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What Comes Next: Voyaging the Bible
What Comes Next: Voyaging the Bible
What Comes Next: Voyaging the Bible
Ebook266 pages3 hours

What Comes Next: Voyaging the Bible

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People who want to live Christian lives know they are supposed to read the Bible. After all, it is God’s Word. Despite their best intentions, many quickly find themselves lost or even confused when they begin reading. Nobody ever really knows what the Bible is when they first start reading it, and given the cultural gap and difference of a few thousand years, most people probably don’t know what to do with it.

Author Trevor Wayne Rolls Jr. is ready to help you navigate and understand the Word of God. What Comes Next: Voyaging the Bible is just that—a voyage into the Bible to explore some of the basic topics a curious seeker may be interested in. Drawing from academic texts such as Geisler’s systematic theology to more popular readings such as Strobel’s Case for the Real Jesus, What Comes Next pulls the best from more than twenty sources to create a beginner’s guide to the Bible. Of course, the book isn’t solely for beginners but is intended to serve as a launchpad for anyone wishing to go deeper into the Word of God.

What Comes Next is a reverential, spiritually rich book that will help you grow on your journey with Christ. Based on a combination of scriptures and personal observations formed through years of Bible study and prayer, the author’s insights and uplifting words are sure to resonate with and inspire you.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 28, 2019
What Comes Next: Voyaging the Bible

Trevor Wayne Rolls Jr.

Trevor Wayne Rolls Jr. is a husband, father, worship leader, Bible study teacher, student, and direct care worker in the field of addictions recovery. His passion is to help people grow and heal in the name and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has served in ministries from setup and breakdown to youth leader and associate preacher. He looks forward to serving the Lord as an author.

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    What Comes Next - Trevor Wayne Rolls Jr.

    Copyright © 2019 Trevor Wayne Rolls Jr..

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Cover photo by CayLee Warren.

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from The New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version.

    Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-5571-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-5570-1 (hc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019902914

    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/26/2019




    You’ve Taken the Plunge


    Swimming in the Word of God


    Going to the Beach


    Watch Out for Sharks


    The Pure Waters of God


    Broaching the Tide of Translation


    Coming to the Well


    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2

    Appendix 3




    my wife, Jessica,

    and my children, Daniel and Terah;

    All my learning is in vain if I cannot share it with you.

    I love you all.

    Acknowledgments and Thanks

    It has certainly been an interesting journey writing and publishing this book. I feel compelled to first acknowledge and thank God. Much prayer went into this idea before I decided to go for it, and I, therefore, feel as though this is a unique calling and gift from God. Beyond that, my wife and my children are next to thank. My daughter for simply inspiring carefree joy in my heart, my son for being so interested in not only my work but mainly the word of God, and my wife for utterly supporting me in all that has gone into this project.

    There are also several other people who played various roles. Thanks to my friend and long-time Bible teacher, Donald Zeoli Sr. for reading much of my manuscript and offering critiques along the way. Also thanks to my niece, CayLee Warren for providing the cover art. Finally, thanks to Pastor Neil Eaton of New Hope Chapel Plymouth for always encouraging me to go further and dig deeper in God’s word.

    There are many others I would love to thank, but for sake of space I will conclude with thanking Regent University for offering me a solid education in biblical and theological studies, and finally, all the authors and professors who have given their lives to research, write, and teach the things I am simply repeating in my work. May God bless you all!


    Trevor Rolls and I have been married for almost seven years now, and I can honestly say that one of the most interesting and blessed parts of our marriage has been watching him come to know the Lord, and then growing in that relationship. Early on in his new-found faith in Jesus, Trevor strategized so he could get the most out of his studies, digging in and finding any useful information available to him in order that he might gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and what it teaches. Looking back now, though, I can see that it was so much more than simply his own strategy to get built up in the word of God, but that it was God building him up and preparing him for what would come.

    It is important to know how to properly read and understand the Bible. In this book Trevor draws on his experience in finding out who he is in Christ, his work in preparing Bible studies and sermons, and his ongoing education at Regent University to bring a clear and concise layout on how to navigate through the pages of the Bible. His attempt is to take much of the scholarly information he has encountered and make it easier and more presentable so that others might better understand. Having devoted his higher education to uncovering the truths about the Bible so he is fully equipped to answer questions people might have, Trevor also wants to be able to help people heal through the truth of knowing exactly what it means for Jesus to have died for our sins so we can be in right relationship with God. I once told Trevor how he reminds me of a superhero. He recoiled at first because he did not like me putting him on such a high pedestal, but I quickly explained that I thought this because he uses his powers of knowledge seeking to help people understand the Bible better and what it is trying to teach us, and that this leads people to salvation.

    In the pages of his book, Trevor does just that by unpacking how we can read and understand the Bible, and why it is so important for us to do so. He makes it a point to cover many avenues in order to present the topic with precision and accuracy, but in the end he knows it is only the actual study of God’s word that will bring you to a closer relationship with our Creator. I know he truly wants people to understand just how fully Jesus can and will impact their lives, and how blessed they will become once they develop that active and ongoing relationship with our wonderful Lord and savior through the study of his life-giving word.

    Jessica Rolls



    S alvation in Christ is a glorious occasion. It is deliverance, new beginning, and redirection. It is also quite confusing. Of course, nobody wants to admit it. It is, however, true. This is why I write. I am currently groping my way through my sixth year as a Christian and third year of college, and all I feel like God is telling me to do, is stop holding back and go all in for the gospel. I mean, it’s not as if I am doing nothing, I teach a study group, and I am a husband and father of two—add full-time college student with a side of work, and I suppose there is not a huge amount more I could be doing. Nevertheless, here we are.

    I say all that because I wish to start our relationship off with honesty and introduction. I want you to know who I am. Of all the writers I read, I appreciate the most the ones who allow me to get to know them through their work. Not that this work is about me; it is actually about you, and your walk with Jesus, but I figure if you are anything like me, then I may as well provide you with what I would appreciate from an author.

    I have, long since my salvation, come to believe that my writing is a spiritual gift. Most people want to tell me that it is my musical ability, but I have been playing music for over 20 years. Writing, on the other hand, is a new and exciting journey I make with God. I typically write academically, since I write most for my degree work. This usually means extensive research followed by what seems like endless amounts of footnotes to adequately cite all the sources that support my work. I am not so much doing that here. This book is for the everyday average Christian—the guy or gal who doesn’t really care how many Phd’s I cite in my bibliography, as long as I can help. That doesn’t mean I won’t use any outside sources, but it just means that I intend on trying to keep this as casual as possible. I truly hope that this book reads like an ongoing conversation you keep having with your favorite new friend at church.

    That being said, I encourage you to investigate the sources I do use. These are valuable resources that can take you much deeper than my work will. Most of my sources are from my coursework in biblical and theological studies at Regent University. Some of the others are from my recreational readings, while yet others are books I heard about from various pastors and preachers. So, even though it might seem tedious, check out the notes and see if you are interested in any of these works. Try to think about every work I reference as recommended reading for whatever topic they fall under. In the end, I am really not adding anything to these topics, but I believe each of us has a sphere of influence that somebody else may not have, and can, thus, reach people perhaps otherwise unavailable. For this reason, even if I am saying nothing new, it is important that I say it anyways. The simplest and purest motive in my heart is to, first, serve the Lord, and, second, help you. So, while I am definitely not claiming to be an expert in my field of study yet, I can certainly offer some tips and pieces advice about what you can expect, and what might be helpful for you.

    I was fortunate in my first two years of being a Christian. I had a lot of people who encouraged me, prayed for me, mentored me, and genuinely just loved me. And God has done some wonderful things in my life, but even so, I still had tough times in those first years—as I do even now. I had questions, and I had concerns. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for someone, then, who doesn’t have the kind of support I had. So, this book is essentially made up of most of the basic things about the Bible and Bible study that I would want to share with somebody who I was taking under my wing as a disciple.

    I can’t say enough how much I pray this book helps and blesses you—and praise and glory be to God if it does because I know beyond any doubt that if anything here touches your heart, if anything here stretches or grows your faith, if anything here brings you further along in your Christian walk than you were before…then God is on the move. It is his doing, not mine. These are God’s truths, not mine, so all the credit goes to him. On the other end, if there are any mistakes, if there are any offenses, if anything in this work comes across as low quality, inaccurate, unhelpful, or otherwise simply wrong or bad, then let it be my fault, not God’s. He loves you.



    You’ve Taken the Plunge

    T he chapter title, I must confess, is somewhat borrowed. It is from one of the first chapters in a rather large volume on spiritual maturity, and it is basically saying, You became a Christian. Great…Now what? ¹ I suppose I could just save us both the trouble and give you that book, but although I am launching from the same idea, I am not looking to give you a 500-page manual on spiritual maturity like Dr. Hanson. But we are looking to ask and answer the same question, What should I do now? So, however you found yourself here: maybe you were at a crusade or a conference, or maybe you gave your life to Christ at the end of a church service. Maybe you prayed with a preacher from the radio or television, or maybe you’ve been attending a little church somewhere and confessed Jesus as Lord. Whatever got you to this point, it is time to move forward.

    Some people have a dramatic conversion experience where they feel instantly changed, while others have a progressive revelation where they slowly realize they have been welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. However it happened, or is happening for you, heaven is rejoicing all the same. Jesus says, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (NASB).² This is because of the great lengths God went through to provide you the means to be in his presence, and to have a relationship with him. How can we ever fully comprehend that this was set in motion since before the foundations of the earth were laid? How can we ever truly understand the work of Jesus Christ in his life, death, and resurrection for our atonement? How can we ever fully wrap our minds around the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit? Yet, when we confessed Jesus as Lord, when we admitted our sins, asked for forgiveness, and turned to God in repentance, all of these things reached their culmination in our lives—in your life, and in mine.

    I’m not sure where you are at right now, what kind of church you attend, or what denomination you belong to, but I am sure that if you did the things we just talked about, then, as Jesus said in Luke 15:10, heaven rejoices for the salvation of your soul. And I rejoice too! So let’s talk about a few things concerning this strange new journey you are on.

    There is No Thing Like the Church

    If you really have committed to Christ, then your life will never be the same. If you’re just kind of like sight-seeing—checking out the music, or maybe just trying to get points with that cute worship guy or pretty Christian chick, then you probably won’t be around for long. Oh, it will be fun for a bit, but if your heart really isn’t in it, when it gets hard—and it will get hard—you will quit. You also may think we can’t tell…but we can, and even if we couldn’t, God can. Honestly though, if that is you, stick around. You’ll be surprised with what God can do with your doubts.

    Now, for you who are a sold-out believer, there is no thing on earth like the Church. No, I’m not talking about the building you attend. The Church is you, and the Church is me. The Church is the body of Christ, and it is moving in this world like never before! I say all this because I want you to realize that giving your life to Christ is unlike anything you have ever done. You are a member of the body of Christ, a soldier in the army of God, and a citizen in the kingdom of heaven. You are blood bought and redeemed, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, a new creation in Christ, and a representative of Christ to the world; you are, however, in many ways still you.

    Because you are still you, mistakes will happen. God is sanctifying you, and he is rebuilding you from the inside out, but the process takes time—a lifetime to be exact. I can’t tell you what kind of mistakes you will make, but I know you will make them because we all make them. You will mess up with a loved one. You will lash out at a co-worker. You will misunderstand what the Bible says. You will pass judgment on people. You will constantly wrestle with the you that once was and the you that now is. Ephesians 4:22-24 says,

    In reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth (NASB).

    The only problem is, that old self is still hanging right there in the closet. Sure, it will probably be a while before you give it a second thought, but soon enough the devil comes calling. Maybe it is a couple months, maybe a couple years, but eventually you’ll try it on again. Oh, maybe not the whole outfit. Maybe just the pants or the shirt. Maybe just the socks. These are the mistakes we make, the things we do, but thank God that old self just doesn’t fit anymore…even the socks.

    Mistakes aren’t always bad things either. There is always a new lesson to be learned from our mistakes, if we are willing to learn the lesson. That’s why it is important to try and see the lesson through the mistake. You might say, God, how could you let me do that? It is much better though to say, What can I learn from this? It is a painful process, no doubt, but it is effective. I have been through it plenty in my struggle with lust and pornography. I say to God, How could you let me end up here again? I thought you delivered me from this… But then I have to examine myself, because I say, "Oh yeah, God did deliver me from this. So how did I end up here again?" And I have to examine my behavior. Looking at

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