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Letting Go
Letting Go
Letting Go
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Letting Go

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About this ebook

Nevaeh Erusrof is a young teen who struggles to find the meaning of life. She is put in situations that are hard to deal with, especially at a young age. Just when it seems that everything is working in her favor, another obstacle is put in her way. She grows tired and gives up. Now shes left with nothing but overwhelming pain and grief. In the midst of it all, she finds God, and without hesitation, he saves her life. Nevaeh now has a second shot at life. What she does with it is something bigger than she couldve imagined.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 9, 2017
Letting Go

Andrea Cottrell

Andrea Cottrell was raised in Lancaster, New York. During the time she was writing this novel, she also went to school and maintained two jobs. Growing up, her childhood was just like any other but along the way there were bumps in the road which ultimately changed her life forever. She has suffered a great amount of loss early on which has taught her the life lessons that are not easily learned. Now she enjoys the blessings life has to offer.

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    Letting Go - Andrea Cottrell

    Copyright © 2017 by Andrea Cottrell.

    ISBN:              Softcover                978-1-5245-8756-7

                            eBook                      978-1-5245-8755-0

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    Rev. date: 03/02/2017




    To God and all lost souls.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Year It All Began

    Chapter 2 A Summer Like No Other

    Chapter 3 Round 2

    Chapter 4 My Breaking Point

    Chapter 5 The Comeback

    Chapter 6 The Awakening

    Chapter 7 My Life Since

    Chapter 8 Road to Recovery

    Chapter 9 Me, From The Inside Out



    This was the year it all begins, as many people say the best four years of your life. I always get excited for the first day back to school. It’s a time to start over, to do better than the previous year, a time to make more memories and new friends, or even catch up with old friends you haven’t seen all summer. At least that’s what I use to think. Many things changed freshman year.

    As I pushed open the doors of Lampade High School, the stench of overdramatic teens with cocky attitudes filled the air. There’s something about highschool that makes teens act like they’re either immature and belong in middle school or it makes them think they’re too mature and they act like their twenty.

    I made my way to my locker where I was greeted by my friends. We chatted some time before the warning bell rung. I was now sitting in first period, trying to focus in on the teacher talking about what we will learn during our time in class. The day went on, just like any other ordinary day. Finally I walked into last period, Ms. Frans class. What I would soon find out is that this class and this specific teacher would be of great importance to my life and journey throughout high school.

    As the days got longer, classes dragged on and everyone started to get into their normal routine. It seemed as though the year was going to be like any other. We didn’t know exactly what this year had in store. We as a community didn’t know how this year would change us as a whole and individually until September 27th came along.

    It was a Sunday afternoon and I had just woken up from a nap. Immediately I checked my phone, scrolled through my messages, Facebook and then Instagram. I found out Jake Mallen, a student enrolled at Lampade high school had passed away in a plane crash and boy did this take its toll on every breathing individual in the community of Lampade. His last week on earth, I saw him often and talked very little. You could spot his smile from miles away. There was something unique about Jake that was easily sensed in his presence. He was one of those light up the room when they make an entrance type.

    The following Monday I witnessed something unforgettable. As soon as I walked down freshman hall, I felt the instant sensation of the pain that lived and breathed through the hallways. In every direction there was students crying and comforting one another. During this week I also gave and received comfort. This had an impact on me as I’m sure it did every other student.

    In some ways this tragic occurrence had brought the Lampade community closer. Although the pain got easier to tolerate, the memory of Jake and that day, never faded away. What we didn’t know was that this was only the beginning. That was one of three that passed during my freshman year at Lampade high school. Hailey Hones, a kind-hearted young girl, had also passed. Although she hadn’t made her way to highschool yet, the effects of the tragedy made it’s way to all of us. It was hard to know that a peer had taken her own life because of how badly she was treated by others.

    It brought attention to the subject and made us all react. Mrs. Embead, who was fighting a long battle of cancer, also passed shortly after. Each of theses deaths have taken it’s toll on Lampade. These deaths had influenced the way everyone lived the rest of their lives. We all appreciated life more than ever the following months to come. The worst part is, this was just the beginning for me.

    As everyone started to get back into their normal routines, the year had finally began. Homework, essays, tests, you name it, we got it. The only stress free days were the weekends. Hockey time. I love hockey, especially the people I’ve met though it. Coach being one of those people.

    Her driven passion for the sport inspired me to work hard. There was something different about her, She has stars in her eyes. When I first joined her team in 7th grade, I felt like I was in the presence of a legend. Although I still feel that way, there’s much more to her than that. I loved coming to her practices, I learned more from her than I did from any other coach (I would meet in the future.) The ice is my happy place. As soon as I stepped on the ice, all my worries would disappear.

    Sports offers much more than what the eye can see. A team becomes a family, a person becomes a player, a coach becomes a teacher. There’s so much untapped potential and hidden talent. Sports offer teens a chance to show what they’ve got and use teamwork to build a wider horizon for themselves.

    It was the weekend after Jakes death, and I still managed to make it to hockey. I had notified Coach because I didn’t want her to think that I wasn’t giving my hundred percent for nothing. When I walked into the locker room, I threw down my bag and plugged in my headphones. As I was tying my skates, Coach came over and sat down next to me.

    Ignoring her, I continued until she stopped me. I unplugged one headphone out of my ear and she gave me a hug, which is very unusual for her. She’s the type you have to peel back a layer at a time and I had only just begun trying to find out what laid inside the tough exterior of hers. When she hugged me, I tried so hard to hold back the tears but no matter what they were coming. She whispered, so gently, I’ll let go when you want me to. I squeezed a little harder and then with a slow motion, I let go. I finished putting on my gear and walked out the door. I stepped on the ice and like magic, my tears dried and I cleared my mind. When I walked out after practice that day, I knew I had just gained a lifetime Coach and friend. I will never forget those words.

    I went home and took a good look at my life. I noticed how much my appreciation for Hockey had grown drastically over the past few months. Hockey has helped me relieve stress and pain in ways I can’t believe. Just being in the presence of a team working hard to perfect their crafts has taught me a lot about what it means to be a hockey player. Hockey has done so much for me.

    After a short weekend, it was time to return to school. During this time along with all the tragedies at Lampade, I had some troubles of my own. I had just started to date an old friend. I guess he’s always had a crush on me and I never really figured it out. He, whom shall not be named, was that kid your parents warned you about. He was into drugs and his grades weren’t the best. He definitely wasn’t someone I would go for but after much thought, I decided that maybe he just needs someone to help him change and it couldn’t hurt to try.

    We were about a month into our relationship. We must’ve went on about five dates. Everything was going well until he showed his true colors. It was a Thursday night and we

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