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Mama's Girls: All We Have Is Each Other
Mama's Girls: All We Have Is Each Other
Mama's Girls: All We Have Is Each Other
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Mama's Girls: All We Have Is Each Other

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Mamas Girls tells the story of a married woman turned single mother of five. All five of her daughters have very different personalities even in their youth. Mama has to find ways to balance meeting the needs of all five of her children, especially her youngest, Sonya, who is a part of a secret that she has no idea about. As the girls grow up, they begin to focus on their own needs and eventually delve deeper into their own lives. Sonya remains close to Mama; however, she denies herself a personal life to make sure that Mama is okay. Shes beginning to feel overwhelmed, and then one day, Mama has an accident. Sonya calls her sisters and asks them to come see Mama and help her get through this tough time. Will all of Mamas girls show up?
Release dateFeb 29, 2016
Mama's Girls: All We Have Is Each Other

Garrett Davis

Dr. Garrett Davis is a board-certified veterinary surgeon, having obtained his bachelor's degree from Bowdoin College, DVM from Cornell University, and surgical training at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been practicing surgery for over twenty years, authored multiple journal articles, spoken internationally at veterinary conferences, and currently is the director of the residency training program at the Red Bank Veterinary Hospital. He spends his free time cooking, writing, and traveling the world on adventures with his family. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two children, and multiple pets. The Prion Paradigm is his first novel.

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    Mama's Girls - Garrett Davis

    Mama's Girls

    All We Have Is Each Other




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    © 2016 Garrett Davis. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/01/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-8283-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-8282-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-8088-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016903441

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14



    I don't know how I got here. I was always healthy and took care of myself pretty good. Then all of a sudden my life started to spin out of control. Thank God I was talking to my daughter Sonya on the phone; I just lost my balance and fell down the stairs. I had fried some fish so I called her to come over and eat with me.

    Sonya, I know you probably ordered dinner already, but I wanted you to come over and have dinner with me. I fried some fish.

    Okay, Mama. I'll be over in about an hour. Is everything okay?

    Everything is fine.

    That was the last thing I remember. Now, I'm sitting in this here hospital room and they are telling me that I broke a hip and will have to learn to walk about. Thank God it wasn't any worse than that. Well only Lord knows what's going to happen from here on out. I might as well sit here and eat this Jell-O Ruthie May is trying to shove down my throat.


    Come on now Mama you got to eat this Jell-O now, Ruthie Mae shouted out at me.

    Why do I have to eat it? I want some real food. Ruthie bring me some macaroni and cheese and meatloaf.

    Mama you know the doctor said you couldn't have a lot of greasy foods.

    I pouted and folded my arms like I was a schoolgirl. I was not trying to hear all that noise that she was talking.

    Ruthie May, I want you to know that I appreciate you and your sisters coming here to see about me. Sonya can't do it all by herself. I gave her a serious look.

    Ruthie May rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her shoulders.

    I know Mama, it's just that I hate that she says we don't do enough. Bree is going through with her husband and family in Atlanta, I live in Augusta, Keke is in LA thinking she's a basketball wife, and Paulette is in Chicago with her cars, I mean kids.

    I couldn't help but to laugh at her. For her to be oldest, she seemed to be so concerned with what their lives were like instead of her own.

    "I know baby, but no matter what you have, always know they are your sisters. You are the oldest and I taught you better than that. They all need you. In fact you all need each other.

    I know mama; I promise I'm going to be better.

    I know you will baby. Sonya is doing everything that you should be.

    Ruthie May put her head down and wiped away a tear.

    I'm grateful for all that she's doing Mama. I remember like it was yesterday how she came into our lives.

    I remember too. I lifted myself up in the bed and tried my best to get comfortable.

    Ruthie May, I know that you don't know why she came to us, but I do, it was all in God's plan.


    I was filling up a bucket with warm water while Ruthie May was upstairs playing with her sisters. My hands were burning from wringing the mop of hot water. I started to pour some bleach in the bucket when I heard thunder. It had started to pour down raining. The girls were still upstairs playing their music. I yelled, Y'all cut that music off, it's storming out there. I could hear Paulette, Okay mama, it's off, I went back to mopping the floor. I had planned on making a day of cleaning since we had nowhere to go and it was the weekend. I had just finished frying chicken; the aroma filled the entire house. Having four girls and my husband Bill, I knew I had to make plenty. It wasn't a problem of course, they were my family. As I was mopping the floor, someone was banging on my door so hard I thought it was the police. I jumped in fear because Bill was at work and I knew he wouldn't be home until suppertime.

    Edna open the door, please I need you. The voice shouted.

    I couldn't register whose voice it was. The girls started to come down the stairs to answer the door. Ruthie May, as always, was the first one down stairs. As she kept knocking on the door I recognized the voice.

    Vivian is that you? I yelled from the door. I was a little nervous because she was breathing hard. The girls stood on the steps as I opened the door. Vivian and her baby were soaking wet. The little girl was crying.

    Vivian come on in, why are you so wet?

    Edna, I'm sorry but I need you to take Sonya, she said sounding scared and shaking uncontrollably.

    Why, where is your husband and what happened to you?

    Vivian's eyes were black and she looked scared for her life.

    Look, I need you to raise Sonya until I'm able to come back and get her. I have to go. I'll come back when I can, she said and put one year old Sonya in my arms. But, once I got Sonya my life changed forever after that moment.

    Ruthie May sat at the side of my bed as she wiped tears from my eyes.

    I'm okay baby, I tried to assure her.

    I'm so sorry Mama. I remember that day. I remember when you told us that we had a new sister.

    I just smiled at Ruthie May.

    I know you do. But that's why you mustn't tell her about this at all. I know you girls are grown now and living your own lives but Sonya can't know about this, do you understand me?

    Ruthie May nodded her head as she took a spoonful of my Jell-O. I'm glad that my girls will be able to visit me together. It's been so long since I've seen them all in my presence. I don't know how long I have to live. The Lord may be calling me home. But, I'm going to treasure my girls while they are all here and tell them how much I love and appreciate them.

    Chapter 1


    It was Wednesday and I was coming in from work when I heard loud music playing from my bedroom. Now, I'm not the smartest tool in the shed, but I'm definitely not the dullest. Bill was supposed to be at work. I always made it home hours before he did. I walked in my house and saw that dinner was already made. There were two plates on the dinner table that had been used. I was upset because I figured two of the girls came home from school for early dismissal and didn't tell me.

    I happened to look on my burgundy recliner sofa before heading upstairs and I saw a woman's coat and purse on my couch. I said to myself, I know this man ain't in my house cheating on me with someone from work. I was beyond pissed off. I was ready to storm up the stairs, but I had to take my shoes off first. I went in the kitchen and grabbed the first thing that I could find. I knew it would do some damage. I put the roller pin under my arm and slowly climbed the steps of my house. As I was walking, tears streamed down my face and I saw our wedding photos hanging on the wall. I was so happy that day. Despite how my father felt about him, I loved him and

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