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Having Early Visions That Move Mountains: My Winning Purpose
Having Early Visions That Move Mountains: My Winning Purpose
Having Early Visions That Move Mountains: My Winning Purpose
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Having Early Visions That Move Mountains: My Winning Purpose

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Family and community teaching of principles are so important to the development of future generations. Many good living morals have been lost in society, which impacted the decrease in character, respect, integrity, and accountability. A good attitude led by self-discipline will carry you a long way on the path to success. Time doesn’t wait on the realization and achievement of purpose.
Release dateJun 8, 2018
Having Early Visions That Move Mountains: My Winning Purpose

Eric S. York

Eric S. York received several academic honors which included the Dean’s Lists, National Dean’s Lists, “Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities”, The United States Achievement Academy”, and the “National Collegiate Education Winner”. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration specializing in Human Resource Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education Teaching, Associates Degrees in Business Administration and Accounting. He was featured throughout a National Collegiate Football Magazine. Eric was inducted into the Kentucky State University Athletic Hall of Fame.

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    Having Early Visions That Move Mountains - Eric S. York

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-1771-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-1774-0 (e)

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 08/24/2021


    Preface   Does God Have A Vision for You?

    Chapter 1   Embracing the Race of Life

    Chapter 2   Follow Your Dreams

    Chapter 3   Tears

    Chapter 4   The Journey Begins

    Chapter 5   The Playing Days

    Chapter 6   Never Give Up on Your Dreams!

    Chapter 7   A Chance for Greatness

    Chapter 8   Speak to The Mountains

    Chapter 9   Just Do It!

    Chapter 10   The Burning Bush

    Chapter 11   Impact Lives


    About the Author

    Special Dedica


    I dedicate this Hall of Fame Edition to the

    memory of grandmother Idella Green. I

    will always love you and miss you.

    Rest in Peace



    God has made everyone with many things in common. However, each person is well-defined made not like any other human being.

    God has a great plan, a vision which includes you. It’s the reason you are here. You are special and different from anyone else. The great Creator God personally designed and made you that way. Therefore, you have a contribution (impact) offer that no one else can make.

    The difference between a chump and a champion is commitment, enthusiasm, and commitment demand purpose, faith and vision-daily vision.

    Visionaries having a vision are able to visualize. Visualizing is the beginning of a completed vision.



    I was born in Quincy, Florida which is a small and historic city. The first house which I grew up in was a wood house that had a tin roof with no running water. The house was located out in the country behind a large corn field about ten miles from the Florida and Georgia state line. My father Bennie L. York, Jr., mother Jacqueline V. York, and grandmother Idella Green drove about four miles to the fresh crystal-clear water spring. The fresh crystal-clear water spring flowed out the end of the long line pipes was located beside the road and above halfway of the deep ditch. A big pond was located nearby across from the deep ditch through the forests. The family walked down in the ditch to bring up spring water in gallon jugs. This was the best spring water that I had ever tasted in my life. The spring water was cool and fresh with an enjoyable taste. Buckets of water were used in the kitchen for washing dishes. The family also put buckets all the way through the house to catch the water from the ceiling while it rained. A metal tub was used for taken bathes. Father, mother, and grandmother took the dirty clothes to the laundry mat in town to be washed and dried.

    The outhouse was made out of wood and had a tin roof. There were no running water or electric lights inside of the bathroom. The bathroom was located separately beside the house on the front left side. I could remember going to the outhouse in the summer and winter months during the mornings, days, and nights. We used sometimes moss from the trees and sears catalogs as bathroom tissue. The maggot worms would be going around in the toilet with squeaky sounds as you were using it.

    The house had only a front door and back door. The front door was the only door locked during the night. The front door had a gate latch lock with a key that was used to open the door. A wood board was placed on the front door for extra security at night time. The living room with a table and the dining room were used as one room. The living room also had a steel heater that burned wood in the earlier years but was later replaced with a gas heater. There were only two bed rooms in the house. The rooms didn’t have doors but included plastic curtains used as doors. The rooms got cold a lot of times. Kerosene heaters were used in the rooms for heat. The windows were opened to bring fresh air into the house and to cool it off. There were electric lights in every room inside of the house. The electric irons were used for ironing clothes. The gas stove was in the kitchen. The gas tank was on the side of the house. Father had hogs in a hog pen outside in the field. I was four years old when my family moved out from the country to the city.

    We moved into a new yellow and red brick house. The house had black shingles on the roof and a small tree in the middle of the front yard. The house was located on Experiment Station Road. There was a short cement drive way from the highway and stopped in front of the living room. The new house had two main entrances which were a front and a back door. Both of the doors had doorknobs that were locked with keys. Many times, during the nights we pulled out a top drawer in front of the back door for safety reasons. The new house had a living room, kitchen, hallway, three bedrooms, one bathroom, one laundry room, and an outside utility room on the back left side of the house. Tile floors were in the living room, kitchen, and the laundry room. All of the bed rooms and the hallway had carpet on the floors. The outside utility room’s floor was made out of cement.

    The house had utilities such as electricity, water, and gas. The air conditioner unit was in a window between the living room and the kitchen. The air conditioner blew the air down the hallway and throughout the house. The ceiling fans in the rooms helped to circulate the air. The windows were opened to bring fresh air into the house and to cool it off. A gas stove was in the kitchen. The gas tank was behind the house between the back door and the outside utility room.

    Mother bought a few five-gallon fish aquariums, and some ten-gallon fish aquariums, and tropical fish for the living room. I bought gold fish and fish bowls, and one blue and red tropical fish in its own bowl with water for the bedroom of brother and I throughout the years.

    A clothesline made with six wood poles a total of three rows with wires from pole to pole for drying clothes were in the middle of the back yard. We used clothespins

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