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Us the Universe
Us the Universe
Us the Universe
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Us the Universe

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Who are we? Why are we born into this life just to die and disappear again? Where do we come from, and where do we go? Every day, the earths population is growing at an exponential rate. If we have souls and are not just pails of meat, where do all the new souls come from?

All these questions and more have been tumbling around in my head since I was young. My whole life, I have been searching with an open mind for answers. The last few years, I have found many that I will try to share with you.

There are about seven billion of us here on earth. Most of us believe in some kind of religion, and these religions tell us, Do what we tell you and dont start thinking for yourself. Even though these religions try to control us, I think there are some good things and some truth in them as well. Its just that they have become such man-made products.

People with the need for power are attracted to religions as well as politics, business, and financial power systems. All these things have built up a trust-and-believe system where we are deactivated as thinkers, so we have stopped doing the necessary thinking and reflection ourselves.

In this book, we are going to open up our minds and start asking questions. We are going to take in a lot of obvious ideas and analyze them. Not so long ago, we were thinking that the earth was flat, that the sun circled around the earth, and that the earth was the centre of the universe. All this was very true at that time, but not anymore.

In this book, we are going to see what else we have to reconsider. The time is here.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 12, 2016
Us the Universe

Svein Harald Haukanes

Who am I? It is not necessarily easy to answer this question. Anyhow, I think I have it figured out now even if it was not obvious from the beginning. From the time I was a young guy, I have always asked the questions “Who are we?” “Why are we born into this life just to die and disappear again?” “Where do we come from, and where do we go?” “Every day the earth’s population is growing at an exponential rate. If we have a soul and are not just pails of meat, where do all the new souls come from?” All these questions and more have been tumbling around in my head since I was young. My whole life, I have been searching with an open mind for answers. Over the past year, I have found many. I discovered many answers to my questions using a technique called Quantum Healing Hypnosis. This technique involves putting a subject in a very deep state of hypnosis so that the subject can connect with their subconscious mind. Here you can find the information about all the lives you have ever lived and what you have been doing between the lives on the spirit side. Thousands of people who have done this type of hypnosis and who don’t know one another have told similar stories about what it is like when you die, how it is on the other side, and what it is like when you prepare for the next life. From these sessions, we have confirmed the whole circle of life, where there is no beginning and no end. Sometimes great beings are coming through in the sessions. They want to tell us humans about important things in this time because they want to help us. The earth and the humans on it are in a very critical time right now. I learned Quantum Healing Hypnosis from Dolores Cannon. She practiced this technique for more than fifty years and wrote twenty books about what she discovered in these sessions. She also taught this technique to thousands of people, including me. Besides studying all this and more, I’m also a son, a brother, a brother-in-law, an uncle, a father, a grandfather, and a husband. But let’s forget about all these titles. My dear family has allowed me to be a good friend, and that’s the biggest gift they could ever give me. When I think back, my whole life has been in service to other people. This has given me the opportunity to meet so many different and great people. I have worked with young people as well as the old, poor people as well as the rich. I have met people with health problems as well as health freaks. I have met alcoholics as well as people from AA. I could go on and on, but what I want to tell you is that all these people have become my friends. I have the luxury in life to just have friends. So I thank all my friends for inspiring me to do my best, to be a good person, and to be a good friend. Without all of them, my life would be poor. They have all been the inspiration for everything I have done in my life, including writing this book. My body (machine) for this life was born on the west coast of Norway on a small island at ten minutes to eight in the evening on October 27, 1954. I was given the name Svein Harald Haukanes. I have already spent sixty-one years on this planet in this life. What is left of this life I have promised myself to use for writing more books about human beings and how we can live our life in the best way here on this planet. I have also established a foundation with the same name as this book, Us the Universe. This is going to be a new way of thinking and living on this planet. If you ask me who I am, my answer will be “a child of the universe.” And so are you. We are all connected in a great way to one another.

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    Us the Universe - Svein Harald Haukanes

    Copyright © 2016 Svein Harald Haukanes.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5933-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5934-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016909219

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/12/2016



    Chapter 1   How Did I Get This Information?

    Chapter 2   All is Energy

    Chapter 3   The Forgotten Connection

    Chapter 4   This Life…

    Chapter 5   The Intergalactic Council and the Galactic Federation

    Chapter 6   The Great Year and the Rebirth of the Earth

    Chapter 7   Why Did we Reincarnate at This Time?

    Chapter 8   The Big Project

    Chapter 9   You Are in Charge

    Us The Universe

    Svein Harald Haukanes

    Us The Universe

    Who are we? Why are we born into this life just to die and disappear again? Where do we come from and where do we go? Every day the Earth’s population is growing at an exponential rate. If we have souls and are not just pails of meat, where do all the new souls come from?

    All of these questions and more have been tumbling around in my head since I was young. My whole life I have been searching with an open mind for answers. The last few years I have found many that I will try to share with you.

    There are about seven billion of us here on Earth. Most of us believe in some kind of religion and these religions tell us, Do what we tell you and don’t start thinking for yourself. Even though these religions try to control us, I think there is some good and some true in them as well. It’s just that they have become such man-made products.

    People with the need for power are attracted to religions, as well as politics, business and financial power systems.

    All of these things have built up a trust and believe system where we are deactivated as thinkers, so we have stopped doing the necessary thinking and reflection ourselves.

    In this book we are going to open up our minds and start asking questions. We are going to take in a lot of obvious ideas and analyse them. Not so long ago we were thinking that the Earth was flat, the Sun circled around the Earth, and the Earth was the centre of the Universe. All this was very true at that time, but not anymore.

    In this book we are going to see what else we have to reconsider.

    The time is here.


    Your shadow is the reflection of your body, but your foot prints are the reflections of your actions.

    Svein Harald Haukanes


    How Did I Get This Information?

    In a way I have known from the time I was young that things are very different from what we are told by religions, scientists and the sleeping generations of people in general.

    Scientists are constantly coming up with new conclusions about life and the world around us, only to turn around and tell us one moment later that they were wrong and they have now come to another conclusion. That does not mean that things are always changing at a rapid rate, but rather that our understanding of things is changing. What is correct now will most likely be wrong at some point in the future because our understanding of reality changes.

    Not long ago, the Earth was flat. Everyone knew it and it was considered a fact. Than one man came up with the idea that the Earth was round. What an idiot. Let’s kill him, people said.

    So they hired the specialist for that kind of work at the time—the Church. They did the job perfectly, so then everyone could relax and all was back to ‘normal’. The Earth was still flat. Yet this man had planted a seed. His idea that maybe the Earth was different than everyone thought it was started tumbling around in people’s heads and soon people wanted to find out more. We all know what happened… now the Earth is round.

    Right now we are at another big crossroads. This time the question is not whether Earth is flat or round. The big question is: Are we the only ones in the Universe?

    Most people are arrogant enough to think that we are. But what do they know about the Universe? If you have a discussion with someone about this and mention that there is a possibility that there are others out there who may be more advanced than us and can travel across the universe and come and visit us, people tend to get very angry.

    They say things like, What kind of idiot are you to believe in UFOs and aliens? Of course, those people put their trust in religion and the scientists who tell them that it is just us, and that our tiny little planet is the only chosen one in this vast universe.

    What a disaster it was for religions and scientists when we understood that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe. Religions had been telling people that for thousands of years and scientists supported the idea. I guess this was either to save their necks, or perhaps they were not able to understand at that time how it really was.

    Now we know a lot more about the Universe.

    However, most people actually don’t because they are too busy with their daily routine to keep up with the new discoveries, or they are not really interested because they ‘know’ there is nothing out there. According to them, everybody knows that… except for a few crazy people. Most people believe that we ARE the champions of the Universe, and if there is something out there, it is probably just a simple life form. They believe that the other billions or trillions or whatever of stars and planets are home to just dust and nothing else.

    Over the past few years, the Hubble telescope and other spacecraft have sent unbelievable information back to Earth. The Hubble has already found thousands of planets that are similar to Earth just in our Galaxy, and there are definitely hundreds of millions more we have not discovered yet. In fact, we have already discovered that there are hundreds of millions of galaxies out there, most of which are much bigger than our Milky Way. We have already seen this clearly with our new technology, the same way we can also

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