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Tick Tick Dollar
Tick Tick Dollar
Tick Tick Dollar
Ebook284 pages3 hours

Tick Tick Dollar

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‘In my bestselling book Triggers’, I raised this important question. Why don't we become the person we really want to be? In his book, ‘Tick Tick Dollar’, Qaier gives us the answer to this question and shares his proven philosophy to make that life a reality’.
Marshall Goldsmith - World’s #1 Leadership Coach.
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of TRIGGERS’

Tick Tick Dollar philosophy is not my invention. It is my discovery. I discovered this philosophy when I was at the lowest point in my own life. My 24 years struggle to turn my life around brought me to a point where I was homeless, jobless, visionless, hopeless, resourceless, loveless, and almost lifeless.

My annual income was less than 200$. I had a destructive self-image, stumpy self-confidence, and a poor concept about who I was and what I thought I could do. I had lost faith and was nearly about to give up. And then I embraced Tick Tick Dollar philosophy.

Tick Tick Dollar approach was my companion, inspiration, and north star in all those frustrating, shattering, and devastating instants. The fact is that with no financial resources, no professional network, no background, and no confidence, God granted me all that which a few years ago existed only in my imagination.

What made me do all of this that I could never have imagined doing even in my daydreams only a few short years ago? It was just a simple shift in my thinking, beliefs, and philosophy. I committed myself to stick to three decisions I made when my life was in a complete directionless mess:

1. Each day I will commit to following my purpose
2. I will use every waking moment to pursue my deepest passion
3. Every day, I will use the joint power of my purpose and passion for performing at the finest optimum levels.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 10, 2020
Tick Tick Dollar

Qaiser Abbas

Qaiser Abbas Author of International Bestseller “Made In Crises” An Organizational Psychologist by education, Qaiser Abbas is a globally recognized, highly sought-after Leadership Coach known for helping top CEOs transform their leadership behaviors. Qaiser is the Founder of Possibilities Global, a trusted leadership development partner for many Fortune 500 companies, including PepsiCo, Unilever, Toyota, GE, Nestle, Total, Coca-Cola, Abbott, the US Embassy, Reckitt-Benckiser, Schlumberger, P&G, World Bank and DHL. Qaiser shot to fame with his blockbuster book ‘Tick Tick Dollar’ published by Hay House. His keynotes and books have touched the lives of millions around the globe. As one of the most respected names in Coach-Education, Qaiser originated the ‘DARE® Coaching Model’ and has helped over 500 senior executives earn coaching certification and run their successful coaching businesses in 40 countries. You may learn more about Qaiser Abbas at  or reach out to him at [email protected] 

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    Tick Tick Dollar - Qaiser Abbas

    Copyright © 2020 Qaiser Abbas.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5190-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5189-5 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/07/2020


    Foreword By Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

    Live Your Dreams

    The Core Philosophy

    Purpose – Find Your Compass

    Passion – Connect To Your Heart

    Performance – Surprise The Scoreboard


    Part 01: TICK (PURPOSE)

    Principle 1 Think & Reflect

    Principle 2 Ignite Future

    Principle 3 Commit 100%

    Principle 4 Kickoff Now

    Part 02: TICK (PASSION)

    Principle 5 Track Goals

    Principle 6 Idealize Role-Models

    Principle 7 Conquer Fears

    Principle 8 Kill Excuses


    Principle 9 Discipline Yourself

    Principle 10 Over Deliver

    Principle 11 Leverage Success

    Principle 12 Live 100%

    Principle 13 Amplify Execution

    Principle 14 Re-Invent Daily

    Finish Strong

    From Knowledge To Action



    About Possibilities

    Executive Education

    Executive Coaching

    Possibilities Foundation

    All author’s proceeds will go to Possibilities

    Foundation to educate underprivileged children







    A Business Psychologist by education, Qaiser Abbas is an Award-Winning Leadership Coach, Motivational Speaker, and the author of 10 bestselling books, including ‘Power of Teams.

    World’s #1 Leadership Coach, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, has endorsed Qaiser’s ‘Dare Coaching Framework’™. He is the Master Mind behind one of the fastest-growing Coach-Networks, spread in four continents with over 250 Certified Coaches.

    In his 20 years journey as Leadership Coach, Qaiser has had the privilege to coach CEOs, business leaders, celebrities and superstars of sports, movies, and media. His clients include Fortune 500 companies like Toyota, GE, Nestle, Philips, Total, Schlumberger, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Unilever, Abbott, and Reckitt-Benckiser.

    Qaiser is the recipient of the ‘Brian Tracy International Excellence Award 2017, held in London. He is also the recipient of the ‘Trainer of the Year’ Award for Asia by the World HRD Congress, Singapore.

    Apart from coaching and training leaders in the world’s top MNCs, World Bank, WHO, and US Embassy, Qaiser is making a massive contribution to society through ‘Possibilities Schools’ and ‘My First Bike.’

    His 100% books proceeds support out-of-school children’s education. To know more about him, you can visit or



    Do you have the courage to take charge of your life, change the way you think and live a life you truly desire? If yes, Tick Tick Dollar guides you plainly in the right direction to lead the life you want to.

    In my bestselling book ‘Triggers,’ I raised this important question. ‘Why don’t we become the person we want to be?’. In his book, Tick Tick Dollar, Qaiser gives us his answer to this question and shares his proven philosophy to make that life a reality.

    Qaiser and I share a similar passion and purpose, helping people become better. We both are on a journey to bring positive, measurable behavioral change in people’s lives, making them, their teams, and stakeholders experience greater success, joy, and fulfillment.

    Qaiser has been applying my Stakeholder Centered Coaching methodology successfully in his coaching and leadership practice, and he is a valuable member of my global network of coaches.

    He brings enormous energy, passion, commitment, and, most importantly, his personal transformational story that has touched the heart of millions all over the world. His personal example distinguishes him from the scores of success coaches and speakers around him.

    Over the past 20 years, Qaiser has successfully used his success principles with hundreds of people he has coached from all walks of life. Seeing his commitment to practice my coaching philosophy, he is a true ambassador of Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Cantered Coaching in Pakistan.

    After having spent over 40 years in producing a positive, measurable change in human behavior, I am incredibly delighted to find a book that is so powerful in content yet so simple to practice. In this life-changing book, Qaiser presents two beautiful gifts to you. The first gift is his philosophy to live a more rewarding life. And the second is a set of principles you can use to turn your dreams into reality.

    Qaiser is a living example of living his philosophy of purpose, passion, and performance. This philosophy has been his inspiration and guiding star to live a life that a mere couple of years ago, would have seemed outrageous even in his own farthest dreams.

    Today, this unbelievably blessed life is a reality. From humble beginnings, making $18 a month to establishing his international management development and consulting company, Possibilities, and becoming a Globally Certified Coach in Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching; Tick Tick Dollar™ philosophy has been Qaiser’s guide every single step of the way.

    It doesn’t matter whether you are already a superstar or feel lost; Tick Tick Dollar has the power to change your life. It is a tried and true recipe for creating the life you desire for yourself.

    Tick Tick Dollar takes you beyond the traditional peak performance or success books. It is a mindset that challenges you to listen to your inner calling, redirect your enormous potential to move toward it, and live gracefully with an unquestionable legacy.

    You will embark on a journey that gives free rein to your true potential. Your daily stresses, worries, and anxieties will be transformed into your allies to help you achieve breakthrough performances in significant areas of your life.

    You will move away from excuses and start orchestrating positive changes in your life. You will get rid of the justifications, explanations, and rationalizations that have reinforced your unspoken belief that you are mediocre. You will stop apologizing and start living the life that is out there waiting for you.

    Tick Tick Dollar™ will introduce a renewed sense of achievement and fulfillment in your life by focusing on what has real value for you. You will realize the importance and feel the urge to make better decisions while taking full charge of the results. Your mind will begin to experience freedom from irritating disturbances and achieve greater calm, serenity, and peace. The new choices will allow you to pick a healthier, happier, and more prosperous life.

    Qaiser’s core philosophy, in a nutshell, is this: Living every day with purpose and passion for high-performance guarantees achievement and fulfillment.

    Only a 100% commitment to maximizing your purpose, passion, and performance will guarantee a measurable and sustainable change in your behavior. Starting today, living your purpose and passion for most exceptional performance must become the slogan of your life.

    It is heartwarming to see how Qaiser is making a positive contributor to society through his exceptional project, Possibilities Schools, offering free education to thousands of underprivileged children of Pakistan. He is also the Founder of ‘My First Bike,’ a unique mission to gift underprivileged children their life’s first bike through a unique and powerful learning experience.

    The total income Qaiser generates from his books supports his back to social initiatives. Reading this book will change your life and the life of others at the same time.

    It gives me great joy to see Qaiser’s dedication, and I wish him all the best in his endeavor to make a positive change in society.

    Marshall Goldsmith Ph.D.

    World’s #1 Leadership Coach

    The American Management Association has recognized Dr. Marshall Goldsmith as one of the 50 greatest thinkers and business leaders who have impacted the field of management and leadership over the past 80 years. Business Week titled him as one of the most influential practitioners in leadership development history.



    ‘If your dreams are high, and your beginnings are low, congratulations! Life is going to offer you something really, really BIG!’ The speaker’s passion had instantly injected a current of high-octane energy and anticipation in his audience. Some 1500 top executives from 100 countries at IFTDO’s 43rd international conference at the expo center, Dubai, were utterly glued to the speaker.

    ‘No worries if you aim for gold and miss it; the real worry would be when you aim for the bronze and get it.’ The audience was completely enthralled by the powerful message of the charismatic speaker.

    ‘Let me share a story with you. The story of a young child whose dreams were sky-high, but his beginnings were shallow.’ The speaker’s inspiring message held a firm promise to touch the hearts and souls of his audience.

    He projected on to the screen the image of a little boy. His shining eyes were filled with a million dreams, carrying some magnetic power. His appearance, dress, and looks, however, contradicted the aspirations his eyes revealed.

    ‘Yes, my friends! This child’s dreams were as high as the K2, but his origins were more wretched than you could possibly imagine. He was born into a family that survived well below the poverty line. It was a family afflicted with hunger, deprivation, ill-health, inadequacy, and never-ending pain. He was the youngest among the eight children of hardworking, committed visionary parents. Despite having no formal education, his father was a symbol of dedication, self-reliance, and perseverance. But to the world, he was only a laborer.

    ‘At the very young age of seven, he was deprived forever of his mother’s tender love, care, and protection. The boy wept bitterly as he sat beside the lifeless body of his mother. Many years later, he was told that the mother’s disease was curable. She died because the family had no money to afford treatment. But the dreams his dead mother had nurtured in him remained unshaken. Fire and passion were burning in him to raise the living standards of his family.’

    The global leaders from the world’s top companies present in the hall were captivated by the gripping story’s spell.

    ‘He was never able to wear the clothes his heart desired nor ever play with the toys he craved to have. Some wealthy relatives would hand over their used clothes to the poor family. The sensitive young boy would feel self-conscious and embarrassed. Facing the same relatives or the world at large wearing cast-off garments that were not even the right fit for him was a painful experience.

    ‘Despite being promised rewards like a bike or some other coveted item for attaining the first position in his class, his family could never honor their commitments. The prime goal for the whole family was to scrape together enough to put a meal on the table every day. Paying the rent became almost an obsession for fear of losing the roof over their heads. The emotional turmoil prevailing in the family turned his elder brother into a drug addict. That was really the beginning of a series of unfortunate setbacks. But his dreams were still lofty. His determination to lift his family out of their miserable conditions grew stronger with every passing day.

    As a young boy, he suffered from an acute lack of self-confidence, self-esteem, and trust. He was shy, timid, and withdrawn. Because of his deep-seated feelings of mistrust and shame at the deprived conditions fate had thrust upon his family, he had grown ever more introverted. His only friends were the sufferings of his youth. His nervous appearance, weak frame, and indifferent health were matters of grave concern to him. But still, his dreams remained towering and unwavering.’

    Persistently following the path of his dreams, he never let discouragement or depression overcome him. To everyone’s surprise, he succeeded in winning two gold medals both in the Intermediate and in his Bachelor’s.’

    The pin-drop silence at the Dubai expo center was broken by the ringing echoes of applause from the audience, all of whom were thoroughly spellbound by the story.

    ‘His obsession with achieving something significant for his family had made him restless. He found it intolerable to wait for admission to the university for a whole long year. He left his village and headed for Lahore, where he embarked on a struggling life that would challenge every ounce of grit in him. Not willing to waste even a single day, he began to learn computer hardware at Hafeez Centre during the mornings and worked at the Jang newspaper canteen in the evenings. His life was characterized by hunger, homelessness, and other similar problems.

    ‘But with God’s grace, he won admission to the M. Sc. at Punjab University. Meanwhile, he worked full-time as a translator at a magazine. He wanted to start his professional life as soon as possible, but he was destined for yet further adversity. During his very first year at university, his father departed this world, leaving him to face life’s challenges all alone.

    His father was indeed his best friend, his companion, his source of inspiration, and his reason to accomplish something big in life.

    He resumed his struggle for success. However, all kinds of emotional, financial, social, mental, physical, and psychological challenges blocked his path. It seemed like life was really determined to test his courage, nerve, and determination to the limit.

    ‘During his last year at university, he was fortunate to find a mentor who took him in hand, challenged his beliefs and, guided him to set clear goals. He inspired him to study the books that stirred, inspired, and motivated him, and exceptionally stimulated his life and intellect.

    ‘When he completed his M. Sc., his family was impatiently waiting to reap the rewards of his success. But they had no idea that he was still being pursued by other demons, the victim of other defeats. He was unemployed and thus had no money to fulfill the promises he had made to his family.

    He used to get up every morning, see the job ads in newspapers, apply for the jobs,

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