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How I Met My Spouse: Twenty-Eight Short Stories
How I Met My Spouse: Twenty-Eight Short Stories
How I Met My Spouse: Twenty-Eight Short Stories
Ebook151 pages2 hours

How I Met My Spouse: Twenty-Eight Short Stories

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In a collection of twenty-eight amusing stories, Mike Pappas shares true tales from a variety of men and women that detail how they met their future spouse.
Angelo has always been shy. When he sees a beautiful girl on the train one day, he must overcome his bashfulness and ask for her phone number. But what he does not know is that he has overcome only the first obstacle to winning her love.
Mary is working part-time as a cashier in a mens department when a huge fellow wearing a suit and tie asks her if she has a boyfriend. After he writes his number down on a cash register receipt, Mary must decide whether to call him or not. When a young woman goes against her fathers wishes and marries an immigrant, she learns it is always best to follow her heart, no matter what others say.
After Dave pays for a girls coffee in Starbucks one day, he has no idea that she is going to forever change his life.
Release dateSep 27, 2017
How I Met My Spouse: Twenty-Eight Short Stories

Mike Pappas

Mike Pappas spent nearly four decades in the deli business. He currently works part-time and spends the rest of his time with his wife. They live in New Jersey and escape the cold winters to Myrtle Beach.

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    How I Met My Spouse - Mike Pappas


    My Spouse


    Short Stories





    Copyright © 2017 Mike Pappas.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3000-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3001-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017914721

    iUniverse rev. date: 09/27/2017


    I.   Shy one

    II.   Eye to eye

    III.   Man, in blue

    IV.   Super meet

    V.   Second chance

    VI.   High school sweethearts

    VII.   Getting what you want

    VIII.   Blind date

    IX.   Getting it right

    X.   Down on the Farm

    XI.   This side of Heaven

    XII.   Two times a charm

    XIII.   Two guys

    XIV.   How the West conquered love

    XV.   Neighborhood sweethearts

    XVI.   Not my choice

    XVII.   Double cross

    XVIII.   I could dance all night

    XIX.   Jealous or love

    XX.   Young and foolish

    XXI.   Music to my ears

    XXII.   Coast to Coast

    XXIII.   War and love

    XXIV.   Determination

    XXV.   Mama’s Boy

    XXVI.   Down to the wire

    XXVII.   Coffee break

    XXVIII.   Beautiful eyes

    A story of love, excitement, and humor!

    I want to

    thank Anita Velantzas who inspired me to write this book!

    The stories in this book are facts from friends and acquaintances. The format might be slightly altered to make the stories more exciting.

    In some stories, names got edited.


    Shy one

    M y name is Angelo and was shy growing up, even in my late twenties remained shy.

    My routine was the same get up to go to work, come home eat, read the newspaper and watch television.

    While going to work, I see this girl. She was the most beautiful girl I have seen. It was love at first sight. How did I ever miss seeing her before!

    I wanted so badly to say something but was just too shy.

    Unfortunately, she exits the train before I ever got the nerve to say anything.

    All day long she was on my mind. I never felt this way before, and it showed even my mother noticed my behavior and made a commit.

    I was heartbroken when I did not see her and even waited a few minutes longer. It was getting late and had no choice but to leave for work.

    After a week of not seeing her, I was upset and gave up realizing the girl of my dream was no longer. Then one morning while waiting for the train she appeared. She was walking right towards me.

    Lost for words, and before I could even say a word, she disappears into the crowd.

    I spotted her standing at the other end of the car. I tried fighting thru the crowd, but with no luck. By the time, I got even half way she was getting off. I was sorry I missed her, but at least she was back in the picture.

    The next day I when I saw her, my heart started to beat fast, and again chicken out.

    The next day I was determined to say something. I walked up to her and not wasting a second said, Hello.

    I hope you do not think I’m nosy, but I did not see you last week.

    She responds, I was on vacation.

    I introduce myself, and she says, nice to meet you and tells me her name is Collen.

    Just saying hello made my day and I felt like a kid. I could not wait to see her again and hope I have the nerve to ask for her phone number.

    It was time to make my move; it was now or never.

    I asked her for her phone number, and she whispered it to me.

    Getting connected

    Now that I had her phone number, I was sort of nervous to call. Every time I dialed, not knowing what to say I hang up. Finally, after numerous attempts it started ringing; just as I’m ready to hang up, a voice says, Hello.

    With a crackle in my voice, I ask, Is Collen there?

    This is her mother may I ask who is calling.

    I reply, Angelo.

    Her mother says, I’m sorry she out, any message? No, just tell her I called.

    I wanted so badly just to hear her voice, so after breakfast, I called. I could not sleep; I would toss and turn just thinking about her.

    When she answers the phone, I was speechless for a moment.

    She says is that you Angelo!

    Yes, it is I.

    My mother told me you called last night.

    I’m sorry I missed your call; I went out with my girlfriend.

    I quickly say, How about dinner, and a movie tonight. She says, okay. Great, I’ll pick you up at six.

    First date

    My mother questions me when she saw me shaving and showering late Saturday. I told her I have a date; my mom was happy knowing I was on the shy side.

    On the way, I picked up some flowers. When I got to the front door, I could hear my heart beating loudly.

    This little boy about seven or eight opens the door and says, Are you my sister date. Their mother came and said, please come in and intrudes herself, Colleen will be right out. Collen looked so beautiful as she walks into the room, I hand her the flowers.

    Her father walks in and shakes my hand with a firm grip.

    He says, sit down and asks me some questions.

    After chatting a few minutes, Collen says, we should get going. I say to myself thank you, I was not ready to be interrogated just yet.

    We dated a few months and felt she was the girl for me.

    I told my mother I am going to ask her to go steady.

    Mom said, I hope you known what you are doing; after all you only knew her for a short time. Maybe you should date other girls! I tried to explain with all my heart she is the girl for me.

    I went to the jewelry store to pick out a friendship ring.

    Bump in the road

    I called Collen and told her I wanted to see her.

    That night I ask her to go steady. She at first hesitated.

    I said, Do you not love me?

    I do but my father is the problem, he could be very stubborn. I could sense she did not want to say the reason.

    I replied, is it because I am Italian.

    She replies with shame in her voice, yes my father is old fashion.

    I tell her to take the ring, and hopefully, things will work out.

    A few days later she called me to invite me for a Sunday dinner.

    I told my mother, and she said just be you. I was kind of nervous not knowing how her father would react.

    I stopped to get a bottle of wine and some desserts.

    Her brother and sister answered the door, and the girl says, my father does not like you.

    Her mother hears her and says mind your manners, and apologized for her behavior.

    When I walked into the living room their father was sitting watching football, he says, sit do you like football?

    Yes, I love the sport.

    He shouts out to his wife, bring us two beers. By halftime, we were talking like two old buddies.

    We started having dinner, and he kept talking football. Finally, his wife says, enough. Collen smiled when she sees how her father and I were getting acquainted.

    Making it official

    My company had season passes for the Giant home games, and I would get tickets on occasions. He was excited when I told him, and from that first game on we became a lot closer.

    I asked Collen will you put the ring on now. She replies, I am one step ahead of you, as she shows me her hand.

    A few months later I told my parents that I’m going to ask Collen to marry me.

    I spoke with her father about our intention, and he was happy to hear the good news.

    I took her out for dinner and placed a small box next to her dessert. When she saw the box, she says, what is this? I say, open it.

    She started crying saying, yes, yes.

    After dinner, we went to her house first, then to mine to show them the ring.

    Our families gave us an engagement party, and within a year we were married.

    We moved to an apartment in the village.

    We are proud parents of two boys and a girl.


    Eye to eye

    I came to New York to attend college and find a job that would fit into my school schedule.

    Finally, after numerous attempts landed a job. I started working part-time at a men’s department store as a cashier.

    A lot of guys were always hitting on me, asking me for my phone number. I would use the excuse, I cannot make conversation or write any message because of the security cameras. It seemed to work because they would stop asking.

    One afternoon while working I looked up and noticed this huge fellow. He was nicely dressed wearing a suit and tie. I tried not to make it too obvious but our eyes caught each other. I would sneak another look and be hoping

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