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English Book of the Dead: Volume (2)
English Book of the Dead: Volume (2)
English Book of the Dead: Volume (2)
Ebook142 pages9 hours

English Book of the Dead: Volume (2)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This is a continuation regarding the immortality of man from the spiritual realms, stories concerning the lives of people who lived before passing to the higher side of life. Everyone has a story to tell about the way their lives turned out. Memories are mostly events and entualities that took place in a period of time. Each person has a past that belongs to them as individuals. Everyone would have liked to express parts of their lives before passing over.

This book is going to do just thatyou could hear voices whispering words to their loved ones, if we could, for a moment, listen or hear what they have to say or what they want to do before being released from their earthly lives. But this appears to be beyond the human mind unless you are sensitive to receive information. You still may wonder, Is it me or my imagination playing tricks on me? The only proof at the moment is when a person consults a medium or clairvoyant who then becomes the mediator between the two spheresphysical and spiritual domains. So you can imagine the information there is roaming around in the ether and the thoughts waiting to be heard.

I hope this book may enlighten the reader to search for the true meaning of life beyond the physical boundaries and come to some conclusion that we are immortal beings and that there is no death.

Release dateAug 11, 2014
English Book of the Dead: Volume (2)

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Rating: 3.9713115196721307 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    One of the treasures of human literature - the book; And one of the treasures of American (world) intellectuals - Robert Thurman.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful, visual, brave.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An interesting, and informative, read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The so-called Tibetan Book of the Dead is my true Penelope. Thurman's translation is my least favorite of the translations of the Bardo Thodol (except for the W. Y. Evans-Wentz/Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup version, which I don't even count as a translation) because of his experimental coinages which, to my mind, make it difficult to follow the terminology outward from this text to other works, including but not limited to Shi Tro practice. All that means is that I don't think the coinages work. Otherwise, as usual, Khenpo Thurman is fantastic and deliriously wonderful. (He doesn't actually have the Khenpo degree, but I'll explain why I call him that if you're curious). And the pictures are lovely.If you're interested in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, I suggest reading multiple translations. Include this among them. Oh oh, mixed messages!This review applies to the Robert Thurman translation of the Bardo Thodol.

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English Book of the Dead - Matthew Wilson

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Published by AuthorHouse 06/27/2014

ISBN: 978-1-4969-8551-4 (sc)

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This is a continuation regarding the immortality of man from The Spiritual realms, Stories concerning the lives people lived Before passing to the higher side of life-Everyone as a story to tell and the way their lives turned out, Memories are mostly Events and eventualities that took place in a period of time- Each person as a past which belongs to them as individuals Everyone would have liked to express parts of their lives before passing over

This book is going to do just that, you could say voices whispering words to their loved ones, if we could for a moment Listen or hear what they have to say, or what they wanted to do Before been released from their earthly lives. But this appears To be beyond the human mind, only if you are sensitive to receive information, you still may wonder is it me or my Imagination playing tricks on me-

The only prove at the moment is when a person consults a Medium or Clairvoyant who then becomes the mediator Between the two spheres —Physical and Spiritual domains- So you can imagine the information there is roaming around In the Ether, and the thoughts waiting to be heard- I hope this book may enlighten the reader to search for the true meaning of life beyond the physical boundaries - And come to some conclusion as to the realisation we are immortal beings-and there is no DEATH—

Looking back over the years, what have I learnt, Well I I have experienced the manifestation of the Soul while In the physical body, realising the purpose of life and the Intricate details observing the passing of time in relation To the spirit within. At times had to exercise control over The power flowing through me becoming more prominent as I became more conversant with the concepts involved- This gave me strength and determination to continues in my Quest to realise this mysterious continuity I was participating In. Judging myself in every respect, when things appeared Nonsensical, but gaining more insight through adversity Resulting in my ability to succeed was my prime aim.

My Spiritual Mentors within the hall of wisdom gave me Encouragement and inspiration along my path, to be a Channel whereby spirit communication becomes the norm. In everyday activity. I am most grateful to be nominated And give thanks for this realisation bestowed upon me.


Written by Mathew Wilson ©

This is the story that needs to be told, regardless of Creed –Colour –Religion Young or Old.

When the physical body ceases to be and you have left it behind in mothers earth for all to see.

What happens next? This is the big question that arises Within your mind who is around to help you to find.

The truth if possible is there for you to see, the transition that awaits you and me. When crossing over into the Spirit World. Your loved ones come to your aid and to set you free, so this is not the end by far, Just the beginning of your Journey.

Well you have embarked on a new adventure never before known- you take with you your memories -personality

Leaving behind your worries and pain, and then you will be Shown, your Habitat to commence your new life

In the Spiritual realms above, where peace and harmony Dwell with Love.

The physical baggage you have carried around with you from your birth, you no loner have for what it is worth.

The continuity of life is profound and real, when we breath our last breath on this Earth.

There is no such thing as I will change my mind and go back To where I was before-You have now entered through the Spiritual Door.


I dedicate this book first of all to my wife Barbara who stood By me through thick and thin-Never complaining at all. When times were hard, her life was and is full looking After our Son Mark who was assaulted hit over the head Left for dead. Needs 24/7 care. Can’t walk- Speech impaired Double incontinent. Was fed by a Peg via his stomach. She gave me strength and courage to write this book otherwise It would not have been written-

Over the years she has been a tower of strength and stood By me through all adversities, what more can be said only that God will give her strength to carry on doing for others While she has the strength to do so. God bless her. Dear wife-

Where do we go when life ceases to be Can we for sure without a doubt believe That we continue to exist beyond the Grave- What are the possibilities this takes place? This book explains the fundamental attributes Of a Medium communicating with the so called Afterlife –The following may shed some light On the subject concerning this ability to answer Many questions relating to this Phenomena – The Medium acts as a mediator between the Abstract world and the material world To be able to converse with those who have past Over into the Spirit World, many people doubt This as nonsense, mainly because they have no Knowledge concerning this subject and also The fear the unknown. But to those who can Communicate is a real thing, knowing this Does at times help people to a just when Death Becomes apparent. This book is about Communicating with the afterlife

The first thing that Spirit wants to do is let their loved ones Know that life continues by giving information that transpired in Their lives, sometimes concerning the ones left behind- This takes place through a Medium who can communicate By Auditory means, -Hearing- and clairvoyance- Seeing- Recalling events that took place while on the Earth plane- Not everyone as the ability to contact the Spirit World Having this perception does not make the person any better Than the ordinary person, but gives the Medium insight Into avenues of thought which transpires between the one who Is contacting the person left behind on the physical plane This book is an account of spirit communication- That took place over many years, giving prove of existence To many people who were searching for evidence about This Phenomena – There is nothing set in stone regarding This concept, so I will try to give the reader some aspects About what transpired when in that clairvoyant reality- Sometimes minor incidents may come through, regarding Information and sometimes specific details may be forthcoming


The passing from one plane of existence to another is A remarkable sequence of events, never before encountered The Physical body remains still, no vital signs to note. Breathing and the heart beat, none existent, physical pain No more, so what happens next? Well this is an account of one persons transition from the physical plane to the Spiritual plane, has he records it. I felt a silence never before felt. Was I dreaming this sequence of events? it was real and happening to me All my physical faculties were no more. I appeared to be apart of everything around me I stood and watched my body laying still, then I knew for certain I had past over into the spiritual realm.

No words can explain this feeling of elation I was going through, beyond explanation, then all of a sudden I saw and felt people coming towards me they were floating in the ether. as they came closer I recognise some of them to be my late family. and spoke in a rather peculiar tone, I understood certain aspects they were telling me, that I was now in my Spiritual home and took me to the plane I was Meant to be, never in a thousand words can this phenomena be explained, to try and give you some details is very difficult indeed, but as I promised to my loved ones and dear friends if it was possible to let them know what takes place When we leave the body behind. To begin with I felt a little insecure it isn’t everyday we die and pass over into this new world, and another thing I would like to point out this world is the same world but without a physical body. So what have I told you very little. I am just an ordinary guy who wanted to tell you his participation through this medium.

Written by Matthew Wilson ©

I have been given the unique privilege and opportunely To write this book, and at times found it difficult to put pen To paper. But somehow through inspiration and dedication Manage to fulfill my obligation by just doing that. I feel by doing This I have found a way of expressing my thoughts directly To the reader. With a lot of help from my inspirers, one in Particular –White Feather-Who from the beginning encouraged Me –White Feather as been responsible for the philosophical Teachings concerning the afterlife, not forgetting the wonderful Messages – Also my dear Mother who from time to time helped Me overcome some adversities, not forgetting my loving wife Barbara who stood by me through thick and thin when times were Hard,

This as been a wonderful journey for me and I sincerely Hope for all of you who read this book. I wish I could say more But what I have said will have to suffice for the time being. Good luck to you on your Journey of discovery to the Spiritual Realms-



The title may appear a little bizarre to begin with to the Mind but after close consideration there is room and in some cases doubt when closely analysing what it represents. 99% of people will say rubbish. we are Living not Dead? You are not living when you become Dead.? So where is the dilemma where does the responsibility lie In such diverse words who has the answers to these problems we encounter when faced with Physical Death? It is and has been the biggest Mystery ever to be understood Throughout the history of

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