Your Right to Healing: What You Know Can Make a Difference
By Sam Ogundare
About this ebook
This book is a life time resources, to stay healthy or victorious in any area of life, we must stay fresh in our understanding, so that the virtues of life and health in the Word will continue to flow in our system as we read again and again and practise the Word.
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Your Right to Healing - Sam Ogundare
© 2020 Sam Ogundare. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 03/17/2020
ISBN: 978-1-7283-9981-2 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-7283-9980-5 (e)
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dedicate this book to everyone seeking physical and emotional healing and wholeness. I pray this book will be a path to recovery for you.
This book is a treasure far beyond anything that can be imagined. Knowing the truth of God’s Word will open a new world of possibilities to a believer, and this book not only breaks down the subject of healing but teaches practical steps to attain biblical healing. Pastor Sam holds the believers’ hands, walking us through the impact of the new birth in the life of the believer to how faith energy can be built and utilised through the Word.
Every reader of this book is encouraged to take the affirmations seriously and confess them daily until health is attained, and even after healing is confirmed. The Bible encourages us to keep God’s Word in our mouths and to meditate on it day and night (Jos 1:8). The affirmations and nuggets in this book are a good source of scripture-based meditation. The power in the name of Jesus and how a believer can use it to his or her advantage are also explained in the book, particularly our legal right as believers to use the name against all sickness and disease. The linkages between the mind and health are also explored. An often overlooked area linked to illnesses is also deconstructed with practical steps to achieving mind discipline to achieve optimal health is carefully explained.
I believe that this book will change your life forever, and you will receive the wisdom to receive and maintain your healing in Jesus’s name.
Oluwasegun O. Seriki, PhD
I thank God for the unrelenting support of my dear wife, Yemi, towards the fulfilment of my ministry.
I am grateful to God for my three children—Favour, Daniel, and Goodness. They inspire and encourage me at all times.
My heart of gratitude goes to all leaders and members of Transfiguration Christian Centre (TCC) for your continuous support and helping me to study the Word.
I appreciate the contribution of Mrs Taiwo Seriki towards the preparation of the manuscript. You are really a blessing.
I thank God for my friend, Pastor John Oni, for your love and encouragement at all times.
I appreciate my late parents, Mr and Mrs James Ogundare. They believed in me and gave me the best support any parent can give their child.
Above all, I give God all the glory for the gift of life in Christ Jesus.
Chapter 1 The Impact of the New Birth on the Body
Chapter 2 The Advantage of the Word of God on the Body
Chapter 3 The Impact of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 4 Faith Energy
Chapter 5 The Name of Jesus
Chapter 6 Fasting Exercise
Chapter 7 Your Mind and Your Health