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This I Swear Is True
This I Swear Is True
This I Swear Is True
Ebook43 pages35 minutes

This I Swear Is True

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I invite you to read this book once, then again, and again. You will have a hard time believing—yes—that it is all true. Any fatal illness is so hard to believe, especially the one with the C word. This is very scary for anyone. You want something done right now, and you become a terrible wreck. We do think of things like “This is not happening” or “How can this be?” Of course, it is hard to handle.

Reading this book will really change you. I am not anyone special, but I truly believe you will learn how to change anything with the power of God within. So after reading, please share, share, share.

For now, I will close this with the following statement: We can change our lives for the better. Get to know your body, and get to know God. Please believe what I have written, because this, I swear, is true.
Release dateJun 13, 2019
This I Swear Is True

Marilyn Moore

BORN May 8, 19 old, and she can probably be your grandmother. She is not a” CEO” of any company, nor a” Movie Star,” a” Model,” or a” Singer” like all These wonderful singers out today. She feels that she is just an “ ORDINARY JOE”. Just wanted to share a session of her life that over the years, now being a senior, we should take a step back a take a look at our lives starting from childhood, how many wonderful, mystical things come into our life that we just pass it by and claim it is our imagination. My children are my best friends and have encouraged me to write this, so that it will help many people. You will truly understand when you have read “THIS I SWEAR IS TRUE”, because it is.

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    This I Swear Is True - Marilyn Moore

    © 2019 Marilyn Moore. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  06/13/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1524-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1518-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019907529

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    And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    Acts 2:21 (ESV)


    ‘Y OU HAVE CANCER! YOU HAVE CANCER! Right then a Doctor put his hands on me, My Shoulder’s turns me toward him, He stood in front of me and kept saying LOOK AT ME! YOUR CANCER HAS SPREAD!. YOUR IN DENIAL! YOU NEED THE TREATMENTS! YOU HAVE A FEW MONTHS TO LIVE! YOU NEED CHEMO AND RADIATION! IT IS GOING TO SPREAD TO YOUR LUNGS, AND YOUR BRAIN! I TOLD THEM JUST TAKE THE BREASTS OUT. DOCTOR SAID, YOUR TOO FAR GONE. I said no to the treatments, Doctor then told me I needed to make my directives. I took a good best friend with me, she was an attorney, Nancy Reyes she just jumped right up from her seat and started yelling at the doctor. WHAT ARE YOU TELLING HER? SHE IS DYING? WHAT IS HAPPENING? I felt my mind like WHERE AM I? AM I CRAZY? I AM DYING? CANCER? THIS IS A DREAM A FEW MONTHS? THIS IS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE?’ CANCER I DON’T LOOK LIKE I DO NOT FEEL LIKE I AM DYING. NOW WHAT? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ACT? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL MY CHILDREN? I WANNA LAUGH. Then you think NO! NO! NO! THIS IS ALL.



    M y father always said he was going to live till he was 99.9 years old. He died March, 1999. He was 71yrs old, he died of Cirrhosis of the liver. He was sick for a few years, and it got worse toward the end, you could see in his eyes he was dying, they get with their eyes glazed and hold the sheets like they are covering themselves, holding tightly. Wide eyed, my dad asked me Marilyn, Am I going to Hell? He was scared I could see that. I asked him "Dad, your 71 years old. Have you ever seen Devil?’ He

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