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My Limitless Mind
My Limitless Mind
My Limitless Mind
Ebook87 pages1 hour

My Limitless Mind

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About this ebook

This book is about training your own mind to be the best it can be. It teaches how to set yourself up to find the best possibilities around you and to take advantage of it. This book will help you create goals and stay motivated while you accomplish them. You will learn the difference between a limited person and a person who is limitless.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 8, 2018
My Limitless Mind

Ryan M. Dooley

Ryan Dooley is Diesel Mechanic in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. He spends his spare time writing, drawing, traveling, exercising, as well as learning on multiple subjects. Ryan served in the U.S. Coast guard and was honorably discharged. Traveled all over the United States, Central America, and the Caribbean. He has been fortunate to be able to help others. During his time in search and rescue he was injured and told he was not going to be able to do many things in which he can today. He teaches others what he learned to be his own personal truth, that only you can stop yourself from being the best you, you can be.

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    My Limitless Mind - Ryan M. Dooley

    Copyright © 2018 Ryan M. Dooley.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0816-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0817-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/09/2018




    Chapter One What Is The Limitless Mind

    Chapter Two Keep a Notebook

    Chapter Three Setting Goals

    Chapter Four Remove Self-Doubt

    Chapter Five Stay Determined

    Chapter Six Fail to Success

    Chapter Seven Keep Negativity Out

    Chapter Eight Remove Bad Habits

    Chapter Nine Eating Healthy

    Chapter Ten Mind Games

    Chapter Eleven Mind Mapping

    Chapter Twelve Continue Learning

    Chapter Thirteen The Art of Conversation

    Chapter Fourteen How to Apply This to Your Life

    Chapter Fifteen Test Your Limits and Break Them

    About the Author


    I dedicate this book to my mother and father. For if it was not for them I would not be the person that I am today. For they taught me to always move forward and to never give up on your dreams. Without the knowledge, wisdom, and guidance, I would not have been able to obtain my goals and continue to dream bigger than I did yesterday. They are the stones to help keep me grounded, for which I shall not be burned by the sun.

    For my father who always taught me that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. He who gave up much of his time so that his family could grow in a safe and nurturing home. He sacrificed so much to ensure that I would grow into a man that he could be proud of. I to this day hope that I make him proud.

    For my mother who taught all of us our family values. Who gave up more than I will ever know to make sure that us kids were well fed, safe, and consistently growing to the people we are today. For being the woman who gave us a ride to school if we missed the bus, to always be there at our after-school activities. For my mother who I cannot even tell all that she has done to make sure her kids grew up to be good people at heart.

    This book is dedicated to my parents for all that I know they do as well as for what I do not know.


    So here I was in a hospital bed. I went in for an injury to my leg. The leg that had an artificial knee implant in it and was now ballooning so much and became so sensitive that it hurt at a single touch. I was there thinking that even though I am a big guy, I am pretty healthy.

    Now here I am in a hospital bed being told that I am close to becoming a diabetic, that my injuries to my leg could even be life threatening. I was being told that I had to limit what I was doing. I kept being told this and that by this man who was more interested in my chart than he was in me.

    I listen to what he said. I also listen to my own voice in my head. I at that moment decided that I needed to become limitless. I needed to become the Limitless Man. But then how do I become that. I begin by opening my mind and allow everything to happen with a purpose.

    I exited that hospital bed and went home with a purpose. I now know that I allowed things to happen to me instead of me happening to those around me. I began working out, reading new books, learning new skills, mastering old skills, I went out and decided to be a true child of the world and constantly learn from it. To continually learn and achieve new certifications.

    I became a better version of myself and continue to do so each day. I became a person who others could look up to and when I realized that. I decided that it was time to begin sharing some of the knowledge that I gained.

    How does a person separate knowledge with wisdom? Well anyone can gain knowledge. Anyone can learn. It is what you do with the knowledge that matters. For example, this book is my way of sharing some of my knowledge with you so that you can have the wisdom to act upon it.




    The number of ways you can live in one lifetime is limitless. So why limit yourself? The sky is not the limit. Beyond the universe is. - Suzzy Kassem

    We all see things throughout our day. But do you truly see what is out there? Can you see the wonders that are available each and every day in our lives? As everyday passes, more and more people are rushing around and not truly seeing what is right in front of them. What they see is only what is

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