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Advice for Men About the American Woman
Advice for Men About the American Woman
Advice for Men About the American Woman
Ebook236 pages3 hours

Advice for Men About the American Woman

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This book is a man to man talk about the American woman. This book is a series of essays that discuss most, if not all of the subjects that seem to be forbidden for men to discuss up to now. The goal of this book, mister, is to make you an enlightened man. This book will make you much more aware of how American society has changed. You need to be more aware of how womens equality has changed to a kind of over-equality in the areas of domestic, family, and divorce law.

The goal of this book is to make you a smarter man. A man who has learned to tear his eyes away from the T&A and look at where her head is at. A man who has learned to look below the skirt and see where her bottom line is at. And, mister, you need to do this, in varying degrees, with just about every American woman that you meet, from the one night stand to your fianc.

Im going to give this advice to you straight, no chaser, as if we were in a bar.

Bottom line -- if you are a heterosexual male, you really need to read this book and consider the thoughts herein, whether you are married or not. It is never too late to learn. This book has the potential to save you thousands
of dollars and years of heartbreak.
Release dateMar 17, 2015
Advice for Men About the American Woman

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    Book preview

    Advice for Men About the American Woman - Torin Reid

    2015 Torin Reid. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/10/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7301-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7302-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015903448

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    Women are liberated – Are Men?

    So, do you want to be the boyfriend?

    So, Do You Want To Be The Boyfriend?


    Is She Worth it?

    Something else to do?

    That thing called Love

    And Other Relationships

    Why did she choose you?

    So, do you want to get married?

    So, do you want to get married?

    What if you are already married?

    Who is the person you are marrying?

    Ancient History - and the Deal

    Married Life with the Wife

    The Married Woman and Money

    Look at the Divorce Laws!

    So, do you want to be the Father?

    So, do you want to be the father?

    What if you are an Unmarried Dad?


    The Duties of the Father Towards the Child

    Parental Alienation

    The Single Father – with an Infant

    The Single Father –With a Pre-Teen

    The Single Father – With A Teenager

    So, do you want to be the Stepfather?

    So, do you want to be the Stepfather?

    What is a Father Figure?

    The Stepparents’ Effects Upon The Children

    The Family Court – and Child Support

    About the Family Court

    The Legend of the Deadbeat Dad

    What is Child Support, Really?

    How Child Support is Calculated

    How Child Support is Collected

    What to do?

    The Effects upon the Children Of Child Support


    Sexual Harassment

    Sexual Harassment

    My Own Experience

    What to do about Sexual Harassment?

    Domestic Violence


    Where you stand, legally


    So, what do you do?

    And Other Consequences

    Another Alternative



    For the Male College Student

    The Rise of the Entitled American Bitch

    Is it all Prostitution?

    Become A Sex Tourist!

    How does your woman feel?

    In Closing

    About the Author


    The very first thing that I want you to know is that I am a man. I am a man who has lived a significant portion of his life, a man who has seen and experienced the ups and downs in life. When I was younger, I saw life pretty much as I was raised, by two parents, in an intact family. The one piece of advice that I got from my mother about women was, if you take care of her, she will take care of you. The problem with that is that my mother grew up in the 1940’s, and her advice was from that time. When it came time for me to have children, I did not think twice. Hey, you grow up, get married, and have children, have a family, and raise the children, like everyone else did. Sure, I had heard about nasty divorces and child support from others, and I dismissed all of that as that man’s personal problem. I knew that I was not that kind of guy. I thought that I have always been pretty fair on the subjects of women and children, until one day I found myself standing in a hallway, looking at the painted cinderblock wall for the twenty-fifth time. I have been wondering, for a long time now, really, why am I here? A dozen other men are also in this hallway with me, lined up against the opposite wall, all on one side. We are all standing; there are no seats, at least not here. The occasional woman walks by, with an armload of files. She walks by, with her head down, so that she could avoid our stares. The air in here is heavy and still. Everyone is more or less silent. Just what is this place, you might ask? Jail? A bail bondsman’s office? The DMV?

    No. This is the third floor of the Queens, New York Family Court building on Parsons Boulevard in the Jamaica section of that borough back in 1995. The hallway is off of a main room where most of the people are awaiting hearings for a variety of life situations. Most of these life situations have gone bad – wayward children, abusive parents, abusive spouses.

    But the hallway, apparently, is a special place for this group of men, who are not even permitted to sit. Every now and then, a court officer appears. His singular goal is harassment. He barks out I said, stand up! to those who have slouched, even though a couple of hours have passed.

    I have confusion in my head, and all of the evidence that I could find, in my bag. There is about $13,500 in cancelled checks that I have made out to my son’s mother. I had bought the baby’s crib, and I was there to change the diapers. Later on, I paid for his karate classes, and bought toddler’s outfits. I never hit my son’s mother, nor even started a fight. There were no restraining orders; the police have never been called. So, why am I here?

    Well, sooner or later, all of us who are standing here will have to go into a little room at the end of the hallway, because our children’s mothers are all asking for something called child support.

    I can anticipate your gut reaction. Child Support!! What the hell is this guy talking about? Really, is that what this guy is complaining about? Child support? You don’t want to support your child? You’re a deadbeat dad bastard!! You should be ashamed of yourself! You’re not a father and you’re not a man! You’re a punk! Really, you were complaining about being made to stand? You should be whipped, tarred, hung, and whatever else they can think of!! This is unbelievable! You had to be forced to pay for your child? You’re just a miserable bastard, who is trying to make your own child a bastard!

    Well, I can understand all that. I have taken all of your scorn. I have heard all of these words, as well. They were either shouted at me or whispered behind my back. These words came from the faces of some family friends who don’t speak anymore or from women who had laughed at me, or had been amazed (Wow, she got that much!). They were reacting to the overwhelming stereotype of the male deadbeat dad. People think that the family court is only for deadbeat dads. This is one of the biggest lies ever told, in history. In the United States, about 33% of all men with children (you don’t have to be a biological father) end up charged with paying child support. Of that 33% of men who have been through the court system, 73% of that group pay the child support. When it comes to women who are charged with paying child support (it happens), 47% of them don’t pay it, even when the amounts are far less than what a man typically pays. So, when was that last time anyone talked about deadbeat moms?

    Listen, I believe - still believe - that every child should be financially and emotionally supported, in a way that should directly benefit the child. But, an important part - the most important part, as far as the woman is concerned, of the American child support system is all about putting the power of the state directly behind the mother (note the cop, judge and the lawyer on the cover). It is all about using this power to reduce or eliminate the father’s influence upon the children, or to even drive him out of the children’s lives. This is a kind of public service for women who now scorn and hate the man that they had children with. The system is this way because the American woman wants it this way. The majority of American family law was written by the American woman.

    The negative effects of the fathers’ absence upon the children are, apparently, to be ignored, up until the moment that the child is to be arrested by the police. Unfortunately, neither society nor the other children who may be victims can ignore this problem. Every study or survey will tell you that children who are without their fathers do worse in school, are more likely to abuse drugs, have sex earlier, and turn to crime more often than children with two parents at home. But, compared to the effort put forth for the American woman to receive her child support money (and alimony), any real discussion about wayward children seems to be insignificant.

    But the negative effects upon the children are, in my opinion, far more important than the American woman’s desire to drive the man down into poverty and insignificance. But in this American society, it does not seem to matter, because we have the good ‘ol deadbeat dad to blame. If the children grow up OK, the mother proclaims that I was the mother and the father. If the child grows up wayward, then the mother says, Well, the father left. That statement puts her in the clear. And the so-called deadbeat dad shuffles on, with society’s slop bucket on his head.

    This perception of men, women and children in American society is so strong and persuasive that most men, deadbeat or not, have learned to simply keep their mouths shut on this subject. But here, in this book, I am not going to keep my mouth shut (or my keyboard at rest) on this subject.

    And so, dear reader, now you have a decision to make. You can be comfortable with your gut decisions that I wrote about a few paragraphs ago. You can put this book down, and be comfortable with your prejudgments.

    Or, you can read further, (especially you, mister) and find out why this bastard has written this book (the nerve of this guy!). You can continue to read this book, and maybe, just maybe, become enlightened. If you are not married, you can possibly save yourself thousands of dollars and years of heartbreak. You can read further, and allow me, to illustrate with words, just what the American heterosexual male is up against. And this is not just about child support. It’s about the entire body of domestic and family law that now works against, and even criminalizes, fatherhood and the American heterosexual male, over the last 20 or 30 years. Indeed, at nearly every point of interaction between the American female and male, from first date to final divorce, there is a law or statue that will help to corral the actions of, or even penalize, whatever a man might say or do.

    Listen, I am not being overwrought and I am not being vindictive. (Well, maybe I am, just a little). But, the larger point is, I am trying to get you, mister, to see the other side – your side – of this subject. Yes, there is another side.

    Let’s start off with that volatile subject of child support. Here is something that you, dear reader, might not know. Child support, as defined by New York State, is money paid to the state that is later paid to the mother. Child support can also be defined, within narrow limits, by money paid directly to the mother. Please note that only the money that is paid by the father in this fashion is counted by the state as child support. Whatever the father does directly for the child does not count as child support. So that crib, and karate class, clothing, and about $13, 200 of that $13.5k was meaningless in the eyes of the court. And, it does not matter how much you spent directly on the child. It could be new teeth, braces, or even an education, it means nothing to them. All of that is deemed as a gift, and is immaterial to the court as far as child support is concerned. Funny how child support isn’t really child support, huh? But everyone still calls it that because it keeps you, the American male stupid and ignorant. And you would have stayed that way if you have not read even this far. Most of those stories that you might have heard about in the news media about deadbeat dads are about those men who have not paid money to the state. Whether or not these deadbeat dads ever actually did anything for their children is never revealed. And let me say this again, because a lot of you men don’t like to listen (or read). The actual truth is, any money spent by the father on supporting the child is not recognized by the family court in New York; that money is considered a gift and it is not considered as child support. And a ruling such as this exists in many other states. The goal of this type of ruling is to strip the father’s economic power away from the family, and making fathers bad in general. (Remember those deadbeat dads). The power and presence of the father is diminished by this in the eyes of the children, who often don’t understand why the father’s attention and money are diverted. Such a ruling makes the mother more powerful now that she has the backing of the state behind her.

    I found out all of this, open mouthed and incredulous, in that little hearing room at the end of the hall. Little did I realize that this was only the beginning. There is more on this within the child support chapter of this book. And, listen, mister, if this was just about child support, this book would only be about half its size.

    A large part of this book will be about the attitudes – and the body of law that follows – that is prevalent with today’s American woman, and the attitudes that are prevalent with today’s American society. Again, it is these attitudes that, over time has given a slow birth to the present body of American domestic and family law. Although these laws vary from state to state, the common goal among feminist lawmakers has been to offer for the American woman a life where any choice they make, is, for them, the right choice. Unfortunately, the costs for these choices, whether emotional or financial, do not just disappear into the thin air. These costs are dumped onto the backs of men, children, and society itself. If you have any doubt about what I am writing here, please read what I wrote about women and pregnancy in the So, do you want to be the father? essay, and I dare you to contest that.

    Listen, mister (and I am talking to men here) this book is from a guy who has found out all of these things, the hard way. This book is from a guy who once thought, well, yeah, a woman was all about breasts and curves and if you treat them right, they will treat you right. Yeah, that was a long time ago. And you should share this book with your teenage sons. The younger one is, the more that one can benefit from this book.

    The goal of this book is not to engender hate against the American woman. Nor is it the goal of this book to set you against the concept of woman’s equality.

    The goal of this book is to make you, mister, an enlightened man. The goal of this book is to make you much more aware of how American society has changed, and how women’s equality has changed now to a kind of over-equality. The goal of this book is to make you aware of how much the present American society boxes you, the man in, and frees the female at the same time, using the domestic, family, and divorce laws. And on this point, I need you, the man, to go out and research these laws for yourself in the state that you live in. I cannot include all the different laws from the 50 states in this book. If you are not married, do this research before you get married!

    The goal of this book is to make you a smarter man. A man who has learned to tear his eyes away from the T & A and look at where her head is at. I want you to be a more discerning man, and I want you to look below her skirt and see where her bottom line is at. And, mister, you need to do this, in varying degrees, with just about every American woman that you meet, from the one night stand to your fiancé. This is why the first part of the title of the book is Advice for Men….. I’m not going to spoon feed you this advice nicely, like a calm and tolerant doctor. I’m going to give it to you straight, no chaser, just as if we were in a bar. And as for the rest of the title ….about the American Woman Well, you can get into this trouble with any American woman, even the nice ones. Those divorce and family laws do not differentiate between good and bad women; they are for any American woman.

    Bottom line – if you are a American heterosexual male, you really need to read this book, no matter what your current status is, married or not. It is never too late to learn. Again, this book has the potential to save you thousands of dollars and years of heartbreak. Don’t misplace this book and leave it behind the couch. By the time you remember where this book is at, your girlfriend or wife might have put you out of your domicile. You don’t really want to be in the position of having to tell that new guy who replaced you to get up off of your old couch for a minute, do you?

    Oh yes. Just one more thing. I found out, years later, exactly why I was brought to court. (Remember, it was not because of money). My oldest son’s mother, along with her new husband, was invited by my mother to a family gathering. My oldest son’s mother

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