My Hiding Place
About this ebook
To the believers this book will take you to a place where you will speak to your soul , command it to be still and to always wait upon the Lord. It will nourish your soul with spiritual food, keep you fit and will help you continue holding on to Christ the hope of glory. To the unbelievers this book is a step of faith that you'll need to take to this hiding place, where you will find God. You will feel God, you will see God and you will touch God. Life will always present us with two choices. Either you choose to believe and see His glory or you don't believe and stay spiritually blind for the rest of your existence here on earth. Aren't you concerned about where you will spend eternity? Well this is one of the books that will answer just that.
Gloria K. Mwape
My name is Gloria Kabanga Mwape. I am a married woman and a mother of 2 girls and 2 boys. I am Residing in Johannesburg, South Africa with my husband and my children. I am a gospel singer. I am starting a Ministry called Rise Again Ministry. I have always wanted to serve the Lord Jesus Christ because of who He is to me and what He has done for me. With everything that I went through in my life, I gained experience that affect my live in such a positive way and makes me write this book to you. I gave my life to Him at the age of thirteen. I vowed to teach His ways and I will always declare His wonders through writing, singing and ministering his words in various places. I believe that we were created to worship God and give Him all the praises that is due to Him. I would love to serve people and help wherever I can by the grace of God.
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My Hiding Place - Gloria K. Mwape
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© 2014 Gloria K. Mwape. All rights reserved.
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transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
Author Credits: Rhonda Byrne the author of the secret who inspired me a lot to always share
love to billions. Graham Cooke, author of developing your prophetic gift, who inspires me
to use my gifts to the benefits of others. Amie Dockery and le Sadhou Sundar Singh.
Bible version: NKJV = New King James Version 1982 by Thomas Nelson
King James Bible 2012
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011
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© 2012, Used by Permission
Published by AuthorHouse 04/22/2014
ISBN: 978-1-4969-7827-1 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4969-7828-8 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4969-7836-3 (e)
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1. The Little Girl
2. He Found Me
3. Prized Possession
4. The Battle Field
5. The Inner Voice
6. Hiding Place
7. I Found Him
8. Breakfast with God
9. A Life of Contemplation
10. Eternal Romance
To my late Mother
who not only introduced me to this world
but also taught me to serve God with all that I have
I am very grateful to my dearest father for his continuous support and wisdom.
I am particularly grateful for my first born Elizabeth Davies for her great help that made it possible for me to write this book. I am also grateful to my husband Luke C. Davies for his love and encouragement, to my son David and Emmanuel Davies for their patience and understanding while I spent many hours working on this book, to my young daughter Zepporah Davies for her care and compliment, to my mentor Patching and Eira who taught me to live a life of a slave of Christ. To my co -workers in the ministry Pastor Austin and his wife Annie for their timely encouragement, counsel and suggestions. To my older sister Raphael who led me to Christ. To my friends Anna Leppert for believing in my calling and for her sincere friendship, Sherani and Nivasha Govender for their trust and encouragment when I was feeling exhausted to pursue my dreams, to my good friend Rina Nagel for making me realise the value of the book or my ability to finish it, to Madeleine Maloba for her great seed she sow in my ministry in times of need, to my friend Jolina Mbenga for her prophetic words for this book, to my Eldest sister Vanilla and her husband Kizito for their advise. To Reverend William Mukeba and his wife Passy Mukeba for allowing me to work on my abilities and serve God together in their church Fountain of Faith that gave me a platform to live every single word I preached in this book. To my cousins Petros and Jose for always keeping in touch with me and keeping track on the work of God and on this book. My special thanks to all the members of Rise Again Ministry for their