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Christianity Routed in 110 Pages by an Ordinary Man's Doubts
Christianity Routed in 110 Pages by an Ordinary Man's Doubts
Christianity Routed in 110 Pages by an Ordinary Man's Doubts
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Christianity Routed in 110 Pages by an Ordinary Man's Doubts

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About this ebook

The author analyzes belief in the Christian God and demonstrates
how its defenses crumble with careful analysis. He points out that
historically thousands of beliefs in deities have appeared, flourished,
and faded away. Christianity, he claims, will be no exception.
Fundamentalism is flourishing in the U.S., but history reveals that
over time, man's intellect wins. Cases in point. Socrates had to drink
poison because he would not recognize the Gods of the day. Galileo's
victory over the Catholic Church. The demise of the Spanish
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 24, 2012
Christianity Routed in 110 Pages by an Ordinary Man's Doubts

William D. Hedges

After serving five years in the Navy during WWII, William D. Hedges taught high school physics, biology, and mathematics for some years, later becoming a principal and college professor. He taught 44 years. Concerned about the attacks on the teaching of evolution by biology teachers he decided to fight back with a concise, 100 page analysis describing the contradictions, fallacies and weak underpinnings of Christianity, Creationism and Intelligent Design. He believes as Jefferson: “We are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error as long as reason is left free to combat it.”

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    Book preview

    Christianity Routed in 110 Pages by an Ordinary Man's Doubts - William D. Hedges

    Christianity Routed in 110 Pages

    By An Ordinary Man’s Doubts

    My Tombstone

    Is to read as


    Here Lie’s an Atheist

    All Dressed up


    No Place to Go

    William D. Hedges

    Copyright © 2012 by William D. Hedges.

    ISBN:   Softcover   978-1-4691-9960-3

                Ebook      978-1-4691-9961-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Chapter I    Religious Humor

    Chapter II    Objectives

    Chapter III    Turning Points

    Chapter IV    Suffering

    Chapter V    Gods

    Chapter VI    Design?

    Chapter VII    Time

    Chapter VIII    Religions

    Chapter IX    Evidence



    When the world began

    God, they say, created man,


    Dancing around the sod

    Man, they say, created God

    (Author unknown)

    (Page 49 Keen)

    The time is not distant when we humans will realize it is no longer necessary to dream up Gods for protection. We now have reason, knowledge and the scientific method. Man’s reasoning abilities and skills are limited but are continuing to evolve and strengthen. His knowledge is increasing exponentially.

    Use of the scientific method deserves much of the credit.

    This book explains why Christianity, an understandable creation of early man’s superstitions, fears, and lack of information, is no longer needed and will eventually fade away. It should go, not only because we have outgrown the need for it, but because it has become an impediment to progress, a millstone. Most especially, and contrary to popular opinion, it has become a detriment to morality.

    Christianity with its God will disappear because history reveals that is what religions eventually always do. Rich Stanit has written an entire book on the subject, Religions Must Die. The question is not whether but when.

    Countless Gods such as Thor, Venus, Zeus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Hades, all once widely worshipped, have disappeared and are no longer mourned or even missed. The time has come to let Christianity go too. We are growing up. To quote Hitchens in a number of his public lectures, We are all atheists. We just need to go one God more.

    In writing anything negative about organized religion or questioning the existence of the Christian God, I am opening myself to a huge outpouring of vitriol. Much of it will come from the devout who are fond of recommending that one should turn the other cheek. I expect to be looking in vain for that other cheek.

    I am 88 years old, and have decided to fight back. Everywhere one turns in these United States, one is deluged with religious nonsense. How far we have fallen since Clarence Darrow could stand before packed houses and say, I don’t believe in God because I don’t believe in Mother Goose. Hitchens used the tooth fairy.

    The presidential election (2012) is saturated with religious pablum. Turn on the TV and a preacher is shouting at you. Open the newspaper and Billy Graham is telling you how much God loves you. The certainty with which he writes suggests he is in daily communication with God. Then, of course, there is Tebow and football.

    Drive down any road and count the churches. Notice the numerous Jesus bumper stickers. These are especially common on pickup trucks. In my little town of Gainesville, Florida, (population 104,000) there are 960 churches and 127 denominations!

    This is a free country and the above is as it should be except for one thing; the issue of religion is so one sided. Everyone must speak positively about Christianity! No one must ever say anything negative about Christianity! To do so is rude, uncouth, just not done.The result is religion wins because it, and only it, has the floor! That is unfair!

    Other religions take a similar position. You must not criticize them. Consider Islam. You are risking your life if you criticize Mohammed or The Quran. In my home town of Gainesville, Florida, Terry Jones of the Dove Outreach Church received world wide attention with his threats to burn it. Salman Rushdie was threatened with death because he wrote Satanic Verses elements of which were considered blasphemous.


    Thank goodness some serious and really well done, religious rebuttals have recently appeared. Richard Dawkins, The Good Delusion. Daniel Dennett, Breaking the Spell. Sam Harris, The End of Faith. Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great: Religion Poisons Everything. Victor Stenger, The Failed Hypothesis.

    These books are good, but they are lengthy and they are not written for Joe Six Pack. By Joe Six Pack I mean a very hard working man who is intelligent but so busy he has resorted to getting most of his information from TV. My goal is to write a short, hard hitting book, easy to read a few pages at a time when he is on the john or has a bit of time on weekends. It is 105 pages of clear prose containing the major arguments pro and con. To be fair I have looked hard and long for evidence to support belief in a deity. There is none. There is only faith.

    I wish to facilitate interest in the scientific foundation for evolution, to encourage the elimination of illogical movements such as Intelligent Design, (Perhaps a better name is Unintelligent Design) and to suggest people start thinking seriously for themselves rather than to unquestioningly accept what others have told them. Why do I desire this?

    We in these United States are falling seriously behind other nations in our knowledge of science and our ability to compete economically on the world stage. Science teachers are being hounded by fundamentalists to compromise their principles in teaching evolution. Students are growing up ignorant of basic scientific information. There is gradual but ongoing erosion of the first amendment’s separation of church and state.

    Asian nations such as South Korea, China, and Japan are leaving us behind economically because of their support for education. Yes, I am concerned.

    My concern led me to write a book. It is titled. Why Korean Education is Leaving America in the Dust and What We Must Do to Catch Up. Published by Xlibris last year.


    In the United States hostility towards anyone critical of religion has a history. Critics have often paid a penalty for speaking out. The result today is that there are far more atheists than realized; they are just keeping quiet.

    Consider what happened to Thomas Paine who, while he believed in God, merely pointed up some of the wrong doings of organized religion. On page 40 of his book The Age of Reason, Paine himself

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