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Feelings of a Poet!: Broken & Left to Stand
Feelings of a Poet!: Broken & Left to Stand
Feelings of a Poet!: Broken & Left to Stand
Ebook126 pages2 hours

Feelings of a Poet!: Broken & Left to Stand

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This is my story don’t nobody act berserk. I gotta face the hurt, express my inner pains, and open up and share the dirt. Through the ups and downs. I finally know that my lifes not cursed and it’s them bad days that makes me know what my life is worth. I was at my lowest point and realized I had to overcome and convert and now I’m standing tall flexing with my shame on shirts. I’m telling my story because I finally see the light of day and I’m thanking God for answering every single prayer, I prayed and the ones I didn’t when I gave up and lost my way. I hope my story can help elevate someone to a better place and reminds them that no matter how hard you fall or how hard life gets just get up everything gone be OK.
To be continued……..
Release dateAug 11, 2020
Feelings of a Poet!: Broken & Left to Stand

Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor has a BA in History and an MSLS. She enjoys reading and writing about history, playing piano, and going on park walks with her dog. You may find her at and Goodreads at

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    Feelings of a Poet! - Sarah Taylor

    © 2020 Sarah Taylor. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/11/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6934-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6936-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6935-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020914492

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11


    I was born in St. Louis Mo. I was four pounds. I was born into a faith family. I mean God fearing God serving people and my grandmother loved God with everything in her. On 1983, the doctor told my mother that they didn’t expect me to live long due to my small birth weight and the fact that my lungs had not completely developed. imagine the sadness and desperation that filled the room and everyone’s heart. My grandmother had a Friend who was an evangelist she came to the hospital to pray for me. My mother said that she prayed and prayed for me. She also prophesied to my mother about me. She told her that God had said that I would live a long and healthy life and that there was a calling on my life. She told her that God was going to use me. My family was extremely happy to hear this! As God had declared I did live a health life and so far it has been a long journey with a lot of ruff roads, many lessons and uncountable blessings.


    Chapter 1


    As a young child we lived in Mississippi, with my grandmother, grandfather, mother, aunt’s and a slew of cousins. Those were some of the best days of my life. Lots of love, laughter, fun, excitement, family and blessed days. I remember my grandmother used to pray for us all the time. She would put blessed oil on our forehand and in the palms of our hands. She would pray over us. I remember her talking to God as if he were her friend and she would always say Lord you said in your word that if we delight ourselves in you. You would give us the desires of our heart. She said I delight myself in you day and night and I thank you for allowing me to be able to do. As time passed my mother decided that it would be good idea to leave Mississippi and move back to Illinois. I remember the sadness that my heart felt leaving the place that we called home. We had lived in Illinois before and no good came of it. My mother had met my father who was a murderer in Illinois back in the day. She then gave birth to me and my 2 little brothers. At the age of 2 years old I somehow got boiling hot water poured, are knocked over on my foot. My mother went to jail for a little while behind this. During these many months we lived with my aunt who was self-centered. she did not have time for us. What little time we were in her care my brother was dropped on his head on the concrete as a baby. He began to have fluid on his brain so doctors had to put a shunt in his head to drain extra fluid from his brain down into his abdomen to lower the pressure and swelling in his brain. I also remember living in this house this 2story house where the windows were always full of flies and it was always a smell of death in the house. The land lord had told my mother to never open the door in the attic but when she did she found out that the people who lived there before us worshipped the devil and made human sacrifices in that house to Satan himself. While living in this house I made one of my little brother’s drink some bleach my mother said that I was a devil child little did she know I was just a curious child. I was always curious about what something would do or how it could affect something. So as a little child memories and stories that I had or had been told about living in Illinois had been horrific and I hated to go back. Most of all I did not want to leave my family. It felt like I was in a world wind and my world was ending at this time I was no older than 9 years old. The day came we packed up everything and hit the road after six long hours of driving we were back in IL. My mother and stepfather myself and my 2 brothers and 2 little sisters. In the beginning it was ok we were still together as a family and my mother seemed to really care for us. The longer we stayed in Illinois things began to change. A year after living in Illinois, our lives altered so drastically. My mother began to drink heavily. My stepfather was a crack head he had been using drugs for years even in Mississippi but now he had become more addicted. I remember one incident when we lived in Mississippi. We were at a grocery store and my stepfather jumped on a lady back and grabbed her purse. As he rode her back pulling her down to the ground. he yelled let me ride that funky donkey while taking her purse and running and jumping into the car. He did this in front of us as my cousins and I sat looking at each in shock I could not believe it. He laughed about it and told us not to say anything to our mothers about it. He would steal things from the house and money from my mother and as time passed they started to fight daily about it. he would leave for days and my mother would send are take us to the crack house to look for him. My stepfather was an auto mechanic he worked on everybody’s car in the neighborhood. That was his hustle and an easy way to get money for drugs. Sometimes he would work on people cars for drugs that was one of the biggest reasons he and my mother would fight.

    By this time my mother had begun to drink more and more the alcohol was beginning to consume her and she was always in the streets. When she was home she always had a strange man at the house. We had more uncles than I could count. It became my responsibility to take care of my brothers and sisters because I am the oldest of 7children I cooked their meals, I ironed their clothes, I got them ready for school and helped them with their homework. I loved them deeply. I felt sorry for all of us I gave them their baths and put them to bed at night all at the sweet age of 10years old. I was forced at a young age to learn the value of hard work and responsibility. As time went on the days and weeks became month and time passed by so fast. My mother gave birth to another child a baby girl and I gained a new child as well. I remember not long after my mother giving birth. she was back at it she continued to drink and run the streets. One night she told me she was going out and that I needed to stay up and watch the kids and to keep a close eye on the baby like usual after she left. I cleaned the house and fed my siblings. I helped the little kids get their baths and put them to bed then I changed the baby’s diaper made her a warm bottle and fed her as she was eating she fell asleep. I kissed her little face while I patted her back. I put her in the crib and set back on the couch after a little while I fell asleep. I am not sure how much time had gone by. I remember I woke up to my mother dragging me off the couch and punching me upside the head and cursing and calling me everything but my name. I was so confused and scared I did not understand what had went wrong. Then she said you are laying here sleeping and my baby screaming crying at the top of her lungs. She said that she was crying so loud she could hear her outside of the front door. To make things worse instead of her using her door key to come inside the house she broke the glass out of the window on the front door then open the door and as she beat me all around the living room with whatever she could get her hands on she told me that I better clean up every piece of glass. As I received lashes all over my body. I could feel rage and anger building up inside of me. When she was done she picked up the baby and told me to get my lousy ass up and get her living room cleaned back up and all of the glass removed from the floor. While I cleaned I could barely see for the blood in my eye. When I finished I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror I had a knot on the side of my forehead and blood slowly ran down my face. I had a cut on my arm and bruises all over. I stood there with tears streaming down my face deeply sadden. wondering how my mother could do such a thing to me. All my life I asked God why my mother hated me so much but my questions went unanswered. I took a towel and wet it with cold water and held it on my head. I went to bed and cried the night away. The next morning as we got ready for school my mother told me that if the teachers asked me about my head I better tell them that I got into a fight with a kid from school She said that if they called her she was going to do worse than that to me. When I made it to school sure enough my teacher asked what had happened to me and I told her exactly what my mom had told me to tell her and she didn’t say anything else about it. These times we lived in no one really seemed to care enough to really find out what had happened. So it did not make since to try and explain so I lied as I was told. Our school day had come to an end and we were on our way home I dreaded going home because I never knew what to expect when we finally made it home. My mother was

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