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Life’S Quest for Love and Freedom
Life’S Quest for Love and Freedom
Life’S Quest for Love and Freedom
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Life’S Quest for Love and Freedom

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In life, we are all seekers on a perpetual search for love and freedom. Still, as hard as we try, sometimes the things we want most seem to be the most elusive.

In a thought-provoking guide to finding love and freedom, life coach Allan Moore relies on personal experiences, ancient philosophies, and intuitive-based wisdom to help others understand and sustain love with freedom. While leading others on a spiritual journey to gain answers, Moore introduces the concept of self, reveals the source of love, explores the law of attraction, defines personal traits that can lead to failure or success, and offers suggestions on how to gain observational awareness through journaling, mindfulness, and self-reflection. Through gentle encouragement, Moore helps all of us understand that above all, love is who we really are as unique beings existing within a vast universe.

Lifes Quest for Love and Freedom intertwines anecdotes with practical advice and introspective ideas that lead others down a contemplative path to attain a better life.

Release dateFeb 15, 2017
Life’S Quest for Love and Freedom

Allan Moore

Allan Moore is a life coach who lives within an intuitive world untainted by conventional thinking. He is a dyslexic who has learned to transform his disability from a disadvantage to an advantage that helps him see the world differently. Allan lives in New South Wales, Australia, where he enjoys meditating to gain insight about the source of love and mind.

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    Life’S Quest for Love and Freedom - Allan Moore

    Copyright © 2017 Allan Moore.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0519-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0520-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/14/2017



    Introduction and Overview


    A List of Aspects to Be Considered for Responsibility


    Perception Is Your Reality

    Relativity, Contrast, and Polarity

    Emotional Intelligence

    Ownership Psychology

    Awareness Is the Light of I


    Acceptance Is a Subtle Word

    Presence Is Being Love


    Returning Home to Being Love


    My journey toward writing and publishing this book is not all my own work, although it bears my name as the author.

    Throughout our lives, we have other people who seem to enter our world as if by synchronicity.

    Marguerite Curtis entered my life when I was at a low ebb. I still remember my first phone call to her as I saw her number in the phone directory listings. I became a client of Marguerite, and we became good friends. When I had a mystical experience, she noticed the change in me, and together we incorporated this new way of being into our model of the world, in particular how to experience this realm. We have continued to evolve together and yet retain our individuality. Marguerite introduced me to hypnotherapy and emotional healing techniques. We have regular conversations to this very day.

    Eventually I became a life coach and met Carmel Herrington when we joined an online course that specialised in coaching with a spiritual modality. We became coaching buddies, and today we coach each other in real life. We have a certain presence when we are on the phone. Carmel is a natural coach. She has a knack of asking powerful questions and keeps me to my own decisions and path. Now, when I say a coach, she is able to be there for me in such a way that I spontaneously evolve easier than I would on my own. I suppose a better word would be a catalyst.

    You may have read in the author bio that I have a history of dyslexia. In the past, this has been an impediment to my academic success. Carmel helped turn this from a disadvantage to focussing on the advantages of seeing differently. This book has been on the drawing board for over seventeen years, and without Carmel, that is where it would remain.

    Thank you, both.

    Introduction and Overview

    We all aspire to experience love and express free will. Yet love can be elusive, and free will comes with complications. Love and freedom both need each other; you cannot have one without the other. Love is a mystery, and free will is often bygone history. However, both are your birthright, and you are never too old to claim them. When you do, you will feel as though you have been born again with the benefit of hindsight.

    Life can sometimes consist of existing or suffering with fear being predominate, as if the world is composed of separate beings. In this state, depression and anxiety reign, and freedom seems to breed selfishness and greed. The world appears to be a lonely place even when one is in the midst of others. Love is yearned for yet is deemed to be absent.

    Love, though, is not what we may have been led to believe it is. Chasing love and happiness usually makes them less evident. After a while, people give up and relegate themselves to hedonism and self-medication. Mostly the quest is external (i.e., in the outside world). It is as though we have all been conned as we try to find or get love. Even when we experience what we believe to be love or happiness, it is often fleeting.

    Paradoxically, love is everywhere and is our own inner being. The universe is a friendly place. In fact, the words free and friend have the same origin and association with love.

    As you read this book, you will be introduced to the perennial wisdom and ancient philosophy that is missing in much of today’s consumer-driven, fast-paced, technological living. Virtual reality is changing how we relate together. It is like watching somebody on a screen instead of in person, and when you do meet the person they are pre-occupied with virtual life. Pre-occupation displaces presence, availability and intimacy; the prerequisites of love are displaced.

    So where does this quest for love and freedom begin?

    It starts with you but not in the way you may expect. Thinking is a function of mind. Mind is how we perceive the world of reality. In a way, mind veils or obscures love; it gets in the way. Love transcends and permeates mind. The original purpose of mind is freedom to mind our reality, evolve, and grow.

    Before each of us developed our own mind, we were already love, and it was eternally present as the core (heart) of our inner being. Indeed, it is life itself. Nobody remembers the first years of coming into the world. Memory is a facet of mind.

    Can you recall being in the presence of a young baby? Remembering the feelings of love as the baby’s eyes made contact with yours? What is this connection? It is the inner being in both of you becoming as one. It is love being aware of itself. We are all born in this state of grace, although we are unaware; it simply is. Later, we will learn the word I and intuitively know its meaning. I is the essence of

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