Wave Goodbye!: Simple Tsunami Mitigation
By John LeRoux
About this ebook
John LeRoux
John is a retired letter carrier living in Hawaii. He likes to analyze the math behind the news and solve unsolvable problems!
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Wave Goodbye! - John LeRoux
Copyright © 2017 John LeRoux.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-7841-3 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-7842-0 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 04/19/2017
Chapter One The Set-Up
Spoiler Alert
The Birth of an Idea
My Theory—Tides Versus Tsunamis
Figure 1—Energy Flow into a High Tide
Figure 2—Energy Flow in a Tsunami
About This Book
Chapter Two This is Not a Science Book
Disclaimers and Generalizations
Well Known Numbers
Figure 3—Tsunami Velocity and Wavelength
Figure 4—A Newton’s Cradle
Why Has No One Thought of This?
Chapter Three Understanding Waves
A Layman’s View
The Size of the Problem
Figure 5—A Section of Beach Before the Wave
Figure 6—An Inundated Beach
Wave Energy Per Cubic Meter
My Theory—Tsunamis Aren’t Noticed at Sea
Modeling a Wave
Chapter Four A Line in the Sand / Proof of Concept
The Size of the Problem
Add Some Bubbles
One Bubble Rises One Meter
Let’s Play Follow the Liter
The Multiple Is
The Sideways Proof
Believe Your Eyes
Figure 7—A Wave Dies Out Near the Beach
My Theory—The Top Passes the Bottom
Chapter Five Am I Serious?
Climate Science
Kitchen Sink Science
Chapter Six Braking
Boats With Air Compressors
Tanks of Air Dropped From Boats
Dedicated Air Pipeline
Tanks Stored on the Ocean Floor
Depth Charges
Retrofit Current Infrastructure
Figure 8—Mayor Canute Re-enacts His Heroic Act—Saving the Town of Port Dockport Beach
Chapter Seven We Look at Tsunamis Differently
My Theory—Wave Speed Vs. a Falling Object
An Untouched Wave
Tiny Bubbles
Chapter Eight The Aleutian Earthquake of 1946
My Theory: The 1946 Tsunami.
We Could Have Done Better
Chapter Nine Seawalls are Sometimes Worse Than Nothing
Chapter Ten Storm Surges
Wave Trains
Saving Lives
Chapter Eleven Hurricanes
Chapter Twelve Rogue Waves
Chapter Thirteen Summary and More Analogies
Chapter Fourteen An Apology and a Thank-You
I dream things that never were and I say, why not?
-George Bernard Shaw
There is a common belief that you can’t stop a tsunami. What if this belief IS NOT TRUE?
After much thought, I’ve concluded that the mayhem caused by tsunami waves can be prevented with today’s technology. The method considered in this book is simply placing air, or some other gas, ahead of the wave while it’s still in deep water. In the following pages, I will show that this method is a logical and effective way to stop or weaken tsunami waves before they can do any damage.
I’ve often seen the word impossible
used regarding stopping tsunamis. No one truly believes that this an impossible dream. Many billions of dollars are spent worldwide every year to build and maintain seawalls and floodgates. We build these hoping we never need to use them. When they are needed they sometimes work and sometimes don’t. Even when allowed to run their course, tsunamis are stopped eventually by Mother Nature. Often, they’ll stop before they do much damage, owing to the particulars of a given situation. I’ve heard scientists remark that the reef absorbed much of the energy of a tsunami, so while we who are on the shore escaped devastation, the reef didn’t fare so well. If a reef can mitigate tsunami damage, why can’t man? It’s reasonable to assume that if there were a simple, inexpensive way to prevent tsunami destruction someone would have thought of it by now. We don’t need some retired letter carrier (yours truly) to tell us we’ve been wasting billions on seawalls. On the off chance that I’m right, and the untried mitigation methods listed in this book do work, the benefits to the world could be immeasurable. In fact, even if they work just a little bit, (and I don’t see how they couldn’t) significant mitigation could be brought about by upping the scale of the technique.
Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb. There were inferior inventions for 75 years before he created a commercially viable bulb. With this book, I hope to fill the role of the person who told Edison that a light bulb was possible. Whoever he was.
The Set-Up
Spoiler Alert
This entire book is summarized in the preface. For the reader who would like a little more