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The Mid-Night Sun
The Mid-Night Sun
The Mid-Night Sun
Ebook103 pages54 minutes

The Mid-Night Sun

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Boom! Boom!! Boom!!! Its the sound of blasts and lives lost. Echo sounding with madrigal of terror, horror and of sorrow. Such melody of souls sprouting out of bodies.
Blood! Blood!! Blood!!! A dreadful fluid of the dead and the almost dead. Swingeing in rage and languishing in anguish languidly.
Tears! Tears!! Tears!!! A fluid of untold sorrow and agony unbearable. Gushing out of the broken eyes of the bereaved.
Tales of gruesome evidence of human sacrifice and the grimy task of burying a plethora of bodies whose souls were separated. Measures of satisfaction derived by the scary shadows of human figure and the hypothetical protectors.
Macabre; the plague taking over my Home of Peace, where dogs with serrated gnashing teeth are chasing and eating lions. An artificial curse, by the selfish brats with their deciet in camouflagry and their vile torturism of innocent civilians. Breaking, eking, and aching for the silence only the guns of these brats could bring.
Release dateJul 13, 2015
The Mid-Night Sun

Muhammad Al-Bashir

Muhammad Al-Bashir is a Poet, Prosetrist, Blogger and a Freelance Writer. He is very vibrant, dynamic and a prolific writer whose passion for knowledge is unquenchable. His interest lies mainly in poetry and prosetry. A graduate of University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Where he studied Soil Science. He owns the Writers’ club known as ‘’MunnBash Pioneer’’. Muhammad Al-Bashir lives in the City of Lagos with his parents and siblings. In his spare time he reads a lot and writes with ecstatic passion.

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    The Mid-Night Sun - Muhammad Al-Bashir

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-6014-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015908282

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    Macabre For Peace

    Episode Title:

    1.   The Taxi driver

    2.   The Devastators

    3.   The Commandos

    4.   Royal Daddy

    5.   The Outsider

    6.   You and I


    Menace For Peace

    Episode Title:

    1.   Massacre

    2.   An Eid-day

    3.   Bloody Matrimony

    4.   The Celebrated Leader

    5.   Vile Denigration

    6.   Sanctimonious Hypocrites


    Massacre For Peace

    Episode Title:

    1.   Title: Die Log

    2.   Indelible err

    3.   Defeatism

    4.   Taking Lives

    5.   Title: Eduvastation

    6.   Blank-point


    Malady For peace

    Episode Title:

    1.   Stigma of insecurity

    2.   Colour of Hate

    3.   Shadows of death

    4.   Pages of death

    5.   Peace on Exile

    6.   Fluids of sorrow


    Malaise For Peace

    Episode Title:

    1.   fate of the fated

    2.   Let us Pray

    3.   Drop it

    4.   Black Greed

    5.   Diet of Hatred

    6.   Peace for Peace




    For all those victims who saw it all. Vile as it was.


    This collection of prosetry written by a writer with a niche for creativity is plus to the Nigerian literary world. The writer was able to take a critical look at the present security challenges bedeviling the nation.

    He narrates the ordeal of the civilians and the armed forces. He juxtaposes this with the so called faceless perpetrators of the massacre. It is interesting to note that the writer also wrote in defense of kanuritude-the very ethnic group that is caught in the middle of this insecurity brouhaha. This is a book that will not only thrill you but also lead you to the sanctum of introspection.

    Fortunately for me I’ve read it so I am recommending it to lovers of literature. As Lebowitz said, ‘Think before you speak and read before you think,’ so read and ruminate on this classical prosetric narration.

    SMH Ellakkawi.


    My eternal gratefulness is to the Almighty. Who gave me the inspiration to compile all these real life events. Vile as it may be.

    To all those whose beloved ones are mentioned in each prosetry. May Allaah increase your patience and forgive the deceased. This is to let the world know and share your pain.

    To my mentor, SMH Ellakkawi, special thanks for taking the pain of editing this piece to its best comprehensive form.

    My unending appreciation to all my facebook fans and most especially members of Borno Progressives for all their encouraging posts inciting me to write more, even when I never wished to write more than I have already written.


    Writing from imagination is a lot easier than writing from reality, I presume. This is because imagination could be switch to fit the reader’s taste and expectation. While writing about a real event might be studious and intricate in order to maintain facts and precise information. One doesn’t feel the liberty of wanting to say what he wishes rather than to put it the way it happened.


    In writing generally, inspiration is a constant which determines the quality of the literal work. It is not very much a different case narrating a real life event; The event itself has inspired you already. All one need do, is to garnish it stylistically with professionalism. The talent of writing defines it all.


    Each episode is written in such a way that it can stand individually on its own. Only for a few which make reference to a previous one. Also the first two seasons all followed a similar pattern while the other three, took a dissimilar format. Most episodes have a shorter narration of the targeted event. At the bottom of each there is a dedication to the victims of

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