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Surviving Singleness: The Stress-Free Way
Surviving Singleness: The Stress-Free Way
Surviving Singleness: The Stress-Free Way
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Surviving Singleness: The Stress-Free Way

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About this ebook

Dr. Auguste is an internationally known speaker and author. She is the mother of two amazing young adults, motivational speaker, educator and author. Despite the challenges presented as a single mother, she was able to overcome life’s challenges by acquiring all of her degrees and become a published author. She is a firm believer that no matter the challenges you face, you can overcome and become whatever you choose.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 30, 2020
Surviving Singleness: The Stress-Free Way

Dr. Shirley P. Auguste

Are you tired of the negatives of singleness? Are you looking for a way to enjoy life, your singleness and still have peace? Do you want to eventually experience the beauty of marriage? Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you picked up the right book. This book will show you different ways to enjoy your singleness and still have peace. Finally, you will learn how to go from singleness to learning how to make your marriage work.

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    Surviving Singleness - Dr. Shirley P. Auguste

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/30/2020



    Chapter 1     Why?

    Chapter 2     Why Am I Still Single?

    Chapter 3     There Are No Good Men or Women

    Chapter 4     Let’s Just Have Sex

    Chapter 5     Am I the Only One Struggling?

    Chapter 6     Challenges We Face

    Chapter 7     Real Talk about Singleness

    Chapter 8     What People Won’t Talk About

    Chapter 9     It’s Better to Wait Than Jump In and Become Worse Off

    Chapter 10   Things to Do to Avoid Pitfalls

    Chapter 11   Waiting and Preparing

    Chapter 12   Keys to Finding Peace and Happiness in Singleness

    Chapter 13   Building a Strong Foundation

    Chapter 14   Wait! I Have Children!

    Chapter 15   Married People and Preparing to Marry

    Chapter 16   Love

    Chapter 17   Let It Begin

    The Commitment Challenge

    Daily Affirmation


    Thank you for supporting my work and reading my book. I pray you will be blessed by its contents and able to experience freedom with unsurpassed peace.

    This book is dedicated to my wonderful children, Jasmin and Aaron; my parents; my brother, sisters, and their families; my extended family; my best and closest friends; my former churches for encouraging me to try to walk according to the Word; and to all the wonderful single people finding their way.

    I thank my children for being my inspiration to do and be better. I never wanted them to grow up seeing a revolving door of men, so I sacrificed my desires for them. It was always heartbreaking to me when I heard stories about children resenting their parents for the number of men or women they brought home. It was even worse when I met grown folks still struggling with issues because of what they had seen growing up. As a result, I vowed to keep my kids first no matter how hard it was for me.

    Thank you to the men I have learned from for teaching me the importance of not being a friend with benefits or a notch on someone’s belt.

    To all the single people, keep your heads up and know that you were wonderfully created! You deserve to be treated like royalty, so don’t let the world make you feel that you must settle. You are not alone. I hope reading about my walk will help you stay the course to happiness and peace.

    Lastly, thank you to all of the couples who have shared their story to help others understand the beauty and trials of marriage. Your words of wisdom will bless many. I am honored that you were willing to share your story. May God continue to bless your marriages.




    Singles, have you been struggling with your singleness? Are you frustrated with how people and the media view and depict single people? Why do they make it seem like something is wrong with you for being single? The entertainment world and social media portray a negative image of how singles are supposed to carry themselves. Let me see … Single people are supposed to be promiscuous party animals, desperate people with personal issues and high expectations, or the type willing to steal others’ mates. Some singles do get involved with or are tempted by others who are in relationships for many reasons, but I believe it is wrong to get involved with someone who is already involved.

    The perceptions and expectations of singles are insane! No wonder some singles rush into relationships and those relationships end up being unhealthy or short-lived. Perhaps the saddest are the singles who bounce from one person to the next to fulfill their selfish needs while hurting other singles (no judgment—this is just reality).

    Unfortunately, more singles than many realize are struggling with emotional hurt. I hope this book will bring some healing and guidance to all singles who want to heal their hurt and eventually enter healthy relationships. Everyone deserves to be happy.

    I am not an expert on relationships, but I share my experiences here to help others find healing and peace. As a single person for over nineteen years (as of 2020), I decided to write this book to help single people know that they are not alone and that they can attain peace and experience joy. In this book, I will define what it means to be single and provide strategies for singles to find happiness and peace, avoid pitfalls, and create standards for their future mates. I will have some real talks with them, and encourage them to stand their ground and ignore others’ and society’s expectations of singlehood.

    I’m not an expert; I’m a single person who has found peace and joy in my singleness. I am happily single and have reached a level of peace where I am fine with whatever the future holds for me. I do want to remarry; I want to be in love with and marry the right person for the right reasons, not just be in a relationship. I do not want to lose my peace because of constant frustration with infidelity, rudeness, or disrespect. I want to be with someone who cares enough about me to not disrespect me or allow anyone else to do so.

    I want someone who is willing to work on our relationship as much as I am and do his best to work through the good and bad times. Our love for and relationship with God will keep us grounded. I want someone who will not give up on us just because things get challenging. Relationships are not easy; they require work, dedication, and a commitment to sticking around and making them work. Challenges are not excuses to cheat or throw in the towel; they are opportunities to grow and strengthen each other. Unfortunately, society tells us we should give up, fall out of love, and move on to the next person, but what society tells us to do is not always right.

    Yes, you are struggling with your singleness and want to be in a healthy relationship. You wonder if something is wrong with you, and no, there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s human nature to want to be with someone. However, do not allow that desire to overtake you and lead you to make a decision that could cause drama or issues in your life. There are times when you will struggle with your singleness, during those times, it is important to evaluate what you are feeling. As hard as it may be, put your phone down and do not call or text anyone. Unless, it is a person that reciprocates your feelings. Your feelings are real and normal. Take the time to determine if that feeling is simply because of your fleshly desire to be in a relationship or a sign that you’re not comfortable with your singleness.

    Achieving peace, knowing who you are, and why you want to be in

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