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Yoga: For Health and Disease
Yoga: For Health and Disease
Yoga: For Health and Disease
Ebook202 pages7 hours

Yoga: For Health and Disease

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About this ebook

The precious science and wisdom of Yoga have been handed over to us over thousands of years ago. To explore it scientifically from the perspective of the needs of the current generation, it has been my humble desire to study this science with modern inputs so that it is researched again in the light of requirements of the present-recent times. As an essential part of the Integrated Therapeutic Approach called as Sanyukta Upchar Paddhati or Holistic & Integrated Medicine which I have devised and which has been explained by me in this book, I not only studied the science of Yoga but also implemented it in the therapy of the patients whom I treated. Upon this I conclude that Yoga is a boon to mankind, in the sense, the practice of this ancient science confers upon one a strong immune system, it improves health and ones personality, it enhances ones awareness, mindfulness, concentration, memory, mind body coordination, productivity and enthusiasm. It thus helps in combating various diseases that afflict one. It also reduces the daily stress and strain of life. I strongly recommend commencing a Yogic practice and inculcating a Yogic life style right from the young age of life. Of course, Yoga is meant for all, the young as well as the old. This small book provides one with the various aspects of Maharishi Patanjalis Ashtanga Yoga as a part of my Holistic & Integrated Approach of treating patients and also by itself, as a stand alone therapy. May we all benefit from the knowledge dispersed through these pages. Hari Om.
Release dateJul 28, 2017
Yoga: For Health and Disease

Dr. Anil Patil

Dr. Anil Patil MBBS, MD (Bom.), FRSTM & H (Lon), MD (Music Therapy), Dip. In Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Ayurveda Ratna, Reiki Grandmaster, is a regular column writer in all leading English dailies, a contributing author to Johnson's Baby Mother's Guide Book, authored Arogya Ved, a series of 5 books in Marathi language.

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    Yoga - Dr. Anil Patil

    Copyright © 2017 DR. ANIL PATIL. All rights reserved.


    978-1-4828-8924-6 (sc)

    978-1-4828-8925-3 (e)

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    Importance Of Yoga - In The Integrated Therapy

    | ATHA YOGA ANUSHASANM | (Discipline)

    Yoga Darshan (‘Yoga way’ of ‘viewing’ the world)

    Connection of body and mind

    Yoga Physiology

    Chakra and Nadi techniques

    Yoga Tradition (Types)

    Importance of Yoga for medical research

    Yoga for Mental Health

    Yoga for treatment

    Yoga for Rehabilitation

    Yoga’s Misinterpretations - Interpretations

    Cleansing the body for a blissful state of mind


    Ardha Halasan (Half Plough Pose)

    Halasan 2 (plough)

    Dronasan (Leaf)

    Pavan Muktasan (wind releasing pose)

    Sarvanga Asan

    Matsyasan - Fish pose

    Bhujangasan- cobra pose

    Shalabhasan (Locust pose)

    Naukasan (Boat Pose)

    Dhanurasan - Bow Pose

    Makar Aasan- crocodile pose


    Supta Vajrasan - Sitting on the Heels

    Ushtrasan (camel pose)



    Bhadrasan - Beneficial Pose



    Paschimottanasan -

    Vakrasan -


    Hansasan /Mayurasan



    Paadhasta asan




    Shavasan -

    Preparation for Yoga

    JivhaBandha Pose- Tongue lock


    Gyan Mudra or Dhyan Mudra

    Vayu Mudra

    Shoonya Mudra

    Prithvi Mudra

    Pran Mudra

    Apan Mudra

    Surya Mudra

    Varun Mudra

    Linga Mudra

    Shambhavi Mudra

    Bhuchari Mudra

    Pashini Mudra

    Mahabheda Mudra

    Yoga Mudra

    Ashwini Mudra

    Vajroli Mudra

    Brahma Mudra

    Simha Mudra

    Viparit karni Mudra


    Jalandhar Bandha


    Uddiyan bandha

    Maha Bandha

    Pranayam- Part - 1

    Pranayam - Part 2


    Science of Pranayam

    Surya Namaskar

    Dhyan and Omkar Sadhana

    Yoga as a treatment

    Yoga in Pregnancy


    About The Author

    * MBBS, MD – Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai, FRSTM & H (Lon.)

    * ‘Ayurved Ratna’ – Hindi Sahitya Academy Allahabad.

    * ‘Reiki’- Grandmaster.

    * Diploma in Yoga, Naturopathy, Acupuncture - Recognition from the Prestigious Institute for Alternate Medicine.

    * ‘Hypno –Music Therapy’ –From International University. Has been awarded a gold medal and MD for extra ordinary research in the domain of Alternative Medicine.

    * G S Medical College and KEM hospital gave lectures and social programs.

    * Contributed articles in various topics to newspapers and magazines.

    * Wrote article on alternate therapy in Johnson and Johnson’s book entitled –‘Johnsons Baby Mother’s Guide.’

    * Created public awareness on the health issues though TV Channels – Doordarshan through programs such as ‘Hello Doctor’, Sam TV ;’ Sam Sanjivani, ETV Marathi- ‘Samvaad" as also on FM Radio.

    * Fellowship from Saudi Society of Family and Social Medicine- Saudi Arabia.

    * Membership from Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Maharashtra Chapter and Epidemiology and Public Health Initiative Mumbai.

    * Dr Anil Patil has pioneered the innovative healing technique Sanyukta Upchaar Paddhati or the Holistic & Integrated Medicine. He has also started his own Pharmaceutical division manufacturing Nutraceuticals and Ayurvedic medicines.

    * Rashtriya Ekatmata Fellowship from Akhil Maharashtra Patrakar and Patralekh Sangh.

    * IDERA -National Healthcare Excellence award.

    * IDERA conferred the Rashtriya Swasthya Samman with gold medal.

    * Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana award.

    * Pride of Nation Pratibha Sanman award.

    * Maharashtra Patrakar Sangha Sangli- Nava Prerana Sanman in 2010.

    * R K Healthcare Excellence award for Integrated Medicine in 2012.




    To my beloved parents, my dear mother Dr Malati Patil and my late father Shri Madhavrao Patil, who gave me my value system, provided me with timely encouragement during the course of my work and at all other times of my life. Even as the blessings of my late father still shower on my path, my mother continues to be my inspiration till date. I dedicate this book, with due respect, therefore to my parents.


    Today as I bring this book to, you, my readers…

    …my mind is brimming with immense joy. Let me explain why. Till date, in my medical practice, I have come across many patients. Most of these patients, I noticed equate a doctor to God, this is so because the doctor relieves them, by treating them and at times hopefully by curing them, of their agony and pain caused by various ailments. Often a typical patient comes to us doctors, with a lot of hope in his or her heart and literally pleads, saying Doctor do whatever you can but relieve me from the suffering of this disease. I feel, every doctor feels from the bottom of his heart that he should respond to such pleadings of their patients and not just medically treat them but actually must successfully cure them. Thus, it has been my earnest desire and a sincere endeavor to address this issue of the suffering and the dilemma of such patients. From this sentiment has sprung my humble thought of developing the ‘integrated therapeutic approach’ so as to treat the medical disorders, especially the ones that are chronic and not amenable to the so called reductionist treatments. I firmly believe that curing the patient (and not just ‘treating’ her or him for a medical ailment), is more important than just the type of therapy given to him or her. It It is a given that it has to be a medically legitimate treatment. With this thought in mind, I evaluated various different types of therapies that were necessary as well as valid for treating the patients and those at the same time found to be effective as well in such a treatment. Upon this observation, along with the mainstream medicine, I started including such treatments in my integrated therapeutic approach. Even as I did so, I saw to it that I had thoroughly studied all these therapeutic systems so as to assess their medical orientation as well as the fact that they were evidence based. Side by side, I also assessed and verified the pros and cons of each system. In my evaluation, I observed such a combined treatment on one side and that administered to the patients of KEM hospital, where I was working then, on the other. Very soon I realized that I could devise a new healing method by combining the different systems of medicine – both mainstream as well as the alternate. I firmly believed that this could not only help cure the patient but also do away with the root cause of the disease itself and that too without any side effects.

    Later, I begun evaluating this combined approach of mine in various patients who consented for a treatment with it. It was from this very approach that the ‘Integrated therapy’ (Sanyukta Upchar Padhati) was born. I was of the opinion that it was necessary to let this integrated approach benefit maximum number of patients albeit with a well structured treatment protocol. This gave birth to my incepting various medical clinics where people could come easily and avail this form of combined treatment. Even now I am working towards bringing this treatment nearer to the patients, closer to their regional location through such clinics which provide this combined therapeutic approach, which now are spread across Maharashtra.

    Even as I worked towards this combined method of treatment which also included Yoga; over a period of time I realized that there was scant knowledge of Yoga amongst the patients whom I treated as also the masses at large, irrespective of their education. It was also felt that there was inadequate scientific information about the various alternate therapies and therefore knowledge and trust only and solely on modern medicine prevailed. Sadly, people lack sufficient awareness of the other forms of treatment which have existed since thousands of years, despite the fact that the other branches of alternative medicine do provide assurance of a permanent cure; even then they are not considered on a serious note when it comes to seeking them as a resort to treating the disease and are actually unfortunately, looked down upon, thinking them to be inferior and unscientific. Such type of skewed outlook has caused a huge loss to the society at large. So as to awaken the trust of the people in these alternate systems of Medicine I authored Arogya Ved, a series of publications in which I have given the details of the illness in an easy to understand manner without compromising on the scientific aspects. The proof of the pudding is in eating it and therefore I would rather consider this integrated therapeutic approach of mine as successful only when it provides cure to the patient and not just present itself as another modality of treatment. I feel proud to share with you that I have treated many patients successfully with this combined approach and the testimonials of these patients have been published in this book.

    It is my humble wish that through this book a common man would get to know more easily about various diseases and the appropriate way of their treatment. This is my first attempt towards this book and therefore I do look forward to your suggestions related to it, if any, which are most welcome. Going forward, your valuable inputs will enable me to make due corrections in this simple book.

    ||Sarve Santu Niramaya||


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