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Reflections: Thoughts from a Social Transplant
Reflections: Thoughts from a Social Transplant
Reflections: Thoughts from a Social Transplant
Ebook46 pages50 minutes

Reflections: Thoughts from a Social Transplant

By Choi

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About this ebook

I have come to realize that when I look at the people around me, I never saw anyone like me. I was in first grade when I really came around to seeing myself as different. I was teased before that moment but did not understand where and why that was happening. It was early part of the 70s decade, and Vietnam was slowly coming to a close and people have come to misunderstand the Asian culture and that we were not all one in the same just like European people are not ALL the same-different countries, different culture, different people, and different thinking.

We all have one thing in common. We are HUMAN and a very social group. With being human comes making mistakes and learning about each other.
Release dateJul 10, 2015
Reflections: Thoughts from a Social Transplant


I was adopted at a young age from South Korea by an American Catholic family who wanted to give a chance to a child for another life. My adopted parents had four kids of their own and one other adopted American child. The intentions are good, but the social aspect at the time was not the best in the US. Asians were not viewed very highly in the sixties and early seventies. I had to deal with a lot of abuse from kids around my age and older. I can still see the stares from people from time to time to this day when I am out with my American girlfriend. I have grown up in the Midwest and still live in the Midwest, just four hours south of where I was raised outside of Saint Louis. The area reminds me a lot of my childhood. I am proud to call myself an American! I stand behind the oath I took to become a part of this country and represent it the best I can always!

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    Reflections - Choi


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    Published by AuthorHouse  07/10/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2226-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2227-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015910928

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    Introduction: The Early days

    A new Life

    Birthdays and holidays

    Learning and Sports

    Who am I?


    I decided to write this book for two main reasons.

    1. For my family (mainly parents)

    2. For myself to help deal with all my stored anger of those early years gone by.

    This does not cover the years after college. The main focus is in my early years from the adoption to college and the hints to my thinking/philosophy on life. I think the things I have dealt with can also be of help to other but not limited to adapted ones by any means. We all go through times of trouble for whatever the circumstances. We all have to figure out how to deal with life with what we have and who we are. I decided not to go into to much detail of the issues I had to deal with just the high lights, the things I have overcome, and things that will always be ongoing for the rest of my life. I just wanted to get the general idea of what I went through and while the world moved on without really knowing what kids go through who are not the majority in the social group.

    A lot of things have gone on even while writing this book. The social issues are all still out their.

    For those who read this I hope you will find yourself and find some laughter and maybe some tears. Life is hard enough alone and sometimes in a crowd you can still feel alone. I am still working on being part of the crowd by believing in humanity, not because I want to, because I need to.

    I also want to thank those who have given me my life meaning.

    The family I never knew in Texas who sent money in my care for food, clothing and medication when I was in Korea.

    To the Adopted Family that ultimately became my family.

    To my adopted mother who was my cheerleader in my young life. She also gave me a pallet that would be open to all kinds of wonderful foods.

    To my adopted father who gave me music in my life even when I did not want to hear his.

    To my Adopted brothers and sisters who gave me sports, love of nature, love of knowledge, and the urge to explore new things.

    And to ALL those close friends I had as a child and current. They have shown me trust and loyalty without bounds, True friendship.

    And lastly, to all those men and women who have served for this great country I call home.

    Introduction: The Early days

    I awake to the sound of a child’s cry and soon realized that it was mine. Tears left a dried path down my cheeks. Apparently I have been crying for some time. Tear ducks had no more to give like the life I would be leaving behind. As I awake from sleep, I look for a familiar face but find only confusion. Minutes have gone by and nothing appears to be normal in my life. Hearing the whine of some strange device unknown to me soon begins to calm me down and find comfort with some men dressed in white with funny caps on

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