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The Realtor
The Realtor
The Realtor
Ebook158 pages2 hours

The Realtor

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Olivia and Craig have what seems like the perfect relationship. Once they decided to get a house off campus, strange events begin to occur. Olivia begins to suspect that their odd yet friendly realtor, Bernie, might be involved. After a horrific experience, followed by a missing classmate, Olivia decides to secretly do her own investigation to get to the truth, but like the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Release dateApr 4, 2019
The Realtor

May’lon Miranda

May’lon “Maze” Miranda is an American published author and motivational speaker. May’lon began writing at the age of seventeen as just a hobby in his daily journals until he was discovered at the age of twenty-nine. Since then, he has released several titles, including the Love Is Blind series. May’lon is a father of four and currently resides in Florida with his wife.

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    The Realtor - May’lon Miranda

    © 2019 May’lon Maze Miranda. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/04/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0285-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0284-3 (e)

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    Getting School’d

    Thank You’s

    Bonus Poem

    This Book is Dedicated

    to the Loving

    Memory of Louis and Anna Miranda

    I love and miss you both.


    This Book was Inspired by a DREAM

    Always DREAM and THINK BIG. DREAMS are

    All we have………Nobody can take them from us.

    - Author May’lon Maze Miranda

    I woke up in this dark room I couldn’t see anything at all and had know idea where I was at or what had happened to me. All I could hear was water running like a leaky pipe had been running or something like that. I was so scared my hands were tied to the arms of a chair as were my feet as well. The place smelled old and musty like it hadn’t been used or cleaned in years. As I yelled, Help!!!!!! Help!!!!! please somebody help me!!!!!!!!!! crying hysterically.

    I felt as if I had sat in that chair for hours but nobody came for me because I was cramped up from sitting down for so long. The windows were all covered up so I couldn’t tell whether it was day or night much less where I was at. I screamed and I yelled until I couldn’t possibly yell or scream anymore because my throat became swollen and achy from yelling so much. Then all of a sudden I hear footsteps approaching as the footsteps became closer and closer as I yelled again,

    Help me!!!!! Please!!!!! Help!!!! in here!!!! in here!!!!, I’m in here!!!. I could hear a door open and the lights turn on and I’m in what appears to be a basement or cellar of some sort maybe even a shed. In comes the foot steps closer and closer but my eyes are blurred by the bright lights and the tears from the hours of crying while sitting in the dark. As the person came closer and closer I was so happy and relieved to see that it was Bernie my Realtor. I noticed that it was him because Bernie was very tall and slim, he was built like a basketball player and wore a very bad smelling cheap cologne. He also walked very funny as I yelled,

    Thank god!!!!!, Bernie please help me where am I?"

    Shhhhh!!!! Bernie replied.

    Calm down it’s ok, everything is going to be ok I am here now.

    Thank god please untie me Bernie what happened? Where am I? "What do you mean where are you at silly? You don’t remember where you are at? Bernie replied laughing.

    No I don’t, what is so funny? I replied.

    There is nothing funny about this Bernie. I continued to say Where is Craig at?

    "Now, now, now there is no need to get so serious, I found you didn’t I? And Craig well Craig I was wondering the same thing? You know, I came by to bring you over some more of my famous lemonade that you like so much and I noticed that your front door was cracked open. He continued,

    That is very dangerous, anybody could have walked in so if anything you should be glad that it was me and not a stranger Olivia you are lucky to be alive.

    I’m in my house? What are you talking about? You came by? I’m lucky to be alive? This is not my house what is wrong with you? Fucking untie me dammit.

    Shhhh listen Olivia, this is very important. I need you to try and think real hard about what you remember happened to you? Anything you can tell me please? I can’t help you unless you help me."

    What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t remember anything I was at home watching television, I got tired, I fell asleep, and woke up here, please untie me and let me go. Olivia replied.

    Ok let me find something to untie you with.

    As he goes off looking for something I noticed that Bernie was dressed like he had been at work. He was in a nice suit and tie but by the time he came back into the room just a few minutes later he was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He closed the door behind him and walked over to an old dirty table with a cloth over some objects. When he removed the cloth he says,

    Oh here goes somethings to untie you with.

    Oh my god, you did this to me you sick fuck why? As I screamed.

    It was a table full of knives, bats, guns, you name it. As the look on his face turned from helpful to harmful in a matter of seconds. Because at first he looked like the Bernie I was first introduced to when we purchased the place, but the look on his face was scary almost like it was a completely different person a satanic look I was so scared. I plead with him,

    Please let me go what do you want from me? I plead with him.

    What do you mean what do I want? Bernie replied laughing sickly. He continued,

    I want you to be my first.

    You’re a sick fuck I would never sleep with you not in a million years! I said.

    That is completely fine by me Olivia because you see nobody but me knows you’re here which means time is all you have so a million years, a month, a week, it really depends on you when you leave here. Bernie continued,

    Olivia it really doesn’t matter to me don’t you want to see Craig again? I can send you back to him with a few new tricks.

    "Fuck you! You’d have to kill me first. I replied.

    Oh I plan on it. Bernie replied.

    Please Bernie don’t kill me, why are you doing this to me? As I began to cry.

    Honestly, no reason at all. You see you and your faggot boyfriend seem like really nice people it’s a simple case of the wrong place at the wrong time. Bernie replied.

    You see mommy and daddy didn’t abuse me, I didn’t come from a broken home, in fact I grew up great with all the privileges in the world. What it comes down to sweetheart is that I just love to see that look you know the look right? The look before they know that they are about to die. Like they know it’s coming as the knife pierces their skin and seeps in and they know they are about to die? Well I live for that look, I live for that feeling and well I’m not going to lie to you Olivia, you are going to die whether that is today or in a million years from now as you put it. Bernie continued.

    Your either going to do what I ask you to do or I will keep you here for as long as I want to and once I get tired of you refusing me I will fucking kill you bitch and you ask me why?, Well the answer is simple my dear, it’s because I can. Does that answer all of your questions for you? I’m going to kill you and my only regret is that I only get to do it once.

    How did I get here? I replied crying hysterically.

    Well sweety, my lemonade is famous and you just had too much that’s all and that’s all I will tell you about that so final question? Bernie replied.

    Have you hurt Craig?

    No you’re little boyfriend is perfectly fine but he won’t be for long your wasting time Olivia. So I tell you what I’ll let you walk out of here right now all you have to do is suck my dick what do you say?

    You are insane you know that? I replied crying.

    You know what, you could be right but nevertheless I’m free, you’re not so is that a refusal I take it? Maybe I should go visit Craig and make him do it although I’d prefer you and those gorgeous lips As he laughed.

    Fuck you! You’re sick.

    Ok have it your way see you tomorrow Olivia. As he walked towards the door to exit,

    No wait, please Crying heavily.

    I’ll do it.

    Bernie slowly turned back around from the door facing me,

    You will do what Olivia?

    I will do what you want me to do, please just don’t hurt me or Craig. I replied.

    What is it exactly that you will do Olivia? I want to hear you say it, tell me what you want to do to me baby? Feeling so nasty, so disgusted, and, repulsed by his sickness I replied,

    I will suck your dick. Bernie replied

    See now was that so hard no pun intended? I mean you were going to make me kill you over that? Hell I was going to make your boyfriend do it imagine how mad he would have been at you for making him do that shit huh? Laughing he continued,

    Alright great let’s get to it.

    How do I know after I do this you won’t kill me anyways? I asked.

    That is a good question and the answer is quite frankly that you don’t, however I am a man of my word and if I tell you that I’m going to let you go and that I wont kill you or your boyfriend I won’t. He continued.

    But there’s just one other stipulation and that is that nobody and I mean nobody will ever know about what took place here today which means you take this to your grave. You don’t tell a soul not the police, not your boyfriend, not your parents, friends, nobody, and in return I will guarantee the safety of you and Craig you will never ever see me again after today as long as you keep your mouth shut. But if you don’t, I will come back find you and him torture and kill you both oh and as an insurance policy don’t move do you understand these simple rules to the game I’ve given you?

    I do, please don’t kill me Bernie please.

    You have my word Olivia. Bernie replied.

    Let’s get this over with you sick fuck. I replied crying hysterically.

    Bernie now walks over to the dirty table and picks up a gun. "Help!!!!!, help!!!!!, somebody help!!!!! I began screaming.

    "Nobody can hear you bitch shut the fuck up I’m not going to kill you this is just so that you do your job right. Bernie replied laughing.

    As Bernie walks up to me and places the gun to my head, as I try to move from out the way of the gun,

    Stay still bitch he says.

    Calm down, I’m not going to shoot you this is simply so that you know not to even fucking think of biting me because if you bite me I will pull the trigger do you understand?

    Yes I understand that you’re a sick twisted fuck. I replied.

    Bernie began to unzipper his pants as I began to vomit everywhere.

    "Now see what you did, you dumb fucking whore? He continues.

    You are starting to piss me off now bitch. Look I’m going to clean this up and get you mouth wash or water or something I will be right back dammit.

    I can remember the sick feeling that I felt when he came back in the room with a cloth and a cup of water in his hand I kept feeling myself getting more and more nauseous by the seconds.

    Ok are you ready now Olivia? Crying with vomit all over my white T-shirt, I replied,

    Yes let’s get this over with you fucking psycho.

    Great!, now open your mouth and don’t try any funny stuff or like I said I will blow your fucking brains all over this place and Craig will be next so you better do a good job and make me cum. Bernie began to unzipper his pants and remove his penis from his jean pants. I was so repulsed by what I saw that I was about to vomit again but I was trying so hard not to because I was sure that if I did again he would kill me for sure. As he got closer and closer to me holding his penis with his left hand and holding a gun in his right he placed

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