A Special Assignment: A Novel About Spiritual Warfare
By Doug Tanner
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A Special Assignment - Doug Tanner
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T his is my first book and it has been a challenge. I would like to thank my wife, Patti, for believing in my abilities and for encouraging me to try. She said she always thought I should write a book and it is because of her belief in me that I attempted this. I want to thank my daughter Brindy for editing this work and helping me with my grammar and sentence structure and for my Son in Law, Jeff, who has been so good to her and has been an encouragement to me in the way he has overcome obstacles in his life. Thank you to my Son and Daughter in Law, Jason and Lauren, for being such an inspiration in the way they have sacrificed so much for our country. Thank you to my daughter Leah who is such a great Mom and daughter and to my Son in Law, Micheal, who has shown me what hard work and perseverance can accomplish. I want to thank all my children for making me so proud to be their Dad. All the main characters in this book are named after my children and grandchildren so that maybe one day, when I am gone, they will read this and know that I loved them and thought about them all the time. My greatest thank you goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for me so that I can be forgiven of my sins and one day make Heaven my home.
Chapter One The Beginning
Chapter Two Preparing a Warrior
Chapter Three The First Test
Chapter Four A Pivotal Battle
Chapter Five The Future Begins
Chapter Six The Calling
Chapter Seven A New Life
Chapter Eight The Keys of the Kingdom
Chapter Nine Full Scale Attack
Chapter Ten Will’s Place Comes Alive
Chapter Eleven Dustin takes His Place
Chapter Twelve The Impact is Revealed
T he world we live in is made up of two realms and we fail to see one which makes the other difficult to understand. I am speaking of the physical and the spiritual realms. As humans we have a hard time understanding why things happen, especially when bad things happen to good people. Our reasoning is often one-sided and is limited to our experiences or the experiences of others. Behind the scenes there is a warfare going on that is shaping our present and future. What we fail to see and to understand is the fact that we are spiritual creatures and we simply live out our physical existence in order to fulfill our spiritual purpose. This battle is between good and evil and the objective is the souls of men, women, boys and girls. I am convinced that if we could see and understand this supernatural spiritual war-fare going on around us we would chan11ge the way we live our lives and our priorities would change. The Bible teaches us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. We wrestle against principalities and powers of the air. To put it plainly, we wrestle against demons and the powers of hell that are trying to stop God’s plan of redemption. The Bible also teaches that each person has an angel assigned to them to protect them. This book will take a look into that other realm and try to encourage you to look beyond your circumstances and troubles to see the big picture. Everything happens for a reason and everything has a purpose. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are an enemy of Satan and Hell. Their one purpose is to stop God. Satan wanted to be God and since he can’t, he will attack the very object of God’s Love: you!
W hy are we waiting in line?
he asked, as they inched slowly toward the bright light. The one in front didn’t say anything. He looked back at him and just gave a stare that said, ‘I can’t believe you don’t know’. The line inches forward and he can hear faint whispers, but one voice stands out above all the rest. It is a gently soothing voice, one he has heard many times before, just never this intense. He has no memory of the past since the past is mixed in with the present and the future. Time means nothing in this place since time cannot constrain him or the others. He has only known obedience for his entire existence and has been content with it. He lives only to serve the One on the throne and finds such satisfaction in knowing his service is pleasing to his Master.
Kurios is my name and I am one of the many legions created before time and my existence is entirely for the service of the Lord of Glory. On this day I am getting the assignment to watch over this heir of salvation. I step up to the throne and stand before the shekinah glory of God. He gestures to the recording angel for a name and he returns with the name of Dustin. This is the name that was written before the beginning of time and the purpose and plan of God will find fulfillment in this human. The Father looks at his Son and you can see the amazing love between them. The Son reminds the Father that this is one for who He died and He prays for Dustin even before he is sent into the world. The Father carefully chooses the vessels who will bring Dustin into this world and will be used to care for him until the day God calls him to faith in Jesus. I can’t really see the plans or the purpose, but it is not my place to know. I just obey and surrender myself to care for this heir of salvation. I am given my assignment and leave the throne of God wondering what it must be like to be loved by the Father and Son so much that they would invest so many resources. I am a created being and cannot feel emotions, but I can see what real love looks like and it must be an amazing feeling to be loved so much. I step aside and find my place awaiting the day my charge will be given the breath of life and become a living soul.
Decades turn into centuries. One soul after another is sent to the earth to be given to humans, known only as parents. God’s design is for these parents to love the child and give it everything it needs to know God and choose to love God. Oh how the Father loves to see children learn about him and eventually know him as their Savior. The day finally arrives. I have watched generations pass preparing for this special time. But something seems to be wrong. I have been watching this mother and father and there seems to be love. I investigate further and see Trajor stalking them day and night, especially the one they call dad. Trajor is a crafty demon of doubt and temptation. He has been so successful in the past at getting humans to reject the love of God and if something isn’t done it will happen again. I walk up behind him and say, What are you doing here? Is there something so special with these humans that you have been sent?
He takes a deep fowl breath and slowly turns around to face me. He is a powerful demon with centuries of experience and success. His eyes glow a greenish yellow and his skin is cold to the touch. He just stares at me for a few moments then speaks. So what are you going to be able to do? You do know that you are no match for me.
He is taller than I am and he has such an intimidating presence. I start to shrink back, but then I remember my creator and the power he invested in me. I stand tall and face him and tell him he has no chance of a victory in this battle. He turns and looks toward John who is to be the grandfather of Dustin and smiles a wicked smile. He lets out a shrill laugh that stirs the slumbering demons also awaiting their chance to deceive. So, Kurios, you think this God you serve really cares about this insignificant human about the be introduced into the world? Do you really think this male child will be any different than the others? I can assign Congerti to attack him and he will fall. Even the pitiful and weak Congerti can destroy the faith of this human family and then God’s plan and purpose will be lost on another human.
I walk right up to his face and stare into those yellow eyes and say I do not fear you or your power. Even your power is given by Father God and one day you will pay for your lack of obedience.
I walk away in silence and all I can do is trust Jesus that knows of Satan’s plan.
P erhaps we should go back in time where Dustin began in the heart of God. The Father’s eyes sparkled when He spoke of Dustin. He has so many plans for this child and so many opportunities if he can find his way and keep the faith. His family was removed from their home during a very trying time and with that removal hope diminished. His grandmother, Pearl Mae, almost died when she was giving birth to Dustin’s father Jackson. His guardian angel, Surmano, was busy trying to keep him alive because the Evil One saw something in Pearl Mae’s life that caused him great concern. The Evil One called for Trajor and said, I want you to stay near Jackson and do everything you can to interfere with his life, even stop his life if necessary.
Trajor didn’t understand but never questioned him. Do I need any others?
he asked and was told he should be able to take care of it, but to watch out for Surmano, because he has been assigned by the Lord for some reason. Trajor laughed at the prospect of being challenged by Surmano, but he would be cautious just in case.
Pearl Mae dedicated herself to God and His work in spite of a small, annoying no-name demon of discouragement. Every time she would get a foot hold, discouragement would show up and try to cloud her mind; even to the point of intercepting her prayers. Late one night, she was agonizing before the Lord, — why have you forsaken me? I feel so alone and I am worried about my son Jackson. Don’t you love me?
Behind the curtain, where Pearl Mae could not see, Surmano was in a conflict with the demon of agony and doubt. Surmano raises his sword and blocks the attacks, but doubt keeps getting a foot hold. Surmano makes one more blow and doubt begins to run and with him agony starts to shirk back into the shadows. Surmano hopes she will keep praying and not give in. At that moment, a messenger from the throne breaks into the open holding a golden vial filled with the sweet aroma of grace. Surmano, asks, What is your name and what is your assignment?
The angel slows and hovers for a moment. The brilliance of the residual glory from spending time in the presence of the Father is still on his face and raiment. I have been sent with a message for Pearl Mae to encourage her in the Lord.
He stops over the place where she is kneeling on calloused knees. He watches as her tears hit the floor and thinks to himself how great a faith she has. He tips the golden vial and pours it all out on her. Slowly the grace and love, straight from the Father pours