Digging for Gold
About this ebook
Digging for Gold comes to fill the need to teach sound and balanced biblical truths. Emmanuel Elendu draws from his years in ministry and professional practices to lead groups and training classes.
Elendu uses the question model in his study designs. The book deals with topical and contemporary issues to address simple but practical Christian living. Digging for Gold serves as a resource for Christian workers.
The stories and styles of presentation meet students at a crossroads while leading to the truth and the life. When you invest in stocks and bonds, you expect a good return on investment (with promising market dynamics). As you study with Digging for Gold, the return on your investment will be worth something more than gold.
Emmanuel Elendu
Emmanuel Elendu serves as a missionary to Nigeria, Malawi, South Africa and Kenya where he planted churches. Since 1982 he’s been active in ministry work with various groups: The Scripture Union, The Christian Union, NIFES, Christian Pentecostal Mission and The Redeemed Christian Church of God. He wrote and published “Commodity Map of Nigeria” (1998), an investment portfolio piece that helps companies locate resources and repositories of hard and soft commodities in Nigeria, besides petroleum products. As a pastor he doubles in IT professional practice where he mentors and teaches leadership, discipleship and community empowerment through acquired skillsets. He has written the following books: “He got me Jazzed and Inspired”, a training and ministry manual that serves students in radical transformations through School of Disciples. “Anatomy of the Virgin Birth”, “Before You Quit” and “Digging for Gold.” His latest book on religion (Sounds, Echoes and Fury) is due out with this Discipleship in a Digital Age in summer of 2017. Emmanuel conducts training classes in School of Discipleship; Leadership and School of Ministry at Dominion Center, Cincinnati Ohio. He holds MSc from Redeemers Bible School; MSc in Agricultural Economics and an MBA from Emory University, Atlanta Georgia. Married to Chinwe Elendu, both are blessed with upcoming young men and a lady (Samuel, David and Ruth). All serve at RCCG Dominion Center, Cincinnati Ohio.
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Digging for Gold - Emmanuel Elendu
Copyright © 2015 Emmanuel Elendu.
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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers Used by permission
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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ISBN: 978-1-4908-7956-7 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2015907612
WestBow Press rev. date: 05/27/2015
Chapter 1 Taking Dominion Over All Things
Chapter 2 Get It Right the First Time
Chapter 3 Understand What Christ Did for You
Chapter 4 The Mess the Devil Got Us Into … and How God Cleaned Us Up
Chapter 5 Faith
Chapter 6 Digging Deeper
Chapter 7 Quiet Time
Chapter 8 Touching on Water Baptism and Holy Communion
Chapter 9 Spread Like a Mustard Seed
Chapter 10 Baptism of the Holy Ghost
Chapter 11 Christian Conduct
Chapter 12 Christian Discipline
Chapter 13 Fasting and Praying
Chapter 14 Divine Healing
Chapter 15 Grace and Truth
Chapter 16 Moral Issues
Chapter 17 Money Matters
Chapter 18 Foundations
Chapter 19 Course Review
Chapter 20 Final Words
Chapter 21 Share the Fun, the Burden, and the Expectations
Masterfully craft your salvation with deep and undivided attention to details as you embrace grace, mercy, and wisdom.
Dedicated to the faithful, the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ who hold the truth in righteousness and to the few who study, teach, and live by the Word, even today
In compiling these studies, many disciples spent valuable time and resources toward the completion of this book. I do not have the luxury of space here to recognize all the generals who, through prayers and support, helped with this work. The following, however, need be mentioned for their great contributions:
Pastor Mrs. Chinwe Elendu, my beloved wife and mother of our two young men and woman (Samuel, David, and Ruth). She prayed life into this project. She also is the pastor in charge of Children’s and Teens Church at Dominion Center. This work would not be possible without her having stayed the course and providing encouragement at the most needed moments of my ministry challenges. God bless my wife!
Brother Gbile Akanni, Reverend Charles Achonwa; Reverend Chris Okeke, who the Lord used to make indelible marks on my spiritual growth; I will not forget their years of discipleship and mentoring. Thank you!
Dr. Patrick Anyalewechi of the Church of the Nazarene, West Chester, Ohio, is worthy of mention. He read through my manuscripts and made very studious corrections. He advised me as many times as I went to him for counsel. He is a gift to the body of Christ and to me; a professor of psychology and behavioral sciences at Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio.
Mrs. Nkechi Azuka, a professor of social work at Nyack College (Alliance Theological Institute in the School of Counseling). She also is a licensed master social worker (NY, NJ and OH), clinician, and psychotherapist. She helped with proofreading and corrections. Nkechi is indeed a blessing to those who know her and what she brings to the table. She read through the original script.
Thank you to all the members of RCCG Dominion Center in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, and northern Kentucky, as well as the elders and their pastors. They have been a source of encouragement and support through these years of work. May the Lord continue to nurture you all in the most holy faith.
Some organizations have been a part of the work in Dominion Center. They include Wilson Memorial Hospital, Sidney, Ohio; West Chester Hospital (an arm of University of Cincinnati Health); Hope Word Church; Tryed Stone New Beginning Church; and a handful of others. Thank you for your kindness, fellowship, and gifts.
Very important are those who helped during periods of financial crunch. Dr. Charles Azuka, Pastor Nosa Idahosa, Dr. Abraham Chukwu, Dr. Henry Okafor, Dr. Chinedu Njoku, Eze (Barrister) Julius Emetu and Tony Onuorah (who provided shelter), and Patrick Olabode, who paid my transport fare to go start the work
in Cincinnati in 2002. Dr. Kunle Oyekanmi, my faithful and dependable assistant pastor, Dr. Ayodele Adebayo, Dr. Arinze Ikeme, Dr. Yemi Ajayi; to mention a few. May the Lord bless you all, and please continue the good work.
Last, but the most important, I owe the Lord and His Holy Spirit all the worship and gratitude for the insight and wisdom to put together this little piece of work. To you, Lord Jesus, be all honor and glory forever. Amen!
Digging for Gold
Digging for gold is no simple job to undertake. As herculean as that may be, mining and extraction and then purification of gold are tasks that speak volumes to the value investors place on this liquid metal. I had the opportunity to discuss this process with Richmond Cole, one of our brothers in Dominion Center who has witnessed how gold is extracted and mined in Ghana. It was thrilling and enriching to know that gold acquisition and the labor around it is not meant for feeble minds. Digging for gold must be thought out thoroughly and well planned. Cole’s description prompted me to research how gold is processed, as I was going to submit a piece of the Lord’s instructions to me under the title Digging for Gold.
Of course, the title is an allegory of a search for something of more value than gold, something that dives deeply into the supernatural to obtain and own
the essence of living. I was quick to flip to the web’s Wikipedia to validate my story.
We seek much more than gold. We seek and walk toward obtaining the heavenly kingdom, where the streets are made of gold, where we have many mansions (rooms) for everyone who submits and lives the life exemplified in Christ Jesus, where there is no night or day because the light, the groom, is always there shining to His bride forever. The Father’s unbending resolve to give us the kingdom and call us to His bosom quells all strife and lends answers to all questions regarding this truth. Once delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son, it is our responsibility to learn and discover how to grow from babies to fully mature adults so that the inheritance and the government of His kingdom can be bequeathed to us. Kingdom life requires kingdom principles. There are set rules and order. Beyond the walls of a church, Jesus is teaching order—rules and character that people of the kingdom must possess and live by. The writings in this book are not academic or a show of prose; they are instructions the Father gave to me through revelations at different times. I have selected to address some issues in the hope that these topics will act as stimuli to you to further demystify
the Scriptures and bring to the church a wider coverage and expanded reach.
This book is a study book, with many questions that you need to answer. To get the most from the book, I suggest that you organize a small Bible study group in your church, home, or workplace. Intelligently discuss the issues of our contemporary society, relate them to Scriptures, and come up with action items (things to do) about what you have learned. Prayer is very important to fully appreciate the flow in this study. I commend you to the Lord, who is able to reveal to you the secret things of the kingdom through this book.
Any time you feel left behind or confused, do not hesitate to ask your mentor or pastor for help. You also can send an email to me at [email protected]. God bless you, and have fun as you study.
…Emmanuel Elendu
Taking Dominion Over All Things
You made a decision to follow and serve the Lord Jesus, possibly years ago, but now, the momentum may be gone. The zeal and desire to serve the love of your life may be diminished and faded to the point that you can barely tell the sheep from the goat.
I can hear you groaning; it is not uncommon to bask in nostalgia about the events of the years behind you. Your current situation has not diminished the passion and desire for God in your life, but there seems to be a drought of grace—you did everything possible to come out on top but the condition of your life, at this moment, might scare observers. Yes, you did your best, but fortune and destiny seem a million miles away.
You prayed, fasted, and even gave alms. It just did not work out the way you planned. You tell yourself that it is time to change your strategy and try another method—to go the way of Egypt and catch up with your pals. Do not go down to Egypt; stay here. Read this book. You are about to unlock the door of spiritual revival and unprecedented blessing from the love of your life, the God of your salvation.
And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech, king of the Philistines unto Gera. And the Lord appeared unto him and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: sojourn in this land and I will be with thee and will bless thee; for unto thee and thy seed will I give all these countries and I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham thy father. I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven and I will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because that Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statues and my laws.
And Isaac dwelt in Gera. (Genesis 26:1–6 KJV)
Children of the covenant live under the cover of that covenant. As a child of the covenant, God has paved a path for you. He takes responsibility for it and pursues His purpose and plan for your life until they come to fruition. I want to encourage you to learn of Him. My yoke is easy, my burden is light,
Jesus said. The trip to heaven is for champions and for the mature. It is for those who will have dominion over their circumstances and situations.
My passion is to guide you through strategic positioning in the things of God and your vocation as you set sail in life. As we study, please dare to live in dominion in the kingdom. I invite you into the family of God, in the kingdom where God rules. If you can agree with Him, you’ll be a part of the kingdom. It’s more than just a church thing. It goes beyond your ethnicity or profession. It draws its lifeline in God. The Holy Spirit empowers this principle and employs the expression of the kingdom lifestyle in you. You are welcome on board. Bon voyage!
Beaten But Not Down
2 Corinthians 4:1–7
You must forget the past, though history can be a useful tool in learning and fostering a purposeful and strategic position. Yet to live with the failures of yesterday is both dangerous and demeaning to your soul and psyche. The past is gone. Should the failures and unaccomplished dreams of your past go with it? Remember: though you fall seven times, yet will you rise again. Paul did his best under God, but some of his audience was so antagonistic, refusing to accept his apostleship, that he despaired of life. Death worked in him, but life worked in his antagonists. As he preached peace and encouragement to others, he was suffering, weak, and run down. Encourage yourself in the Lord, and take up your mantle again.
Read Psalm 27:4-14; 1Peter 2:21-25; Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 28:6-9
There are spiritual pills
you must take to overcome defeat:
1. Receive mercy, grace, and truth. Let the Lord into your heart. Cooperate with and obey Him!
2. Follow in His steps and rejoice over your circumstance. Sing for joy, for your day of remembrance is here. Count yourself privileged to suffer for His sake and move on to a higher realm with God.
3. Do not let fear grip your soul. The Devil you saw in the past will be gone forever. Fear not!
4. Cheer up. God is able to do much more than you can imagine. The lesson of yesterday that you must learn is as follows: Though death supposedly worked in you as life filled everywhere else, there was a purpose. That purpose is so that you might know that the excellence of the power, grace, and favor, which will be released a short time from now, is of God and not of you. It has been held back because God insists that no flesh may glory in His presence. In other words, God is waiting for a prepared you before He releases the bounties of heaven for you. Be prepared; be a disciple; mature; and gird your lions for the pack.
Set Yourself on the Watch
Habakkuk 2:1–3; Psalm 37:1–25
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what He will say unto me and what I shall answer when I am reproved
(Habakkuk 2:1KJV).
To wallow in darkness or plunge into life or ministry without direction and purpose is a dangerous venture. Because the Lord wants us to be guided and instructed (Psalm 38:8–10), He reveals His mind concerning every situation. He promises that you will never be forsaken (Psalm 37:25), so He demands that you wait on Him. To wait is to set time when and where you can hear Him speak to you. No commander sends a soldier to the warfront without adequate preparation and training. You must go back to Him to be instructed on strategies and methods of how to go about your Christian life. Go on a retreat. Fast and pray. Study the Word, and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Get out of the crowd. Set yourself on a watch. Do everything you can to hear and get direction from God. Do it now!
To-Do List
1. Receive divine mandate and instructions.
Dwell in the land. Don’t quit (Luke 19:12–13; Genesis 26:1–3).
Delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 27:4; Psalm 37).
Be calm and patient. Wait on the Lord, for He shall surely speak (Amos 3:7; Hebrews 10:37–41).
2. Rebuild your ban for the new harvest.
Strategize and sequence your operations (Luke 10:1–8; 22:35–37).
Supply in-put resources to execute your project (Proverbs 6:1–6; Luke 19:10–13)
Strengthen yourself.
Enlarge the place; lengthen the cords and straighten the stakes (Isaiah 54:1–8)
3. Enter into a covenant with God.
Build an altar as a memorial to God—self and family altars (Genesis 28; Joshua 4:1–14).
Do not clench your fist. Give unto the Lord. Pay your tithes and offer quality offerings to the Lord (Proverbs 11:22–24; Malachi 3:7–10; 2 Corinthians 8; 9).
Invest your harvest. Choose a good portfolio, after counsel and much prayer. Make sure you do not eat your seed from the harvest. Do not keep company with consumers who do not think about the next investment opportunity.
Think about David and his sacrificial giving and of Hannah’s covenant with God as she prayed for Samuel and how she honored the Lord in fulfilling her promise. May the Lord depend on you to be faithful. Amen.
Partnering with God
Hebrews 5:12–14
Armed with the knowledge that the end of all things is near, and with the passion to do the will of our God, we come to the point where any business or venture in which we engage without enlisting God as the principle partner is fruitless and ephemeral. It is not sustainable. We must be anointed. To belittle working for the Lord is to play the fool. Working for the Master is not limited to pastors and bishops or your Sunday school teacher; it goes as far as medical doctors, lawyers, nurses and nursing assistants, social workers, teachers, businessmen—whatever you are. You must find use in the hand and house of God (2 Timothy 2:19–21). That is the only way to stay fervent and keep your relevance, spiritually. Ask yourself and the Lord these questions:
• Lord, what would you have me do in your kingdom, starting with your church?
• What is my share of the assignment to prepare men for your second coming?
• How do I start, and what tools or spiritual and material resources are there to assess the work?
Get a blueprint of what to do—specific plans and projects for the family and your church and community—and then drill down to individuals in the family and departments in the church and farther in areas in which you may be skilled to affect your community.
Family Church
Another component of the partnership with God is to discover your niche in God’s