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About this ebook

She was born in Japan, adopted by an American couple who served in the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE. She had big dreams coming to America with her adopted family.

She had childlike faith, that was a secret between God and her little self, that she hoped to find her family who still lives in Japan. Through the difficult times, of prejudice, and growing up without her identity, she coped with her struggles with the gift of writing. She knew that she was a writer the moment she learned to write her name.

Her 10th Grade English Teacher walked over to her desk, one day, never spoken to her, except this one time. Mr. Mitchell said, You are a writer, keep on writing and never give up. Those were the most encouraging words she had ever heard.

This book is dedicated to Alisa, Jordan, Jenna, Daniel and God.

Miyoko is also a singer & songwriter. Feel free to email her for a song at: [email protected]
Release dateJul 30, 2016

Vanessa Shing

The author was born in Japan, adopted by an American couple who served in the United States Air Force. She had big dreams coming to America with her adopted family, though all the while held a secret childlike faith between her little self and God, that one day she would find her family in Japan. Many years later, that miracle came to pass and God said that her next big accomplishment would come in 20 years or more. Believing that all things work together for good to those that love God and knowing that everything happens in His perfect timing, Miyoko never lost hope and sure enough, along came a friend named Flower and a gifted artist, Vanessa Shing. They encouraged Miyoko to pursue her dream of writing and eventually, the reality of publishing her children’s books became a reality. Blessings to all who read this book. Miyoko Ishibashi 415-410-1142 [email protected] Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

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    Eglion - Vanessa Shing


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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/01/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-1764-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-1765-3 (e)

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    O nce upon a time, in a land where vibrant orange poppy flowers blanketed the pasture, a girl named Melony and her little brother named Kevin came skipping over the top of the rolling hills, singing little children’s songs joyfully. The sky was so blue, and the siblings could hear birds chirping their songs from the trees that surrounded this hill.

    The children were so happy, with not a care in the world. Melony was eight years old, and Kevin was five. They held hands. Melony always took special care of her little brother.

    It was in the early 1900s, when the car was invented. The cars were electric and had to be cranked manually before they would start. There were no streetlights in the major cities like we have in our modern-day world. They washed their clothes by hand on a washboard in a big tub and then hung the clothes on the outside line to dry. A lot has happened between then and now.

    There were no computers, nor were there televisions or telephones. The children didn’t have any entertainment like you have today.

    Children had to use their imaginations to make up games with rocks or strings because there weren’t many toys available. They played with each other by clapping their hands together, making up stories, or singing songs that their parents had taught them. These songs were special because they were handed down from generation to generation. You may know some of the songs, which were probably handed down from your grandmother to your own mother to you.

    Melony and Kevin lived in a small village in England. There was

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