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Dreams, Drugs & Gods
Dreams, Drugs & Gods
Dreams, Drugs & Gods
Ebook465 pages5 hours

Dreams, Drugs & Gods

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About this ebook

This my second book is a gathering of all my dreams and also The Trial of
the Devil. I’m pretty sure I was able to scrape every last shred of it off of the
webpage. Here in its condensed form should make for pretty good reading. I
hope you enjoy it as I have taken on the challenge of writing the impossible.
Yet our society is changing as it realizes that this war on drugs has taken its
toll on us and is slowly swinging back to a more open stance.. one of tolerance
and understanding. All these people who we shun could rejoin society again
and hold their heads high instead of being labelled a criminal. People who
have found pot to be a relief to their migraines and backaches. These same
people walk in a life of shadow.. sons and daughters relegated to the streets
and phobias of the global mind. We should be doing better than this. Defuse
this trait, decue its importance and maybe we fi nd utopia by accident. Portugal
has already done this and the success rate has been phenomenal. What will it
take for everyone to come on board with this mindset?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 13, 2013
Dreams, Drugs & Gods

Rob Alexander

I live in Devon, in the Southwest of England. I served with 9 Parachute Squadron, Royal Engineers in the 70's. I then ran my own retail business for over a decade before going to university to become a qualified youth worker. Once qualified, I became an expedition leader and free-lance outdoor pursuits instructor taking groups to various countries around the world. More recently I was a climbing instructor at the Commando Training Centre, Royal Marines.

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    Dreams, Drugs & Gods - Rob Alexander

    Copyright © 2013 by Rob Alexander.

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    Table Of Contents














    dreams, drugs, and gods

    Jan 31, ’13 4:50 PM

    Welcome to my second book. weighing in at about 250 pages it isn’t very big but contains: my dreams as i remember them. Are they true? I don’t know. The chances of one of my dreams being true and someone being on the other end slim. But it is so hard to remember dreams. Last one i had was in front of a stage, seats and I levitated for a girl in costume. Every one of them felt real, felt true, felt honest, felt like a real experience. Me documenting it and posting it on my webpage . . . well it just felt right to honor them that way.

    The second part of the book is the trial of the devil. I would work on it off and on as i felt. it isn’t an actual book as in there is a linearity to it but there is an ending that i just wrote . . . just now. And this is the introduction to it.

    What is it? Back when we were all sumerian and just freshly created . . . there were two god’s in our environment. Enki and Enlil. Posidon and Zeus. We overpopulated and threatened the race of angels. Zeus was the one who frowned on this and believed the only solution was to nuke our race away. Then there is the other god Enki or Poseidon who worked behind the scenes again and again to make sure we survived . . . like a caretaker.

    But underneath all of that is the war on drugs. branding users as criminals and creating a schism between straights and the stoned. Deciding that users are evil and shunning them only creates a subclass that withdraws itself from the communal whole.

    Portugal has recognized this and has deregulated the drug war from that of a criminal offense to a health condition that can be treated. So instead of going to jail. The offender is given a choice . . . rehabilitation or jail. The results were astounding as all these resources were freed up . . . jails empty, courtrooms empty, police walking around with nothing to do. Utopia. Now if only the world would adopt the same policy.


    dream: biking madonna

    Feb 4, ’13 12:01 PM

    Some how i meet up with madonna the singer.

    we end up biking through what feels like powell river.

    we cut through some yards on a down hill slope so

    there were levels and steps to ride down.

    a cop stops me and fines me for not riding on the

    road. i point to the next level down and say do you

    know who that is? that’s madonna. his eyes bug

    out in recognition.

    i’ve been hoping for a cool dream for awhile now.

    something writable. something real. a solid concrete

    memory of my imagination run amuck. think this


    dream: fn and a 303

    Dec 29, ’12 12:48 PM

    didn’t get this until just now. but in a dream last night

    we ended up trying to find technical schematics to a

    car that had broke down. we find a sticker on the glove

    compartment that somehow translated to you have to

    go to a comic book store to find them.

    before this i’d transitioned from another part of a dream

    somehow bringing an fn-c1 and a lee enfield 303 with me.

    i’d ended up on somebody’s porch where i left the guns.

    i noticed a man going down hill toward the stalled out

    car. liking the stride of his step i decided to go down

    and help too.

    the part that i got . . . my grandfather was trained on a

    303. i was trained on a fn-c1. that’s how i knew it was


    dream: coffee plantation

    Dec 21, ’12 1:03 PM

    the plantation was owned by three brothers

    one of the brothers was lazy into sleaze and

    alcoholism womanizing drugs and had a

    racket going on within the confines

    the police raided the plantation there

    was a great rush of people avoiding

    to be fired upon.

    think tom hanks played the part of one of the brothers.

    dream: waiting for janet jackson

    Dec 15, ’12 11:43 AM

    so i had another dream. outside, waiting and watching the people empty out from the studio where janet is. while i wait i knock on what looks like a familiar door of a house nearby and ask if there is anyone i know there. got the answer i don’t think so, but i did sort of recognize one of the teenagers standing behind the guy at the door.

    cut to: me and janet walking down a flight of stairs. i notice a robot on the landing. might have been a roomba vacuum.

    not much other than that that i remember. always wake up with a jj song in my head. got together again going this time. felt like 4 hours worth of dreaming on the subject.

    dream: jla captured underneath comic con

    Dec 4, ’12 10:32 AM

    this was a long dream for me.

    in it i’ve somehow freed myself and have gone looking for other members of the jla.

    it turns out that where they are being captured also is the indexing of their comic books.

    so i’m able to find them using that index as a guide, only one level lower. (or a few)

    i’m able to free wonder woman first who frees the rest.

    the bad guy turns out to be a 14 year old. as i hold him to the floor i tell him

    look into the eyes of fate . . . and i think i can feel the helm on my head.

    dream: buddy’s pack

    Nov 12, ’12 7:45 PM

    this happened a week maybe two ago.

    about 15 dogs were standing on a roll

    of a bank in an opening of trees.

    . . . on what looked like a golf course

    that i was walking across . . .

    they, the pack were mostly small

    dogs. small black shaggy dogs.

    about 4 or 5 large dogs about buddy’s


    then i noticed buddy among them.

    he smiled and was standing next

    to a dog identical to him.

    maybe he was saying that he had

    had a better life than his double.

    i miss him.

    dream: buddy lies on my chest

    Nov 10, ’12 8:09 PM

    on the way to wide awake buddy lies on my chest

    i wake and debate whether or not it counts.

    been thinking on this all day . . . whether it was

    real or not. it felt real. only for an instant.

    only for an instant. i felt him alive.

    then i realize he isn’t.

    dream: roddy piper

    Nov 5, ’12 12:06 PM

    it was a long dream of which i can only remember one part.

    we’re in a ring and i don’t know if roddy wants to wrestle,

    instead i levitate in front of him . . . i think cross legged.

    got to meet some of the people in his life . . . people he’s

    wrestled with, family. friends. it was a cool dream.

    dream: chuck norris

    Oct 29, ’12 9:00 AM

    I’ve got several super special top secret agents already in this dream, when i walk past a pub and look in to see chuck norris looking back at me. he does the two finger’s eye to eye i got my eyes on you signal to me. walked around following my leads up and i was all like wow, that was chuck norris. :)

    dream: Dave Bautista wildlife refuge

    Oct 14, ’12 12:14 PM


    I think we are in africa or something.

    I come across a wildlife preserve being built.


    i notice dave bautista hammering nails into 2x4’s

    . . . and i see giraffes looking on . . .

    but the quality of construction looks more like a refugee camp

    later on in the dream inside a cave dave threatens to hammer

    a guy’s hand if he don’t start getting it together.

    by now dave is holding the hammer of thor. :)

    good luck in rio dave :)

    dream: superman

    Oct 13, ’12 1:13 PM

    In this dream i’m at a hospital.

    I’m running laps around the ground floor corridors.

    Every time i pass the front desk i take a leap

    into the air superman style and am able to

    glide a few feet. maybe the fourth time around

    a little girl sitting in front of the front desk

    says to her father . . . I think he’s superman . . .

    hulk hogan dream

    Oct 11, ’12 11:29 AM

    this dream was a long one. in it a wrestling crew ends up in montreal.

    They are doing a show and i get to hang out with them before

    they perform. great mood. :) I can’t remember the specifics

    of the dream, but they are joking around and being egos. :)

    I’m supposed to wrestle or appear in the show for some

    reason. But anyway, Hulk Hogan comes ups

    to me and puts his arm around my shoulder . . . i can’t

    remember what he said . . . but i think it had to do with

    this site going down and sympathy for the dog.

    It was a significant gesture. so thanks terry. I don’t

    know if you remember doing it . . . but it means alot

    to me. Hope you are well.


    rob alexander

    dream: buddy water park

    Oct 5, ’12 10:45 AM

    in this dream buddy is bigger and longer than i remember.

    i meet him with another dog who is about the same size only white.

    the place is in a city and there is a water feature where we are

    headed to. it is a circular bowl that overflows so there is a

    pond around it. we head there because he looks hot and i

    want him to lay down in it to cool off. it seems like a hot

    day. he is extremely happy to see me. when we first meet

    he lays down on his back to have his belly rubbed.

    i miss him terribly, but this dream reassures me that

    he’s doing alright and he misses me too.

    miss you pal, you were my best friend. and trusted

    companion. i’m sorry i didn’t do better by you.

    i wish you were here.

    i love you,

    sincerely, rob.

    dream: old friend again

    Oct 1, ’12 4:11 PM

    i love it when you have the dream, forget the dream and then have a nagging doubt that i had the dream . . .

    all i remember is that she had a jewelry booth . . . selling jade necklaces . . .

    i didn’t approach her or try to make contact with her. wasn’t even sure if

    it was her. i’m glad i got to see her. i miss her so much.

    anyway she reminded me this morning. that’s how i remember it


    love you eutonnah

    dream: moon robots

    Sep 13, ’12 1:38 PM

    i only vague details about this dream i had the night before last. but in it, i was in a city of robots living on or in the moon. since they didn’t want to attract attention they used infra red light to see one another. it had the feeling of those russian spy camps all dressed up to look like an american city. they were somehow related to superman’s robots from his fortress of solitude. you know the ones like he uses to be in two places at once, like a photo op between clark kent and superman.

    later on in the dream i’m flying superman style ground level past a comic book store. i walk in to demonstrate how to levitate to the people there. it’s difficult, like the weight of their belief system holds me to the ground. but i’m able to levitate cross legged . . . then i fly over their heads and out the back door amidst protests that i’m not aloud to go into the back of the shop. after that i fly up into the sky . . . happy for freedom.

    dream: ancient aliens

    Aug 18, ’12 12:23 PM

    i’m looking at top secret recording devices that use tape . . . in use before their

    commercial equivilant in 8 track and cassette . . . they were use in recording

    people that believed in aliens by people who wanted to discredit them.

    an indian man behind me expresses joy in finding the devices and exclaims

    great now we have a way to record tennis matches.

    we and others are in a fabricated attic. beneath our feet lies

    ancient tracks and symbols that we can only guess

    their meaning of.

    we have made a discovery.

    woke up with the song had a dream (sleeping with the enemy) by roger hodgson in my head

    dream: a glimps of buddy

    Aug 2, ’12 11:55 AM

    crowded dream last night. and long.

    only one part sticks with me though.

    i get to see my pal briefly . . . after the

    bed i’m on crashes to the floor.

    he’s across the room . . . being all

    happy like with the attention that

    he’s getting from the crowd.

    instead of going to him, i try to

    fix the bed . . . which is impossible.

    i sure miss him like heck.

    was good to see him again.

    dream: i get to hug buddy

    Jul 29, ’12 11:10 AM

    three black dogs. black labs. one of them is mine.

    i’m sitting down and i get to hug buddy’s hindquarters.

    i look for his lump on the wrong leg.

    i can’t find it.

    i know it’s him, because no other dog would park himself beside me.

    how long have i wanted one of these dreams . . .

    i miss him so much . . . it’s nice that we have this these meetings

    in the dreamtime to remind me that he’s still here with me.

     . . . in spirit.

    god i miss him so much.

    i love you buddy. wish you were here.

    dream: old friend visits

    Jul 16, ’12 10:40 AM

    well she showed up again. I unlock my door open it.

    and she’s sitting at the kitchen table. she’s made

    food for us. she smiles at me like we’ve never

    parted ways. god i miss her.

    eutonnah dunn.

    wish you were here.

    all my love,



    dream: elektra flys

    Jul 15, ’12 11:04 AM

    had this dream where elektra gets away using a hand held helicopter.

    could see the tendrils of her headpiece flapping away at the downward

    lift from the helicopter. she held onto it one handed. she is smiling

    because she got away.

    she reminds me of my old friend so much. miss you eutonnah.

    hope you are still out there.

    getting away.

    all my love,



    dream: buddy new dog

    Jul 11, ’12 9:22 PM

    I was sleeping in my room when a friend of mine said she had gotten us a new dog. I open the door and see buddy. I go get changed to come and play with him. have trouble getting my jeans on . . . and i end up swatting a shadow beings that skittle across the floor.

    i wake up missing him.

    but it was good to see him again.

    thanks for reading this.


    rob alexander

    dream: another jjdream

    May 5, ’12 8:53 PM

    there was a bus

    and we came to a stop

    three paths in a forest

    all were impassable.

    i remember seeing jj.

    i can’t remember anything else

    other than maybe a baseball diamond.

    dream: jjdream

    Apr 28, ’12 11:49 AM

    this one was cool.

    in it i remember looking for jj . . . and find her relaxing reading a book

    in a lawn chair out on the grass in front of a house or property that

    she is interested in buying. place needs works . . . but many are

    fixing it up . . .

    I don’t remember talking to her. but i knew it was her. think

    the location was Australia for some reason.

    dream: the rock akkadian

    Apr 21, ’12 8:57 PM

    the magic guild somehow set off a

    etheric war. a war of elemental beings

    fighting over territorial dominance. basically

    a war of crazy dream energy.

    i watch all this from inside a bubble

    of calm. maybe what hell would look

    like on a bad day without all the fire and


    i notice other people around me

     . . . one being dwayne the rock johnson . . .

    or maybe it’s him reprising

    his role of the scorpian king where

    he plays one of he last of the akkadian

    race of which some say predate

    the sumerian race.

    i go outside the bubble.

    the rock dwayne johnson reprising his

    role of the scorpion king says"wait!—

    —it’s dangerous!"

    afterwards at the after party

    the cast and crew are drinking


    dream: red tornado

    Apr 21, ’12 8:50 PM

    whenever i have a superhero dream i wake up

    feeling like they were just here . . . i just knew them . . .

    i remember the hero’s assembling and reddy

    pulling on his cowl . . . think it’s batman that says

    no stay here.

    i remember seeing superman sitting at the main

    council hall chair. dressed in coveralls and teeshirt . . .

    unshaven . . .

    alot of activity and yet i never find out what the

    problem is.

    jump to later and i’m flying above the city and

    then realize that i’m dreaming. the city is dreaming

    dreaming on the mind of red tornado.

    the city flips over and i’m reminded of the movie dark city . . .

    dream: buddy meets god

    Apr 21, ’12 8:44 PM

    in these dreams hours pass . . . i interact with dozens of people

    yet when i get a chance to remember one with my dog . . . all

    the other stuff fades away.

    buddy is running and i’m running to keep up with him.

    we are being pursued or corralled by these black metal

    spheres . . . the feeling of being fired upon by cannons fits

    well here.

    we end up at a square where a tired old man is

    surrounded by women of varying ages . . . the attire

    is greek olympian . . .

    i ask him. can i have buddy back. and point at buddy.

    dream: buddy throw a stick

    Apr 12, ’12 10:19 AM

    restful, lazy, and i’m at a park with someone else and their dog. i pick up a stick to throw for buddy. he doesn’t go after it initially then takes off. brings it back. don’t know what cued me . . . but i knew he wasn’t alive anymore. and i didn’t have a dog anymore. i instantly wake up. to the emptyness that is left. good to see him though . . . however briefly. he was the best. i miss him.

    dream: buddy brockville

    Apr 3, ’12 12:12 PM

    this dream happened a couple of days ago.

    in it, buddy was walking downhill from the

    courthouse here in brockville toward me.

    he looked in good shape, happy to see me.

    i miss him so much. but i at least get to have

    this chance meeting just so i know he’s ok.

    man i miss him.

    dream:buddy digs

    Mar 12, ’12 8:46 AM

    in it, i’d left buddy with some friends. i go to pick him up. when i reach my friend’s house they see me but don’t tell buddy, who is digging up a hole in there back yard. i grab him by his hind quarters and pull him out of the hole he’s in. he is happy to see me. and i him. then my train of thought is . . . pick up my clothes and figure out a way to fly back to ontario with him. seems that the dream takes place in powell river . . . although i don’t recognize the layout.

    on the main street a bus screeches to a halt in front of me, cutting off traffic.

    i wake up missing him immensely yet this is better than no dream of him at all.

    dream: buddy leash

    Feb 29, ’12 11:10 AM

    this was one of those dreams you have barely waking up . . .

    nice one . . . in it buddy and me were headed out from the

    old apartment to do a poop walk and he was on a leash

    that i was holding. wait a minute i said to myself, he

    doesn’t need a leash. then: oh right buddy, you are

    dead. think i woke up after that. didn’t notice his left

    eye, but i got the sense that it was back to normal.

    dream: buddy one eye

    Feb 27, ’12 11:52 AM

    in it i was walking with buddy and someone else.

    i reach down to pat his head and somehow my

    left thumb pops his left eye.

    i freak a bit and try to put it back in . . . but it

    doesn’t go. i quit messing with it for fear of

    making it worse . . . the dream continues

    and i can’t remember the part in between

    this and when i get to see buddy again

    all bandaged up . . . eye fixed. i think it was

    the person i was walking with that fixed

    his eye. throughout the whole dream though,

    buddy didn’t flinch a bit and seemed to smile

    a lot as if this was a funny joke.

    dream: john cena

    Feb 6, ’12 6:29 PM

    first dream i’ve had of john cena

    where everything in the dream doesn’t

    make sense . . . doesn’t calm down . . .

    doesn’t stand to reason. he looks

    at me and it’s hard to understand

    the look. like it’s hard for him to

    control it all and is looking for

    someone to blame. disturbing

    because somehow i feel i’m at

    fault for all of this. it’s hard to tell

    if what he’s going through is real

    or just playing off of the hype.

    keep your head above the sea

    of hate john. i’m pulling for ya.

    sincerely, rob.

    dream: hulk hogan as batmanDKR

    Feb 3, ’12 1:44 AM

    was tired, hit the sack around 930pm.

    new bed. new place. new life . . . etc.

    was walking around in this dream i was having

    when i recognized the voice. terry bollea.

    felt like i was in one of his old films . . . so i

    did a voice over, just for fun.

    i ran into a trailer where a guy was on the

    phone to the boss complaining that he’d

    do the film that they were working on for 80% . . .

    i practically scream at the guy "he’s going to

    do batmandkr. tell him he’s going to do batman

    DKR . . . and make sure you emphasize the D K R


    next thing i know i’ve got a tag along. terry.

     . . . and we are being chased by thugs out

    to get terry for all the money he owes them . . .

    i realize we are in cartoon land when i bite one

    of them and his skin comes off like a balloon.

    we take to the sky in these kayak type ships

    with either sky sails, or balloons to keep them

    aloft . . . we pass by a docking station where people

    are being trained at how to fly one of these things.

    we dock . . . forgetting that we are being chased.

    we take to the sand and enter an open beach

    tent where we run into batman. i sit facing him

    and say under my breath {dude, we need the

    supes} . . . unless you’ve got captain marvel on

    standby. i look away to a spinning arrow

    guess . . . what . . . line . . . he’s . . . on? i turn back

    to be facing captain marvel . . .

    woke up, feeling . . . something. like some strange

    continuity behind the scenes of it all. life. taxes . . . fun.

    dream: buddy long life

    Jan 25, ’12 1:58 PM

    just the split second before i awoke,

    i was with buddy . . . remember looking

    at him and thinking that he has a long

    life ahead of him. then i wake up and

    realize he’s still gone. everytime i have

    one of these it makes me realize how

    beautiful he was. god i miss him so much.

    even typing this hurts. this is so hard to

    handle sometimes. but if i don’t write this

    down . . . i might forget . . . when it happened.

    god he was beautiful.

    dream: waking up with buddy

    Jan 24, ’12 10:51 AM

    couple of days ago. woke up slowly,

    had the impression that buddy was

    asleep between my legs . . . looking

    up at me. then he just dissapeared

    and i realized where i was. here,

    without him anymore. god i miss


    dream: buddy again

    Jan 3, ’12 11:19 PM

    was really tired. slept from 4 to 8

    waking up got the impression that i had dog food

    around . . . and a dog to go with it.

    dream: chasing superman

    Dec 30, ’11 1:32 PM

    was a game of hide and seek with superman being the lead of lots of followers. was weird like being in a marathon of runners of ones and twos. I remember spotting him hiding in what looked like a stanley steamer van . . . i could tell it was him, because i caught a glimpse of his costume which looked technicolor blue.

    in the middle of the chase i somehow end up with a bow . . . the type speedy, green arrow’s sidekick would carry. it had four strings on it which were very very taut and hard to pull. so i asked shawn micheals to take a look at it. (ya i know, shawn micheals . . . hbk, heart break kid) . . . but by the time i handed it to him it had turned into empty plastic packaging, the ridged hard kind.

    dream: yellow stuffed dog

    Dec 29, ’11 3:07 PM

    kinda creepy dream, yellow stuffed dog, with no stuffing, could see holes through him. wasn’t buddy, buddy found him as a friend i guess. barely moved except when i moved my hand over his head. then i knew he wasn’t dead, but a spirit living on

    dream: beth phoenix animation

    Dec 28, ’11 10:57 AM

    several people are working on laptops. playing with animation programs. i don’t know how but daffy duck pops up several times through the dream. first dream i’ve had with beth phoenix in it.

    dream: dog food dish

    Dec 28, ’11 10:55 AM

    buddy’s dog food dish had a light layer of kibble in it. he never finishes the whole thing to leave something to snack on later. in this dream i start scrounging around the kitchen . . . i think i have some hamburger for him. i see him sleeping in the corner. i miss him so much. when i wake it hits me that he’s not here anymore. i cried then, i cry now. he was the best dog in the whole world.

    dream: is this your dog?

    Dec 25, ’11 4:59 PM

    think i’m walking on a street that i’m familiar with,

    i pass a woman who asks if this was my dog.

    i turn around to see buddy, smiling the way he does.

    about 10 paces behind me.

    i say yes he’s my dog.

    i miss him.


    dream: woke to buddy’s bark

    Dec 15, ’11 2:11 PM

    coulda been a bark from a dog on the road

    but it felt like buddy’s. woke up to check on

    him. wasn’t there still. then i remember where

    i am. had a high of 56 the other day. kinda

    weird weather when one is expecting winter.

    god i miss him

    dreams: 3xh and john cena

    Dec 13, ’11 1:33 PM

    had a couple of dreams in the past week.

    got to show triple h my childhood home. kinda fun. was trying to guess what his pin was for his credit card was . . . the numbers just floated in the air for him to see. after 6 digits i gave up. :)

    hung out with john cena. not much to report . . . remember looking over to see him reading a book.

    superman rattlesnake dream

    Dec 3, ’11 12:30 PM

    in it i’m superman, a rare occasion. my ex tells me that there are rattlesnakes in the area and not to go near them. so i go near them. i find a baby one that bites me. i check for a rattle. it has a small one. i’m not to worried about the venom. but it draws blood. i just sit there as it won’t let go of my left hand index finger. yes i had the superman costume on.

    terry bollea dream

    Dec 2, ’11 11:21 AM

    i remember the last of it. was we were shooting a movie. wrapping up last scene

    was on an old dock that was falling apart. typical shoot’em up movie, everyone

    had a gun. don’t know how i know this but i remembered in the dream that

    i’d had an earlier dream that terry liked using an ak47 w/ the russian shorty

    round 7.63mm. remember holding a magazine and flipping out rounds with

    my thumb as a way to help sink the point in. then i spent most of the

    dream walking around with my cell phone stuck

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