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Saving Your Retirement: Will I Have Enough?
Saving Your Retirement: Will I Have Enough?
Saving Your Retirement: Will I Have Enough?
Ebook70 pages30 minutes

Saving Your Retirement: Will I Have Enough?

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About this ebook

Saving Your RetirementWill I Have Enough? demystifies the forces and trends that may seem overwhelming to an individual trying to make sustainable plans for retirement. Douglas L. Dombey taps his expertise in working with individuals to accumulate, conserve, and distribute wealth, and couples it with straightforward explanations and analysis to provide a comprehensive and comprehensible treatment of such topics as taxes, portfolio turnover, markets, non-correlated assets, and insurance.

BrilliantAn innovative way to safeguard retirement assets and income during years with negative returns.

Janet M. Furst, CPA, ChFC, MBA, Furst & Associates, PC

Mr. Dombey simply does the math to shine a light on one of the most potentially deadly assassins of your retirement planthe sequence of returns. In this most recent publication, Doug not only illuminates the problem but provides a creative yet simple solution that everyone can employ.

Skip Raymond, Business Exit Coach

A clear and simple explanation of the effect taxes and fees have on accumulating retirement assets and what you can do about it.

John K. Kelly, Managing Director, Integrated Financial Group, Inc.

Read this book if youre looking to understand how to grow your wealth with minimal risk over the long term.

Evan Ohs, CLU, ChFC, Regional Vice President, Pacific Life Insurance


Release dateMay 16, 2017
Saving Your Retirement: Will I Have Enough?

Douglas L. Dombey

Douglas Dombey has served in the financial services industry for more than thirty years. After graduating from Arizona State University, Doug followed in his father’s footsteps, entering the financial field in 1982. Three years later, he founded Southwest Financial Group, Inc., specializing in wealth accumulation, conservation, and distribution. Doug has been the featured speaker at the National Glass Convention, Liberty Life Insurance Company, the Arizona State Bar Association, National Financial Partners Educational Conference, and the Pacific Life University and Symposium. His topics include the dynamics of a successful family business, succession planning, and the uses of life insurance for estate and business planning. Doug taught at the University of Arizona Center for Lifelong Learning as well as the Arizona State University Center for Executive Development. Doug is a past board member of the United Way Volunteer Bureau, past president of the Christ Lutheran School Board, past president of the Arizona Family Business Alliance, and a founding board member of the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club Foundation. He lives with his wife, Mary, in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and maintains an office in Phoenix, Arizona.

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    Saving Your Retirement - Douglas L. Dombey

    Copyright © 2017 Douglas L. Dombey.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-4261-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-4262-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017900592

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 06/05/2017


    Throughout my career I have always been surrounded and supported by great people. I know that I would not be where I am today without their unwavering support. That being said I must mention those that provided such support on this project.

    Diane Allison – you are not only an awesome sister but also a tremendous artist. Thank you for the cover design.

    Martha Fosdick – always the supportive and faithful friend. Thank you for being an honest and diligent editor.

    Sharon Parrish – it has been quite the journey. Thanks for your loyalty and always being willing to go the extra mile.

    Skip – thanks for being the definition of a true friend and challenging me on my theories and concepts throughout this project.

    The love of my life Mary – thank you for being the best mom and wife a man could desire. You provide the spiritual support I need to carry on. I love you.


    This book is not intended to provide tax or investment advice. Nor is it promoting any specific company or product. As always you should consult a professional before implementing any concept or strategy.

    It is my hope that this book will help you to create a healthier retirement plan.



    1 Tax Rates

    2 Portfolio Turnover

    3 The Tax Effect

    4 Qualified Plans

    5 The Market

    6 Sequence Of Returns

    7 Non-Correlated Assets

    8 Fees Vs. Taxes

    9 Doing The Math

    10 How Does An Equity-Indexed Life Insurance Policy Work?

    11 Conclusion

    About The

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