The Royal Path of Love
About this ebook
The Royal Path of Love explores the spiritual journey that resulted from that transformation. It presents poetry, stories, and spiritual revelation designed to bring the fire of renewal and growth amid life’s beautiful moments and challenges. It guides us to embrace the beauty of our Heavenly Father; Jesus, our Savior; and the Holy Spirit, our guide. These expressions from the heart seek to grip your soul in a deeper revelation of how to worship and love God with passion that will in return pour out love toward our people, our state, and our nation. They focus on honoring the past of our founding fathers, capturing the present as we look into the social and spiritual issues of the church and state today, and considering the future of the church. We can take a stand, ready and willing to make a difference for good while working toward unity.
This faith-based study presents a collection of writings tracing the journey of worshiping God in heaven and experiencing Jesus in the most profound way.
Heather S. Allen
Heather S. Allen is owner of HS Art and Home Design, which offers drawings and blueprint services for architects and builders. She is also an artist and founder of HS in the Art Light, providing funding through the arts for future children’s homes. A mother to five children, she is a native to Pennsylvania currently residing in Maryland.
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The Royal Path of Love - Heather S. Allen
Copyright © 2020 Heather S. Allen.
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ISBN: 978-1-4897-3065-7 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020916758
LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 08/31/2020
Chapter 1 Jesus
Chapter 2 The Journey
Chapter 3 No Fear
Chapter 4 Royalty—A Call to Unity
Chapter 5 A Love for the Capital
Chapter 6 Law of Love
Chapter 7 Holding On to Your Faith
Chapter 8 Divine Law Equals Divine Love
Chapter 9 Even if We Will Follow
Chapter 10 Deep Waters
Chapter 11 The Reformation and the Inheritance
Chapter 12 The Salt Covenant
First and foremost, I am thankful to our Father in heaven for his faithfulness, grace, and love. Thank you, Jesus, for your beauty, kindness, and revelation. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading and guiding me.
I’m grateful for my family and friends for their love, support, words of encouragement, and the fun times we share. I’m grateful that we get to share life together.
I thank my children for the gift of motherhood. Words cannot express how much I love you and how grateful I am that God granted me the gift of being your mother. Adrianna, Uriah, Leila, Wynn, and Lilly, you are all beautiful.
Place me as a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the
grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
—Song of Solomon 8:6 (NIV)
If you don’t have unity, you cannot disciple a nation.
I found myself on our living room floor in 2010 every morning at five worshipping our heavenly Father with a covering (a blanket) over myself out of respect. A passion and a longing to know our Father in a personal and intimate way gripped my heart and drove me out of bed to spend time with him and soak in his presence. The results of that worship began the journey of writing from my heart.
I wrote prayers, words of adoration, and thanks following my times of worship. I experienced encounters with Jesus; I witnessed him in the room with me on several occasions and witnessed feathers on the floor beside me as I would get off the floor after my worship under the covering. Little did I know that these written words were the foundation of a habit that would increase over time, sustain and offer me hope through difficult years, and remind me of his miracles and faithfulness on this pilgrimage we call life. I never would have thought that my writing, experience, and study would become a book. With the encouragement of my children and my spiritual mother, I began to gather my writings and start this journey.
My heart longs for others to know the benefits of setting time aside to worship our heavenly Father, our beautiful Jesus, and the Holy Spirit daily and experience the amazing benefit of our passionate Savior.
You will see Jesus in ways you never dreamed possible. You will begin to understand how much you are valued and that your life has a purpose. God will download his revelation to you as you encounter dreams and visions that you can share to make a difference in your community.
You will also witness my spiritual journey in poetic form describing how our lives were turned upside down. It seemed at the time that the rug was pulled out from under my children and I as our dreams and household foundation seemed to slip away. The facts of life hit us in the face. We had to learn to trust our heavenly Father through it all and endure, hold on to him with everything we had, and believe he would not let us fall. We learned to stand strong on every promise God made to us in the middle of this life-awakening phase.
Oh boy, did God come through. The children and I began to experience the supernatural life, dream dreams, have visions, witness angels, see Jesus, embrace the prophetic arts, and encounter heavenly worship. Our journey has and still is undeniably good!
When we trust our Father when all life’s securities are stripped away, he will catch us and catapult us into our destinies as the wow factor becomes a part of our daily vocabulary.
I wrote this book for you, for the people, the state of Pennsylvania, and the nation. It is based on my passionate love for our Father and includes daily devotions from the heart ranging from 2010 to 2019. These writing include prayers, poetry, and adoration, the history of William Penn and our beautiful Pennsylvania capitol building, Violet Oakley’s paintings in it, and the study of law, revelation, and joy.
This book is about honoring our founding fathers and what they established and capturing the present as we look into the social and spiritual issues of the church and state today. The writings embrace the future of the church as we encourage others to step into our culture willing and ready to make a difference for the good and work for unity.
I pray that as you read this book, you will begin to understand the depth of love Jesus has for you, understand your purpose, and believe that the dreams and visions God gave you are for such a time as this. These daily expressions from the heart will grip your soul in a deeper revelation of how to worship and love God with a passion that will in return pour love onto others, our state, and our nation.
Heavenly Father, humbly we come before you; we are made whole in your presence. Show us your love and your power.
God of my body, soul, and mind, be lifted to the highest places. Blessed be your name! We fall at your feet; we come to you with passion in our hearts for you. We want to know you. Blessed be your name!
Welcome to the journey of the soul wrapped in the events of the past nine years.
Chapter 1
Captivating, fascinating—Jesus, you are the light of love. You surround us with your beautiful fragrance, the fragrance of heaven. Jesus, our beloved Jesus.
Welcome to the beginnings of the journey of worshipping our Father in heaven under the covering, experiencing Jesus in the most profound way.
God, stir up the passion in our hearts, the passion and desire to want to know you more. Hear our praises and prayers as a father would hear his children’s. You are our Father who has created us, and we will rejoice in you for the freedom you have given us. The earth and all you have created cannot compare to the intimate desire you have placed in your children to know you more every day. May our love forever be strong, as someday we will see your face and rejoice for eternity.
God, our Father; Jesus, our Savior; Holy Spirit, our Guide, we love and worship you. In the morning, may we feel the cool breeze and smell the fresh mountain air knowing the peace of the moment. We long to talk to you and sing to you from our hearts and souls. We feel you beside us, near us, surrounding us. You stir the passion in our souls, the excitement and flutter in our beings.
We can feel that you know our every thought of heartbreak or happiness. You hear our prayers for others who are in need; you listen as our hearts cry out, and you intercede for those we love. Thank you, Jesus, for being by our side and loving us. You are our God and Father. Our souls long for you day and night. Blessed be your name!
Rise up, children of God. His arms are open wide—he wants you to know him passionately and intimately. Come and feel freedom blow across your hearts and souls. Lift up your eyes in awe, and honor of the one who made you. Blessed be the name of the one who sits on the throne of the Almighty.
Hear, O God, the rivers of passion and cries of adoration from your children, whom you have created in your amazing likeness. Father, we love you. Let our eagerness, ambition, and energy be focused on what you have laid out for us to follow.
Holy Spirit, guide us and show us your ways.