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Truly It’S a God Thing
Truly It’S a God Thing
Truly It’S a God Thing
Ebook131 pages2 hours

Truly It’S a God Thing

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I wouldnt ever tell someone to stop going to church, but God might. Thats what he did to me, and this book is a testimony of the real love of God and what he can do for you if you so choose to be led by his Spirit. This journey happened in the Spirit, and it happened all the same in reality. It has affected me and those around me, and the church will not agree with most of this because it isnt based on their principles of manipulation and control. The stories in this book are true to the best of my memory and the journey that I have endured. It is here to help set you free from religious mind-sets, to help you learn how to be led by Gods Spirit, and to help you learn who you are through him.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 9, 2017
Truly It’S a God Thing

Cory L. Clark

In 2005 God totally transformed my life through his word and my cooperation and obedience. I was brought up in church and taught the fundamentals of what it meant to be a Christian. I felt something more than church was calling me into a deeper relationship. Then I audibly heard God one day tell me to stop going to church. Really, it couldnt be God. Does God really say such things. Then he gave me the proof I needed and so I quit going to church. He has been the one to teach me ever since and that has made all the difference in my life.

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    Truly It’S a God Thing - Cory L. Clark

    Copyright © 2017 Cory L. Clark.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8264-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8265-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017909608

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/09/2017



    Chapter 1     The End of Life as I Knew it

    Chapter 2     The Journey Begins

    Chapter 3     The Rooms

    Chapter 4     Room 2: More Exploring

    Chapter 5     A New Room

    Chapter 6     Room 3: Room of Treasures

    Chapter 7     Seeing Heaven

    Chapter 8     A Great Sadness

    Chapter 9     Life-Changing Experiences

    Chapter 10   The Institution of Good and Evil

    Chapter 11   The Truth Shall Set You Free


    T his book will read like a journal or a diary in some ways. I’m not intending to tear people away from their personal religious beliefs. If your faith is meaningful to you, then I love and respect you for that point of view. I understand that not everyone will be able to acknowledge or accept everything that I will be writing about.

    I know that some people treat God like someone to be feared, and don’t you dare come off cross with him, or you’ll be sorry. I’ll tell you what. Try it, and I can tell you for a fact that God will not strike you dead. He does understand that you’re human—after all, he created you.

    This may not be a book that stays in your library or on your bookshelf. It may not be a book you recommend to friends or your congregation. No doubt, some will be offended by it, and others will be hurt. It may even cause some people’s blood to boil. I assure you, that is not why I have written this at all. I’m not trying to belittle God or make light of him, but as I feel the Holy Spirit lead my hands, so must I write what has been shown to me.

    A lot of people believe that God doesn’t still talk to people nowadays. They think that’s just something he used to do in Bible days. However, my Bible has always read, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). So just because you don’t hear him, or you’re not listening, does that mean the rest of us who do must fall under your understanding? God didn’t stop talking, my friends—people just stopped listening to that still quiet small voice inside of them. They chose their independence because they didn’t like what that voice was telling them to do.

    A friend of mine told me one time that he never heard from God. I told him, When God does finally talk to you, make sure you listen and do what he tells you to do, or he will quit wasting his breath. Sorry if that doesn’t go along with your theology, but then again, I don’t claim to be a theologian.

    I myself am not trying to change anyone’s way of thinking about God—but God might be, through me. This book will reach many at a time when they need answers, and they’ll find answers in these pages. I will write down the details of my journey the best that I can remember it. I assure you that unless God as my witness has gone into error, I’m not trying to change God’s word in any way, shape, or form. I know some of what he has told me will confuse some of you, as much as it has me. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto, your own understanding (Proverbs 3:6).

    For the most part, I have realized that God’s words are a mystery to us sometimes. Sometimes it just takes living day by day for the mysteries to be unveiled before our eyes, and then we begin to see what he was saying all along—or we get the understanding of it later, or it just becomes known to us. Most of what I share will be the essence of what I have come to know and understand, and some things I might not understand as well as I will later as God’s truth becomes known to me. I am just beginning to grow in this relationship that I believe he wants all of his children to share with him.

    I don’t believe that God is any respecter of persons, so in no way do I believe that I am any better than anyone else. God chooses who he wants, or who he sees is willing to be lead. I am just one of thousands of vessels who have chosen to walk the path less traveled. I’m sure there are many more, and even more to come.

    Father, I ask that you open the eyes of the blind that they might see and gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Open their ears that they might be able to hear your sweet voice and take in all that you would have them learn and understand—all that you have brought them to this book to find. Please reveal to my brothers and sisters what you would have them gain from reading the words you gave me and asked me to pass on to those to whom you’ve given a deeper understanding. Amen.

    Chapter 1


    M y life was as ordinary as they come. I was brought up in the church, professed to be a Christian, and would challenge anyone who would dare say I wasn’t. I went to church every Sunday morning and night and to the midweek service on Wednesday nights. My dad was a member of the Full Gospel Business Men’s organization, and my mom was with Women’s Ministries, or the WMs as she called it.

    My dad and mom had a few rules, and one of those rules was, As long as you live under our roof, you will go to church. The only way out of it was if you were really sick. To prove that, you’d better have a fever and be stuck to the bathroom pretty much constantly; otherwise, you were going. After all, where better to go if you’re sick and in need of prayers?

    They didn’t allow back-talking or pouting, so I learned at a young age not to argue. Back then, it was okay for a dad to backhand you and knock you down if you dared to stand up and oppose him. I learned that I didn’t appreciate the back of his hairy fingers, so I didn’t talk back. What he said was law. As he would say, End of discussion.

    I’m not saying that I’m against discipline. I’m not totally against the way I was brought up. I know for a fact, by looking around, that if it was not for strict parents, I would not be any better than all these people running around killing one another. There’s a lot of anger out in the world today. I can’t judge these people, though. Society has really sucked the love of God right out of life. Where there is a lack of love, hatred seems to flourish.

    I have had many life-changing experiences. In my early years, I can remember, I had angels following me everywhere. Sometimes I would even have discussions with them. As a little child, I had a problem paying attention to things that were happening here on earth, as I was focusing more on things that were happening in what I call the spirit realm. I would even include them in my prayers sometimes and ask the angels to help me do better at paying attention to my parents and being a more obedient child in general.

    My dad had no concerns over my attention problem, by the way. He could get my attention right through the seat of my pants and with the boom of his voice. They call it attention deficit disorder nowadays. Back then, they didn’t have a term for it, other than just plain not paying attention.

    I can remember my mom taking me to a building downtown one day. This nice lady took me into a room where they did tests on me, seeing what my abilities were. They had me put these plastic double colored blocks together to form different pictures of things. I just added that all up to mean that I was slow. To me, being held back in the third grade meant I basically had flunked—held back was just a nicer term to use. Retarded was the word they used back then. I guess now they would say a person was mentally challenged.

    Really, the only thing I was having trouble with was reading. I could sound out the words all right, if a little more slowly than the average student my age. Where I really struggled was with comprehension. The words were just words to me, and reading was boring—unless it was a story that had a lot of pictures and really captured my attention.

    I was an active child (not hyperactive) who wanted to go play outside. It just seemed to me that there was a lot going on outside that I would enjoy doing, rather than sitting in a room somewhere wasting the daylight away. My teacher told my mom that I was daydreaming. I know that this was true to a certain degree. I hated being in a classroom when there was so much to be explored outside. I loved the outdoors, and spending time in the sunshine was my favorite thing to do.

    I had the attention problem so bad that sometimes, I didn’t know what to do. I would be in a state of confusion and chaos when I was at home. I would feel like I was having a mental breakdown—like I was trying not to escape God’s presence and couldn’t figure out how. I would kneel and bang my head lightly on the floor, trying to remain focused.

    Sometimes I

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