readers not to pack their bags for some weird existence after their lives here.

    Some of my explanations may shock some readers, but my desire is to help people to become aware of the situations that are created solely by us humans and are affecting not only our lives but also terminating the existence of numerous other forms of life on our unique planet. Humans may not be aware that our lives will be overtaken by another form of life that is currently being triggered by our life activities. That it is most likely to be happening in the next century.

    During my life there had been many mysteries. I never imagined that they could ever be solved. Those included:

    - Where did the universe come from?

    - Why is our planet only a speck in the universe?

    - What started life on our planet?

    - Why is the origin of life?

    - What on earth is a God?

    - What could be there after death?

    - What on earth brought my parents and me into existence?

    Strangely, during the final stage of my existence, I managed to solve all the mysteries that had been in my head during my life. That resulted in me deciding to enable people to open their minds to our existence on a unique planet in our universe.

    My thanks are to all the long-lasting atoms on my planet

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