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Five Misfits in Five Weeks
Five Misfits in Five Weeks
Five Misfits in Five Weeks
Ebook66 pages1 hour

Five Misfits in Five Weeks

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About this ebook

Five Misfits in Five weeks is a memoir about the experiences I had dating different men. Because I had wed at a young age, (and divorced at a young age), I had no idea how cut throat the dating world was. I got schooled to the game real quick. Every week I thought I had a new potential boyfriend, but these guys had another thing in mind. These misfits were just adding me to their list of women theyve knocked out. Th is book explains the erotic encounters I had with these guys, and their attitudes that followed.
I provide detailed explanations of what to look out for when faced with these certain types of men.
Release dateSep 11, 2014
Five Misfits in Five Weeks

Lucky Love

Lucky Love found her passion for writing when she was twelve years old. Lucky is known for her positive energy and charismatic play on words. She is a self-proclaimed “Literary Artist”, who aspires to get more people reading and motivated about life by sharing her memoirs. Lucky Love graduated with her Master’s Degree in Business Administration at the age of 26. She completed her studies in the midst of raising her two boys, one of who was recently deemed autistic. She enjoys writing, speaking, cooking, dancing, and all things creative. Lucky Love is the director of a company offering an all encompassing arts program for children ages 5-17, in addition to special needs to children, in which she plans on opening the doors in the summer/fall 2015.

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    Five Misfits in Five Weeks - Lucky Love

    Copyright 2014 Lucky Love.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4596-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4595-4 (e)

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    Chapter 1: Black Superman

    Chapter 2: B.D.S

    Chapter 3: Cinderella Man

    Chapter 4: Polo Hat

    Chapter 5: Foolio

    Chapter 6: Mr. Postman

    Chapter 7: Lucky Number 7


    I want to dedicate this as my first published book to my beautiful mother. Thank you for instilling me the concept of, Ain’t nothing to it but to do it. This in addition to your support which has allowed me to feat many obsticles. I want to dedicate this book to my children. Without you two I don’t think that I would have found my purpose in life! Lastly, I want to dedicate this book to the memory of my deceased grandparents.

    Thank you. Without your support and patience, I would have never achieved my dream.


    I would like to first off thank GOD who is the head of my life for giving me the muse of literary artistry and for allowing it to manifest in my life in a way that is positive and beneficial to others. I know it may not seem so much after reading this book but please note we are all human thanks ;-)! I would also like to thank my family, friends and these misfits without whose help/inspiration this book would never have been completed.


    I am going to tell you 5 stories about 5 misfits who I dated in 5 weeks. The stories of these 5 men and the experiences I shared with them had to be written into a book! I wrote this book as a pre-cautionary tool for women (especially women of color), as well as to serve as a PSA. We have to put these fellas on notice that we will no longer stand for their BULLSHIT! These fellas clearly got the game twisted. Well all five of these amigos came across the right mutha-lova’ this time. I am about to expose all the truths about these fellas right here in this here book. I feel like there is no way in hell there should be such a huge culture of men who are straight disrespectful to the women species. ARE THEY CRAZY? Women are the vessel through which life is created! Why would you want to harm a Goddess if you are a GOD? Many men I am encountering at this age are either just getting out of a marriage, or a long-term relationship. Many of them have children, which is okay with me because I have kids too. All but one of them seem to be AWESOME fathers, just couldn’t make it work for whatever reason with the mother(s) of their kids. If that is the case then I truly understand because I am divorced with children myself after having been married for 6 years, separated almost 2 of those years (but that’s another book).

    Let me say, I do know that there are PLENTY of GOOD men in this world. I can honestly say that I still do not even think that the men that are the subject of this book are necessarily bad men. I just think that it takes WORK for men and women to understand each other. Without that desire for the relationship to do well and be for you to be HAPPY, the ripe healthy fruits of a relationship will never be able to manifest. I am one who is very much about my business, although I may laugh a lot. I am constantly working on myself, evolving and manifesting! When it comes down to anything that pertains to my happiness I will do my very best to obtain and maintain it by any means necessary. With that being said, let the fun begin!


    Black Superman

    Manuel French was a firefighter who I referred to as my Black Superman. As a Detroit firefighter he had received so many medals of bravery for acts of courageousness. He was known for rescuing people out of horrible situations; in addition to accolades such as going deep where no one else can see because the smoke is so black. He told me of how he recently got into an altercation with his chief. His chief was known for bullying people and he couldn’t stand a bully…so he stood up to him. As a result, he got shipped to a new location. He also mentioned how he always gets in trouble at because he would admit-tingly engage in practices that were not illegal but not considered complete legal either. Yet and still he loved his job and he didn’t mind being present everyday, just as long as they were paying him for his time he was fine.

    Manny was a self-proclaimed ladies man who usually only dates model types so he claims. He modeled for a

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