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The Second American Revolution
The Second American Revolution
The Second American Revolution
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The Second American Revolution

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The focus of the book is on the revolution which is currently raging in North America, one which will break out into open warfare any day now, just as it did in 1776. It is a class struggle, the working class against the capitalist class. The capitalists are about to be overthrown and the working class will soon exercise dictatorship over them, in the form of the dictatorship of the proletariat. This revolt will not be limited to the political arena, but to other areas as well, as they are all connected. That is the reason the book contains articles on various fields of science, not just the political.

I am a working class intellectual and a theoretical scientist. I am currently challenging scientific theories in various fields, including paleontology, anthropology, zoology, history, and political science.

These theories are presented as facts by the scientific community, and anyone who dares challenge these theories is not allowed to earn a living working in any field of science. That is the reason I perform this work as a sideline. I refer to these theories as scientific fairy tales, which does not endear me to the scientific community. I am writing these articles because I consider it my duty.
Release dateApr 28, 2017
The Second American Revolution

Gerald McIsaac

Gerald McIsaac is a working class intellectual, a theoretical scientist, inventor and the author of several books, of which Bird From Hell, Fourth Edition, is the most famous. He is convinced of the existence of numerous prehistoric animals, which the scientists swear to be extinct. McIsaac is also convinced that the scientists are well aware of the existence of these animals, and equally well aware that some of these animals prey upon people, mainly women and children. Yet the scientists choose to remain silent, in order to protect their careers. This is a natural result of the system of capitalism, in which the capitalists are determined that nothing must change. The system of capitalism must be overthrown, replaced by scientific socialism.

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    The Second American Revolution - Gerald McIsaac

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    Chapter 1 The First American Revolution

    Chapter 2 The Second American Revolution

    Chapter 3 Donald Trump and the Disunited States of America

    Chapter 4 Life with Trump as President

    Chapter 5 Socialism and Democracy

    Chapter 6 Uniting the Left in North America

    Chapter 7 Revolutionary and Marxist Organizations in North America

    Chapter 8 Concerning the Brexit Confusion

    Chapter 9 Concerning Global Warming

    Chapter 10 Concerning Dinosaur Heresies and Mass Extinctions

    Chapter 11 Concerning the Mass Extinction of Reptiles

    Chapter 12 Concerning Prehistoric Swimming Reptiles

    Chapter 13 Pterosaurs Hunting Humans

    Chapter 14 UFOs Identified

    Chapter 15 Sasquatch Facing Extinction

    Chapter 16 Concerning the Social Structure of Giants


    The revolutionary motion is now gaining strength, not just here in North America, but also around the world, and it is unprecedented in its scope and magnitude. It has yet to erupt into full-scale rebellion, but that can and will happen any day now.

    Never before has a revolutionary motion on this scale been seen. What’s more, it is being led by women. The discipline and dedication of these women are to be admired. The only thing lacking now is direction, as the revolution lacks focus. The goal of this revolution must be scientific socialism; otherwise, it will not succeed. That is the purpose of this book.

    The revolutionary movement has made great strides, as the protests are largely peaceful, aside from the criminal elements that have chosen to take advantage of this uprising and to resort to acts of vandalism and looting. The people who are taking part in the revolution are now coming together as well, spontaneously gravitating toward socialism. One of the most encouraging posters said,

    Trump is the symptom.

    Capitalism is the disease.

    Socialism is the cure.

    This is absolutely correct, but as yet contains no class content. It is certainly a step in the right direction.

    With that in mind, it is best to point out that we live under a state of monopoly capitalism called imperialism, which is complete reaction. The billionaires, or monopoly capitalists, comprise a class of people who are technically referred to as the bourgeoisie, and they are the class of people who rule the country. They are determined that nothing will change, and that includes the history and science books. That which is written is to stay written. They run the schools and universities the same way they run the countries, which is to say, with an iron hand.

    This is completely unacceptable. The revolution is happening; we are now in the midst of class warfare. The working class is rising up and challenging the rule of the capitalists, the bourgeoisie, that insignificant minority of billionaires, of whom there are perhaps a mere few hundred in all of North America. They have got to be overthrown and crushed by the working class—the proletariat. It is necessary to challenge them wherever they are, and that includes their resorts, golf courses, and universities. We must give them no peace, as this is in fact class warfare, and just as in any war, the enemy must be given no chance to regroup and counterattack.

    The ruling class—the billionaires, the bourgeoisie, the capitalists—has not only crushed and exploited us; they have also robbed us of our heritage and our history. As part of this revolution, this second American revolution, we have got to oppose them on all fronts. It is necessary to first overthrow them and then exercise complete and total dictatorship over the bourgeoisie, wherever they choose to hide. That includes the schools and universities. Let it never be said that class warfare is simple and easy.

    For the last several months, I have been writing articles and posting them on the Internet. Generally speaking, they fall into the categories of historical, political, and scientific. I have decided to place them in one book as it is not possible to separate the historical and the scientific from the political. In fact, they are all part of the class struggle—our struggle of the working class against the capitalists.

    I am also aware that, for the most part, the most advanced members of the working class no longer refer to the capitalists, the billionaires, as the 1 percent, just as they no longer refer to the vast majority of working-class people as the 99 percent. They are now aware that the billionaires are perhaps one in a million, as opposed to one in a hundred. So those expressions are outdated, but I have chosen to leave them in place, just as I have chosen to leave in place the repetition in order to emphasize the class distinctions. I do this for the benefit of those workers who are somewhat less advanced through no fault of their own. This allows them the opportunity to catch up.

    Then there are those who question the need for the scientific articles, especially the articles concerning the prehistoric animals, which still exist and are in great numbers. To this I can only reply that we are entitled to our wildlife, as it is part of our heritage. Africa and Asia have elephants, while we have the woolly mammoth. They have lions and tigers, while we have saber-toothed cats. They have gorillas and orangutans, while we have Gigantopithecus, the largest ape in the world and nothing other than a separate species of human.

    I can only point out that the scientists, those who have degrees in science and who scoff at the existence of these animals, are well educated and successful. Those degrees do not mean that those same people are honest and trustworthy. It does mean that they have never challenged a scientific theory, as those who challenge scientific theories are not allowed to earn a degree. Further, after earning that degree, the only way to climb the ladder of success is to tell the people in positions of authority precisely that which such people want to hear.

    Rest assured the capitalists, the billionaires, those who are running the country, do not want to hear about the woolly mammoth or the saber-toothed cat any more than they want to hear about Sasquatch or Bigfoot, a separate species of human living among us in North America. As a result of this, the scientists, most of whom are supremely well aware of the existence of these animals, merely remain silent for the most part. That way, they cannot be accused of an outright lie.

    This quest for such prehistoric animals is referred to as cryptozoology, which means the quest for animals that the scientists claim to be extinct. The scientists may refer to it as crazy zoology. Let it never be said that the scientists do not have a sense of humor. They are going to need it when we prove that these animals are very much alive. As I write this, spring is fast approaching. At that time, several things will happen, which will make it easier to prove the existence of various animals. The flying reptiles will come out of those caves and build a nest on hilltops, which are bare and open to the sun, and lay their eggs. There are very few bare hilltops in nature, but clear-cut logging provides nothing but bare hilltops, precisely the thing they need. So I can suggest a drone with a camera equipped with ultraviolet light flying around these logging areas as the easiest means of locating these nesting sites.

    At about the same time, in very large lakes, the swimming reptiles will come out of the water and lay their eggs on beaches, which are covered with sand, open to the sun, and facing south. These eggs will almost certainly hatch in June. Just before they hatch, birds of prey called raptors will gather. These different species of raptor can easily be seen sitting together on the branches of trees. They can be spotted at a glance. The easiest way to locate the eggs of these swimming reptiles is to watch for these raptors.

    It is very likely that the people who live and work around those lakes may have noticed the gathering of raptors in June and may well be able to point out the shores where the reptiles lay their eggs. That should simplify matters considerably. As soon as this gathering of raptors is spotted, then simply join them and wait for a hatch. Then grab one or two and we will have proof that these lake monsters exist.

    The giants are also on Vancouver Island and may well stay on that island year-round. They of course love seafood and can be found on the beaches after sundown. The First Nations people know precisely their location and can assist in making contact with them. As I have gone into this in more detail in other articles, there is no need to repeat it here. The main thing is to attract them and not hunt them. It is imperative that we let them know that we just want to meet them. Then steps can be taken and laws passed to protect them from the fools who are hunting them.

    In the fire season, small twin-engine planes fly over the whole forest area at low altitude, checking for forest fires. Inside each plane, there are two people—a pilot and a spotter—for the forest service. No doubt, they know precisely the location of the woolly mammoth but remain silent, as to speak out will cost them their careers. But now with the revolution gaining strength, it is doubtful that the capitalists will be able to fire these brave individuals, those who speak out.

    I mention this because spring is the best time to locate these animals. It bears repeating that the scientists are well aware of the existence of these animals and are careful not to look for them. That is the only reason they have not been discovered before now, and that is the reason I am writing for the working people. There is no need to tell the scientists this, as they already know. Unless, of course, there are scientists who are honestly not aware of their existence. In which case, such fools are totally incompetent.

    I have also included in this book an article on history concerning the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, as we have been robbed of our history. It is all part of the class struggle, and we must fight the capitalists, the billionaires, the bourgeoisie, wherever they are.

    It is my most fervent hope and prayer that the working people who are taking part in this revolution may find this little book to be of some limited usefulness.

    Chapter 1

    The First American Revolution

    In 1861, the eleven Southern states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia collectively seceded from the union of the United States and formed a separate country called the Confederate States of America. The balance of the states in the North, led by President Abraham Lincoln, refused to accept that these states had the right to secede and promptly went to war with the Confederacy.

    To this day, the American history books claim that the war took place because the states do not have the right to secede from the union, and in fact, slavery was not the cause of the war. As I have pointed out in a previous article, the country first broke apart in 1812. The United States did not go to war with

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