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Destination Amboseli
Destination Amboseli
Destination Amboseli
Ebook68 pages39 minutes

Destination Amboseli

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About this ebook

Destination Amboseli is a guidebook designed to help you find basic information about the Amboseli, a national park in Kenya with amazing wildlife sceneries and breathtaking sights that gives you peculiar photographic opportunities only in this part of the world. Contemporary terms, most of which have the Maa accent, are well defined to help you capture the true meaning of Amboseli and its sceneries.

For an experience on record, checklists are provided with ticking boxes beside the basic information about the common wild species of plants and animals while on your game drive. The inhabitants of Amboseli play a critical role to the existence of this precious facility, hence the need to know how they relate with it in their livelihoods.

The Kenyan map to help you locate this destination and, the Amboseli map showing the guiding routes while at the destination are illustrated. Importantly, the map of Amboseli sites the various lodges and camps within and around the park, the entry and exit points, and the labeled signages to capture a real adventure. Chapter 7 of this guidebook highlights the profile of the lodges and camps and their contacts for reservation purposes. Enjoy your visit to the Amboseli.
Release dateMar 30, 2016
Destination Amboseli

Herbert Waswa

The author worked at the Amboseli National Park for over six years as a customer service attendant, facilitating visitors and disseminating information on the tourism products within and around the park facility. He holds a diploma in tourism management from Moi University.

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    Destination Amboseli - Herbert Waswa

    Copyright © 2015 Herbert Waswa. All rights reserved.


    978-1-4828-2570-1 (sc)

    978-1-4828-2569-5 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    The Contents




    The map of Kenya

    The Sketch map of Amboseli

    1. Amboseli defined

    2. Access to the Amboseli

    3. The Amboseli people

    4. Sceneries

    5. Critical vegetative habitats

    6. Wild Animals of the Amboseli

    7. Accommodation


    I have used the time and seized the opportunity while working with the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to put together this guidebook of Amboseli. K.W.S is a premier organization with a global vision in Conservation and ecosystem management. Daily interactions with various parties ranging from those with wildlife conservation interests to those with tourism purposes; granted me a chance to learn and develop this idea while working at the strategic area of my experience; the Amboseli National Park. The local community – the maa speaking - Maasai, who in their free welcoming spirit and information sharing, I was able to gather vital information that laid a foundation to this guidebook.

    Last but not least is to you the user of my guidebook, your needs during travel to the Amboseli, an in-depth search of information is well highlighted in this book. A friend and a tourist, once shared how he experienced the acacia canopy in Amboseli; the snow covered peaks on Mount Kilimanjaro amidst the wide range of wild species in one of his visits in the mid-eighties, which contrasted on his recent visit. This calls for us all to be aware of the current state of this treasure by providing proper and adequate information to all and to support conservation efforts towards regaining its former glory.

    For one we owe it to the next generations.


    To my beloved wife Ruth and daughter Daisy.


    Destination Amboseli, a guidebook designed to help you find basic information about the Amboseli; a National Park in Kenya with amazing wildlife sceneries, breath-taking sights that gives you peculiar photographic opportunities; only in this part of the world. Contemporary terms, most of which have the Maa accent are well defined to help you capture the true meaning Amboseli and its sceneries.

    For an experience on record, checklists are provided with ticking boxes beside the basic information about the common wild species of plants and animals while on your game-drive. The inhabitants of Amboseli play a critical role to the existence of this precious facility hence the need to know how they relate with it in their livelihoods.

    The Kenyan map to help you locate this destination and, the Amboseli map showing the guiding routes while at the destination are illustrated. Importantly, the map of Amboseli sites the

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