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“Posted!” Iii: Believe His Prophets & Pro$Per
“Posted!” Iii: Believe His Prophets & Pro$Per
“Posted!” Iii: Believe His Prophets & Pro$Per
Ebook104 pages1 hour

“Posted!” Iii: Believe His Prophets & Pro$Per

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About this ebook

In “BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS & PRO$PER”, Author, Watchman, and Kingdom Economics Teacher, D’Arcy G. Raboteau, connects the principle of 2 Chronicles 20:20 to the life of Joseph in Genesis 41, and reveals how “His prophets” hold the keys to the “economic prosperity” of nations especially during times of severe famine! This volume is a treasure-chest filled with revelation knowledge and Kingdom economic principles that will prophetically empower kings, presidents/CEO’s, industry leaders, and the Church today with Supernatural prosperity and wealth!
Release dateDec 23, 2018
“Posted!” Iii: Believe His Prophets & Pro$Per

D'Arcy G Raboteau

D’Arcy G. Raboteau is a “Seer, Prophetic Writer, and Teacher” in the anointing. As a five-fold minister, D’Arcy has fully embraced his Mantle and Assignment to bring mind-renewal and maturity to the Bride of Christ. This Assignment is mainly accomplished through writing, publishing, and teaching revelation knowledge and principles from the Word of God through books and various teaching platforms. D’Arcy also carries a special anointing to teach Kingdom economic principles, based on the foundational principle that “the seed” is the way to true financial prosperity and wealth. D’Arcy is currently the author of three self-published works entitled: The “Posted!” Trilogy (Volumes 1-3), a Facebook phenomenon. Today he continues on his prophetic journey to share his testimony, and to teach all those who have an ear to hear. D’Arcy is a native of “Seed-Diego”, California, and a life-time citizen and ambassador of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

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    “Posted!” Iii - D'Arcy G Raboteau

    Copyright © 2018 D’ARCY G. RABOTEAU.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6314-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6315-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910788

    iUniverse rev. date: 12/21/2018

    To My New Friends On Facebook

    "Greater love has no man than this,

    that a man lay down his life for his friends.

    You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you…

    for all things that I have heard of my Father

    I have made known to you."

    (John 15:13-15)

    "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,

    says the Lord, I will put My laws into their hearts,

    and in their minds I will write them."

    (Hebrews 10:16)



    1.     Money Answers All Things

    (Not Just Some Things)

    2.     The Turning Point

    3.     The Tithing Generation

    And The Mantle Of A True Tither

    4.     First Generation Tither$

    5.     Heaven’s Marketing $trategy

    6.     31 Pro$Perity Scriptures For Daily Meditation

    7.     His Prophet, The Vow Of Faith,

    And The Anointing It Releases For Your Miracle

    8.     Turn Your Pain Into Passion

    And Your Passion Into Pro$perity

    9.     The Best Inve$tment

    10.   The Root of Greed Is A Poverty Mentality

    11.   The More You $ow, The More You See

    12.   The Jo$eph Promotion:

    End-Time $upernatural Wealth Tran$fer

    For Kingdom Advancement On Earth


    1.   Epochs & Stations

    2.   15 Official Prophetic Decree$

    3.   19 Kingdom Economic Principle$

    About The Author

    The Widow And His Prophet

    Oil Vessels / Books By The Author



    "Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established;

    believe His prophets, and you shall prosper."

    (2 Chronicles 20:20)

    Several years ago, I was teaching at a financial seminar in my former church where I stood [in the spirit of King Jehoshaphat] and boldly declared to the congregation: Your Prosperity Is Connected To God’s Prophets!, a revelation and principle that was inspired by the above scripture. And it’s this same prophetic prosperity principle which is the foundation for the revelation in this book.

    Although in context, the word prosper in 2 Chronicles 20:20 wasn’t specifically denoting financial prosperity, but in principle it most certainly was. Proof of that is found in verse 25 in this same chapter where it says:

    And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away their spoil, they found among them an abundance of valuables on the dead bodies, and precious jewelry, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away; and they were three days gathering the spoil because there was so much.

    Here we can clearly see the financial and material prosperity of God’s people post-battle. But more importantly, we can see how King Jehoshaphat’s victory over his enemies was directly linked to believing and following the instructions of His prophet!

    In general, the word prosper means: "to flourish, thrive, grow, do well, succeed, and make money". So by reason of this definition alone [not to mention the countless number of scriptures that support this truth—many of which are in this book], we can conclude that God wants His people to prosper in every area of their lives including their finances.

    So why is it so important to believe His prophets as the scripture instructs us to do? And how can your decision [to believe or not to believe] His prophets impact your financial prosperity? Let’s take a look at the following scenarios to help answer these questions:

    If Peter had not decided to believe His prophet (Jesus), then he would not have prospered…and known that he could trust Jesus for his financial provision (Matthew 17:24-27).

    In another instance with Peter and Jesus:

    If Peter had not decided to believe His prophet (Jesus), then he would not have prospered…and he and his partner’s boats would not have overflowed with nets of fish (Luke 5:1-11);

    If the widow at Zarephath had not decided to believe His prophet (Elijah), then she would not have prospered…and she and her son would not have survived the famine (1 Kings 17:8-16);

    If the

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