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It’S Your Life!: Things You Ought to Know
It’S Your Life!: Things You Ought to Know
It’S Your Life!: Things You Ought to Know
Ebook73 pages56 minutes

It’S Your Life!: Things You Ought to Know

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About this ebook

Almost everyone has dreams about who they want to be. Some are quite grand, while others are less so. No matter the size of your goals, it can be difficult to keep motivated to become the person you want to be. For many, thats enough to forget about the type of person they want to be and simply be satisfied with who they are. Dreams and goals die, and people settle for less than their best.

It doesnt have to be that way. Author Donald A. Bogles Its Your Life! Things You Ought to Know encourages and motivates you to be the person you ought to and dream to be. Based on everyday life, Bogle emphasizes the importance of believing in yourself. Set standards for yourself and maintain them. Never allow anyone to belittle you. To become the person you want to beyou must be true to yourselfand never lower your standards for anyone.

Its Your Life! Things You Ought to Know will help you learn to rid yourself of things that cause stress. Learn what you can do today to make your life better, brighter, and more enjoyable, and ultimately become the person you want to be.

Release dateJun 1, 2015
It’S Your Life!: Things You Ought to Know

Donald A. Bogle

Donald A. Bogle migrated to the United States from Jamaica in 1985. He has been a top mechanic at a gypsum company, an electrician, a gas line mechanic, and an electrical foreman. He and his wife, Marjorie, have two daughters and a son. They live in Jamaica.

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    It’S Your Life! - Donald A. Bogle

    Copyright © 2015 Donald A. Bogle.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6748-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6747-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015908352

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/26/2015

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    All pictures in this publication were taken by or of me (Donald Bogle) and can be verified.


    It’s your life was written to motivate and encourage you in such a way that most people will not talk face to face to you about. Most young people would like to talk to someone about some of the things they are experiencing and the pressures they face on a daily basis.

    When there is no one to turn to, especially at home, and you know that what you are seeing and experiencing is not right; lift your head high and look beyond each situation regardless of who and how old you are. The answers to most of our problems generally start with a small prayer. I want you to believe in yourself and don’t let anyone discourage you from attaining your goals and dreams. In most cases we expect things to change while we sit around and do nothing. Most change will come when we decide to stand for what we believe in and maintain our standards in life.

    If you have never tried praying or reading the Bible, take this moment and give it a try. God hears our prayers and He understands our tears for He promises never to leave us nor forsake us, all you have to do is trust and believe Him. Parents, take time to talk to your child or children and answer their questions truthfully. I pray that this book will be an encouragement to many, to bring comfort, peace of mind and uplifting of the spirit.


    Life is a wonderful thing. When was the last time that you stood and looked at the stars or gazed at the moon? Have you ever stood and looked at a flowing stream, a beautiful sunset or an array of beautiful flowers in a garden? Take time today and plan a day away from the hussle and bussle of everyday life. Go to the beach or eat at the park. Take time for yourself and enjoy the beautiful things that life has to offer.


    To my heavenly father who through the inspiration of His word I was able to write this book.

    My wife and children for the sacrifices

    they have had to make.

    My mother and father for guidance and for bringing

    me up in a spiritual way.

    To my brothers and sisters and friends

    for their support and prayers as I went through

    a time of hardship.


    I can remember when I was a young man growing up I used to enjoy myself in such a way that it was hard not to be laughing or smiling most of the times. I am still an active member of the church and greatly involved with its young people: we still sing songs that touch and inspire the heart. I was taught to fear God and to observe the signs of the times and I have used these principles and teachings as a guide for my life.

    Things and time changes, and as we go through life journey we are faced with circumstances that we have to deal with, one way or another, whether we like it or not.

    There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is death. (Prov.1:12) We have become a nation that tends not to listen to anything that anyone has to say to us. Yes, we are

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