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Pathways to Personal Freedom Using the Silva Method
Pathways to Personal Freedom Using the Silva Method
Pathways to Personal Freedom Using the Silva Method
Ebook266 pages5 hours

Pathways to Personal Freedom Using the Silva Method

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Personal Growth

  • Self-Improvement

  • Mindfulness

  • Positive Thinking

  • Meditation

  • Personal Transformation

  • Journey of Self-Discovery

  • Mind Over Matter

  • Hero's Journey

  • Inner Struggle

  • Trusting One's Instincts

  • Coming of Age

  • Mentor

  • Power of Friendship

  • Mentorship

  • Happiness

  • Decision Making

  • Self-Discovery

  • Creativity

  • Intuition

About this ebook

Pathways to Personal Freedom using the Silva Method is a compilation of fifty ideas to help uncover the ways of inner bliss that lay dormant within each of us. Happiness and Personal Freedom are concepts that most of us have taken for granted. Society teaches us to please others; look for approval and acceptance from others; check in with those who “know better” than we do; allow our negative thoughts to overtake our actions, our way of life and even health.

Each Pathway starts with a quote to encourage thinking and inspiration to bring about a spark of insight that is already known but may have been forgotten along the way. What follows are suggestions and examples from the authors’ lives and experiences as to how to achieve bliss and inner harmony. Each will end with an affirmation to be recited in the present time to instill the ideas as if they are already in place and to help enhance this new way of thinking. Some of these ideas may be new and even foreign—but they have stood the test of time and used by many throughout the world.

Jose Silva, Sr. was a pioneer in the study and application of mind control. His youngest daughter, Diana Silva-Mendez and coauthor, Robert Deutchman have put together this labor of love for the benefit of Silva Method enthusiasts, trainers, Silva graduates, and to all who seek to tap into their inner wisdom.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 30, 2019
Pathways to Personal Freedom Using the Silva Method

Diana Silva

Diana Silva, daughter of Jose Silva – the man credited with bringing modern day meditation to the West, has lived her entire life dedicated to helping others. Diana has over 30 years’ experience supporting Silva Graduates and the International Community of Silva Instructors. Her unique approach combines the Silva Method Mental Techniques with state-of-the-art coaching methodologies to bring her clients to a more advanced way of living. She is President of Silva International, a mentor, and friend to Silva Graduates throughout the world. She has helped hundreds of people believe in themselves, use Silva to advance their lives, and overcome personal limitations. Diana helps you live from your heart, which is your intuition and explores the consequences of not trusting this guidance. She helps you understand the tools and techniques of the Silva Method. Diana also brings clarity to what was covered in a live event from the comfort of your own home. Diana is a good listener with a compassionate heart. Her passion is to help others by helping them find a solution to what they are eager to change. She helps find solutions by applying what you have learned from the Method and will continue to learn. She is truly an honest and non-judgmental listener. She pushes you to search your inner self while also taking the necessary steps to live the life of your dreams. Her goal is to bring you reasonable, rational, and clear solutions that will result in daily improvements to your life. Being part of the Silva International team for so many years has provided insight into what areas of life are most common challenges for humanity. Most of the daily challenging calls pertain to relationships, jobs, and health. Diana helps people find their true love, their soul mate, and their happiness in life by learning to love others and yourself with balance and boundaries. She also helps individuals who are looking for a job or a new career path to get in touch with their life’s purpose. When it comes to personal health she helps you understand the spiritual-based steps that begin first in the real world. This integrative approach is powerful and effective. The Silva Method is part of who she is. Diana can say that she has practiced it all her life. She meditates 3 times a day, or even more when she is programming for someone who is need of healing. She is a giver by nature and is always ready and willing to help. You will find her fun and loving personality to be one of the best parts of working with Diana.

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    Pathways to Personal Freedom Using the Silva Method - Diana Silva


    Serenity as a Choice

    The way we react to circumstances determines our feelings.

    —Dale Carnegie

    Have you ever noticed how relaxed and serene everyone gets when sitting in traffic? Neither have we! How about those waiting at the doctor’s office for a half hour longer than expected? Or wishing your spouse would for once be ready to leave for the movies on time? You have probably experienced an array of events when your patience has been tested, such as the dreaded line at the local motor vehicle office. Who has not counted how many people are ahead by staring at the clock up front displaying the present number—which is far from the one assigned to you? How much longer? Why do they always make us wait? Endless thoughts keep you stuck in the present moment filled with stress, anxiety, boredom, and anger.

    Being stuck is a label that is given when a very natural part of life occurs: not much is happening. Experiencing stillness makes most people anxious. But it is a golden opportunity to utilize your mind in creative ways to form ideas, plan the future, and think about what’s right with your life.

    Rearrange the Scene

    Let us go back to the motor vehicle office. You show up fully prepared for the time between signing in and being called. You’re equipped with your laptop, so you’re writing down five things that you’re grateful for, surfing the net, and reading an inspiring book on your electronic reader, giving you immediate peace. You might write a poem or compose lyrics to a hit song—the possibilities are endless. You are so caught up in your reverie that when your number is finally called, you ask for five more minutes—okay, that may be stretching it a bit, but you get the idea. You have made the time work for you instead of against you.

    Perhaps you forgot your laptop or reader at home. Offices and waiting rooms are saturated with magazines and periodicals. If you enjoy reading, you have a way to rearrange the scene for your benefit. Or you can try something you may not have considered before.

    Meditation and Affirmations

    Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to meditate. The Silva Method explains in detail how to achieve a level of mind for positivity and your benefit. While these techniques are scientifically proven and highly recommended by Silva Graduates worldwide, you are encouraged for the time being to just be still, breathe deeply, and implement the techniques in order to get the results desired. Know that mastery of any technique takes time and practice.

    It’s crucial to meditate daily to be in tune and aware of exactly what you want and don’t want. By this, we mean being so connected with your mind, heart, and soul that you need no external stimulation to understand your inner desires. It means to know what you ache for—and to choose to discard what drains you.

    Awareness does not come easy. Being aware and then making a start is equally difficult. Making a start and going all the way—that is huge!

    When you learn to meditate and surrender to the stillness of your mind, you will discover new feelings of joy and delight. Beginning meditators can focus on quieting the mind by counting backward from ten to one, inhaling deeply, and exhaling on each number. This can be done with your eyes open or closed, depending on where you are, while counting down to yourself. There will be more on meditation later—but for now, just focus on breathing slowly, counting backward from ten to one.

    Stating affirmations daily brings incredible power to everyday living. Affirmations should be repeated often. They are positive statements, usually for each now, that describe a desired goal until it gets impressed into your subconscious mind so that you can manifest it in the real world of life or at least guide you in the direction of your goal.

    Even famous people use affirmations to enhance their performance. It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep belief of faith, positive things begin to happen.

    For more on meditation, please see The Silva Centering Exercise at the end of the book.


    When we talk about the word surrender, we are in no way implying giving up. What we mean is to give in to the moment of true acceptance. If you stay completely peaceful in this moment, there is no being stuck—you realize it is just a label you invented based on a perception of the current time. When you become aware of this, breathe a deep sigh of relief. The feelings do not necessarily go away, but they no longer control you.

    When you come to know that only you can control your feelings, you not only take on the delicious flavor of being at peace but take full credit for all that is serving you.

    You will then see the play of thoughts. You might resist this act of surrendering. But with practice, you will get better and better at learning to let things be as they may. The occasional slip of being stuck will not hinder you. Rather, it will serve as a reminder that you must rearrange your thoughts about your circumstances, meditate, or do whatever you can to enjoy the moment now, which is really the only moment you can ever live.

    Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest—Now!

    Whatever it is that you enjoy, commit to doing at least one of those things today—or tomorrow if you are nearing bedtime. Why? Because it is something you enjoy, and you certainly deserve to treat yourself. You may feel guilty during this time. Your mind may be off and running with thoughts of things you should be doing instead of enjoying yourself. But past and future responsibilities will have to wait. This is your time. Allow yourself to enjoy it. If you have deadlines to meet, take just a half hour to do something totally for yourself. Stay in the moment, and if you slip back to thoughts of what you believe you should be doing, recognize it as a slip and know that anything new involves practice and persistence. Go easy on yourself.

    Put It on Paper

    Make a detailed list of what you enjoy. This is a very personal list—not one that anyone else can create. What brings you pleasure? Movies? Writing? Bowling? Running? Swimming? Museums? Just get started and watch your list grow. You will surprise yourself with all that is available to enjoy. I like to write by hand, the old-fashioned way. It seems to clear my mind more when I put it on paper than when I type it on my computer, but you do what works for you.

    While you are at it, try writing without omitting any feelings. No looking back! Let everything flow. Make journaling your thoughts and feelings an everyday occurrence. Look for patterns and see if there is anything you would like to change or modify in your life. When you have done this for a few days, look back and view the ongoing events of your day objectively. You will know if you have lived life to the fullest and experienced joy and pleasure. The more you do this, the better you will see patterns of effective, present-moment living. When you truly become aware of what goes on inside you, you will come to know the folly of prior suffering and start living life to the fullest.

    Quiet Acceptance

    When we resist what is, we suffer. This holds true with everything in life. Learn to see resistance as an indicator to relax. Seeing that we can only do our best with what we have at the moment provides true inner peace and tranquility. Meditate with a clear mind to evaluate the steps to be taken with no force. Say to yourself: Life lives itself through me because I am life. I am not separate from anything or anyone because I am the moon, I am the stars, I am the sun, and I am you!

    Sometimes we feel a lack of support or validation in life. Each person comes into this world through a womb, supported by his or her mother. The earth, microorganisms, and other trees support trees in the forest. Yet we believe we are alone. Are we? We get caught up in life and feel that things should be different than they are. But the fact is that life is not what you think it is.

    Let Things Be

    Whether you feel stuck for a day or a week, it does not really matter. You do the best you can with what you have. But the longer you are stuck, the longer you need to surrender.

    Robert: The darkest periods of my life have taught me the most about myself. I have learned that life is not only about accomplishments. It is also about resting—surrendering and letting things be. Once you accept what is, your perception will actually change what is.

    The decision can be made right at this moment—affirming that boredom is no longer a part of your life. Remember that you are too important to ever wallow in dull moments. Share this new way of being with those who encourage your growth. Otherwise, keep it to yourself, as there will always be those who will not buy into your quest for inner peace and tranquility—and they will try to dissuade you. Surround yourself with those who support you.


    • Right now, I accept that I don’t have all the answers to life’s problems.

    • I allow things to be as they are, rearrange circumstances when I get stuck, and never choose boredom.

    • I share my new techniques only with those who support me on my path to peace and inner tranquility.


    Living a Happier Life

    Live your belief and you can turn the world around.

    —Henry David Thoreau

    Diana: I found the man of my dreams, and as we chatted while dancing through the evening, we fell in love. To me, it seemed like heaven, though life had other plans. After that day, I never saw him again but continued to be in love with him. I felt consumed by the belief that he was my soul mate and that destiny someday would bring us back together again.

    Isn’t it strange how we all have our own beliefs about the secret to what makes us happy? We live our lives in agreement with those beliefs, and we hardly question them.

    As time went by, my belief that I could never be happy with anyone else held me back from finding my true love and happiness in life. But I was so wrong. I met someone else and have been blessed with him for many years. We determine our realities by what we believe; therefore, our beliefs make us who we are and decide the choices we make. But oftentimes those beliefs bring us lots of pain and trouble.

    Here are a few beliefs that make us unhappy.

    I Need Outside Approval to Be Happy

    Do you find yourself doing things only to keep other people happy? Human beings are driven by social approval. We buy the latest gadgets just to look good. We attend boring office gatherings just to fit in. We do not go after our dreams because our family members do not approve of them. But ask yourself if these actions or inactions bring you any real happiness. The search for approval is different from the pursuit of happiness. We need to learn how to distinguish between the two.

    I Will Be Happy When I Have …

    … A vacation house, a promotion, a new car, respect, and so on. Yes, you will feel happy when you get promoted or buy a vacation house. The question here is, will this happiness last?

    Yes, you will do away with the dealings of your landlord. However, having a new house requires you to pay taxes and spend good money maintaining it. Each level of accomplishment will bring its own set of problems. Does this mean you stop working toward your goals? No, never stop! Goals are important, and one needs to be ambitious. Yet think about this: you can be happy now and when you get the promotion. Do you really need to postpone your happiness?

    I Cannot Be Happy Unless Everything Goes Right

    Have you ever lost your luggage when you went on a vacation? It upsets everything and everyone, doesn’t it? Instead of enjoying a wonderful new city or country, you are running around buying clothes and other things that are needed, wondering if the airline will ever return your luggage. That is what happened on a vacation. Now, when we remember our trip, the issues we went through because of lost luggage no longer bother us. We just talk about the memorable time we had.

    The vacation did not have to be perfect. The only thing that really mattered was the opportunity to have a great time together. Think about it: Are vacations, gatherings, dates, or any other special occasions ever perfect? If something goes wrong does that mean the entire trip or evening is a failure? It can be, but only if you believe it will be. But consider this: Is anything in life ever perfect? Everyone has ups and downs. Life is supposed to be imperfect because we are imperfect beings, and maybe that is what makes life more interesting.

    Happiness Is Not Part of My Life because of My Past

    For some reason, the past controls us in mysterious ways. You might have lost a loved one to a misunderstanding or death. You might have failed to achieve your dreams. Therefore, as a result, you may have developed one of these beliefs: I am not meant to find happiness, happiness is not who I am, it is not my destiny to be happy, and so on.

    Diana: I myself have not lost much in life—thank God—but I know someone who has: my best friend. I used to wonder how she could enjoy life despite such tragedies until she gave me her secret. She believes that she has the right to be happy, despite her past mishaps.

    Remember, your past does not control your future unless you allow it to. So just remind yourself that there are millions of people who have turned their lives around and so can you.

    Happiness Is Not a Habit That Can Be Learned

    Can one learn to be happy? Is it like learning to dance or playing the guitar? Of course it is. Happiness is a skill—one that you build through daily choices. It is said that people who are happier have positive habits because they exercise and meditate daily and pay attention to their relationships at work and at home. They go after their goals diligently, lead balanced lives, and are grateful for everything. It is believed that by preventing negative emotions, such as pessimism, resentment, and anger, and nurturing positive emotions, such as compassion, serenity, and gratitude, the brain can be trained to become happier. Happiness does not depend on fate; it depends on our habits, which anyone can learn.

    Our beliefs can bring us happiness or sorrow. Therefore, it is good to question your beliefs about yourself, your life, and your happiness from time to time. That is the best way to see if they still serve a positive purpose for you. If they don’t, change them fast.

    Ask yourself what beliefs you think you need to change to be happier.


    • I always think of myself in a positive light, and I make changes I believe will always make me happy.


    Clearing Your Mind of the Can’t Mentality

    If you think you can do a thing or you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.

    —Henry Ford

    Ways to Clear Your Mind of the Can’t Mentality

    We all have goals, ambitions, and dreams. Some of us persevere quite well, but others need a helping hand. Your mindset is the biggest difference between these two groups, and it varies from person to person as well as each desire. Sometimes your mindset is can; other times it is can’t.

    If you are currently experiencing difficulties in achieving what you want out of life, there is hope. You can clear your mind of those thoughts that are sabotaging your progress. Even if you are successful and happy, enhancing your natural abilities to motivate yourself and clearing mental roadblocks can bring you to a new level.

    Realize You Are Holding Yourself Back

    This can certainly be difficult to accept, but it holds true. Most of us are prideful and avoid accountability for ourselves at times. However, when you realize that only you have the control over your life, it is a tremendously powerful motivator.

    Notice the word realize. It is there because many of us are not even aware of the fact that we are the major roadblock—not coworkers, bosses, or anyone else.

    When it comes to rationalization, making excuses—the internalization of perceived failure— affects self-esteem, which negatively affects your thoughts and behavior. In other words, we are not good at letting go.

    We must release our perceived failures in order to succeed in this lifetime. We can do that by being present in every situation, whether at work, home, any social setting, and especially when you are alone—the time your mind tends to go off and running. Staying focused on what needs to be done in the present without rehashing past failures is the answer.

    Reverse the Can’t to Can

    This may sound repetitive, but we are the completeness of our thoughts. Therefore, it is important to affirm and declare your goals to help motivate your thinking, more so during the difficult times.

    Some How-to Guides on Using Affirmations

    • Identify and write down negative self-talk and beliefs or can’ts.

    • Create and write down positive affirmations (cans), which are opposite of the first list.

    • Begin using the new affirmations; place the written list in an area that you can see frequently to remind yourself.

    • See miracles happen right before your eyes for your better good.

    For example, change I can’t ever get what I want to I always strive for what I want. Change I’m so awkward to I get better every day. Change I’ll never graduate to I will graduate. And change I’ll never be happy at work to I have many things to be grateful for.

    Catch yourself whenever you make a can’t statement and mentally reverse it to one that will serve you in a positive manner. Take notice of how often the people you encounter make a can’t statement. While you may be tempted to share your new way of thinking with others, remember that this is your growth, and people do not like to be told how or what to think. The techniques here will be demonstrated by you, which will allow the right people to sense your growth and will make you more desirable to be around.

    Remind Yourself of What You Have Overcome

    It is normal to want to be more and achieve more. That is healthy. It is what keeps us going. With that being said, we need to remind ourselves of our past successes from time to time. This is important because when we feel stuck, past accomplishments serve as a reminder of the potential we each have inside of us to achieve success. It is a point of reference for you to lean on, especially when you need to be reminded of how powerful you are.

    Your life was not handed to you on a plate; you had to earn it. Give yourself some credit for overcoming negative obstacles as they have presented themselves to you through life because you have become a stronger person having gone through these journeys. This

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