Seasons of Joy: My Spiritual Journey to Self Discovery
About this ebook
Jeanette Hunter
I have been writing and publishing my Spreading Joy column with the Lloydminster Source for the past six years. I began this column with the hopes of shining a light into the lives of those who read my work. I wanted to help people see that joy is all around us, and when we consciously choose to spread joy everywhere we go—one act or one smile at a time—it can impact our world on a mass scale. I reside with my amazing husband, Craig Hunter, in the beautiful community of Cold Lake, Alberta.
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Seasons of Joy - Jeanette Hunter
Copyright © 2014 Jeanette Hunter.
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-1680-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4525-1682-0 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4525-1681-3 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014910615
Balboa Press rev. date: 11/7/2014
Series Title
Chapter 1 Spring
Clear The Passage
Daring Greatly
A Child’s Time Of Awakening
Steering My Runaway Locomotive Toward The Sunrise
Today’s Awakening—Gifts From The Divine
Everybody Get Aboard The Wellness Train—Choo-Choo
My Remembering—My Journey Home
A Gift From The Heavens
My Shining Moment
Joyful Good-Byes
Music’s Meditation
Chapter 2 Summer
The Profound Courage Of Three
Fulfilling Your Joy Barometer
God Lives Within Each Of Us
Wisdom Creates Spiritual Growth
Power To Open Your Mind And Understand Your Purpose
Happiness Series
Freeing The Mind, Body, And Soul
Relief In The Wake Of A Disaster
Rediscovering Your Zen
Chapter 3 Fall
Let’s Feed The World
Therapy Within Reach
Lead With Love
Transformation Of The World
Embracing Our Darkness
The Eighteen-Inch Journey
Manifesting Your Dreams
A Metaphysical Force
Chapter 4 Winter
Quieting Your Mind
Awakening Your Consciousness
View From The Park Bench
I Did It My Way
Immeasurable Understanding
Happy Family Moments
Wholehearted Living
Move Out Of Your Old Neighborhood
Wedded Bliss
I’m Coming Home
Embodiments Of Light And Love
The Bricks And Mortar To Building A New Path
The Half-Lived Life
—Dr. Wayne Dyer
Under The Microscope
Chase The Winter Blues Away
Surrender And Let Your Inner Voice Guide You
Resources For My Research
I dedicate this book to all of us, every spiritual being who graces this earth. For we are all one—each of us who is traveling on this spiritual path to finding our own way home to pure divine love, to our source, and finally reconnecting to one another. God Bless.
I dedicate this book to the Laughing Buddha. You, dear sir, have always brought me such joy. Your spirit lives within me. Namaste.
002_a_asd.JPGI dedicate this book to the love of my life. I prayed for you, I yearned for you, and through this, God brought us together. I will be forever grateful. I love you, Craig. Thank you for being exactly who you are. God bless you.
I dedicate this book to the countless inspirational leaders who helped to draw me out of the darkness and into my pure divine light. I am forever grateful. God bless.
I dedicate this to my younger self, Jeanette. I am so proud of the woman you are and the woman you continue to become. Always know you are loved and fully supported by the entire universe. There is nothing you cannot achieve, and you have nothing to fear, for you are a child of God.
The answer was sleeping in the question all along.
Pharrell Williams
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
William Shakespeare
J eanette’s passion has always eked out through her pores at every interaction. Anyone who meets her can tell instantly that there is a fire burning within her that could put the fires of Hades to shame. When she found writing, I also experienced her passion at its full potential.
Jeanette’s ability to share her stories and experiences so openly and honestly has always amazed me. She has this innate ability to paint a beautiful picture that allows you to sit down beside her as she replays a memory. You can empathize with her emotions, all while she quietly feeds you a much-needed life lesson, a perspective adjustment, or lesson in gratitude.
Whenever my days are challenging, I can send her a text or give her a call, and she has a gentle way of dusting away all of the proverbial trash and helping me focus on the solution. And if there is no visible solution, I always feel heard and validated. I hope that with each column you read, you will feel the same—validated, heard, strengthened, and with a sense of camaraderie that the world needs more of.
You inspire me each and every day, Jeanette. Continue spreading joy.
—Kristin Percival
I Chose to create this book even before my first book, Spreading Joy—Live Life, Love Life, because It Is Your Gift , was printed. I envisioned the title Seasons of Joy at this time because I believe God had something profound in store for me.
T his is a bit of a long list, but with every name you read, take the time to look them up, and see if any of them resonate with you as they did for me. God bless Elizabeth Gilbert, Maya Angelou, Betty Dery, Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Brene Brown, Caroline Myss, Lilou Mace, Jennifer Mclean, Christy Whitman, Natalie Ledwell, Michael Beckwith, Iyanla Vanzant, Greg Braden, Jack Canfield, Anita Moorjani, Sonia Choquette, Nick Ortner, Ester, Jerry and Abraham Hicks, John of God, and so many more.
You have all played an intricate role in aiding my spiritual growth and my continued daily desire to expand to the highest level of my consciousness.
You have all helped me to visualize my dreams and to have the realization that anything is possible.
Series Title
S preading Joy-Live Life, Love Life because it is you Gift
also written by Jeanette Hunter, printed by Blitz Printing and self-published in May 2013
W elcome to my one-year journey of self and spiritual expansion and the evolution of my consciousness.
After overcoming a very difficult time in my life, I came to the realization that I was in the midst of a spiritual awakening.
My expansion began when I changed jobs and had an abundance of time to do research to expand the depth of my Spreading Joy
columns. Through online research, reading, taking online courses, and watching a ton of inspirational and spiritually awakening videos, my quest kept taking me further and further into expansion.
I saw drastic changes in myself during this time and felt my life shift for the first time in a very tangible way.
I would like to first thank my loyal reader fan base of the Spreading Joy
column, where the inspiration for my book has derived from. To my beloved children, our families and friends, and my beloved, loving husband, Craig Hunter. Craig, you have been the beacon of light, guiding us through the darkness. Thank you for choosing me, and thank you for being you.
I would also like to thank God, the universe, the divine, and source energy. I am eternally grateful for my time here on earth. Thank you for all the blessings you bring into my life on a daily basis, and thank you for all the adversities as well—they have been my greatest teachers. God bless you all. I send you all love and light and a life filled with abundance.
2013 and 2014
465520183.JPGClear the Passage
I f you are anything like me, you are someone who perpetually needs your space to be clutter free and organized. I have a fear that I will forget where I put something, so I am forever labeling and putting things in the most logical place—until that backfires.
I’ve taken on this behavior because I have a bit of a forgetful mind. I used to get overwhelmed quite easily when I couldn’t find something. So as a coping mechanism for my forgetfulness, I developed obsessive compulsive disorder. This made practical sense to me for many years, but after all the years of feeling it was my sole responsibility to take care of everything, I learned that I had chosen that responsibility, and it was time to relinquish this thought and lay that behavior to rest.
48734.pngI still go through my cupboards, drawers, and closets on a constant basis. I have been known to hold on to sentimental things for years, but I usually keep them tucked away in a box, out of sight, or only a few things displayed at a time. I find that the constant distraction of nick knacks, is not only a dust magnet, but it clutters up my space, which inhibits energy flow. So things get moved around in my house quite frequently or packed away until a time when I am ready to release them.
This practice used to be part of my former obsessive compulsive disorder. Over-cleaning was how I kept myself calm and tranquil—or so I thought. I learned much later that it was a coping mechanism for repressed emotions that I was not ready to deal with. It came from a deep-seated guilt pattern—as a wife and a mother, I thought that everything needed to appear perfect.
I realized, however, that the more I cleaned, the worse I felt internally because no matter how perfect the external was, it didn’t help ease the tornado within. So over the past few years, I have let go of much of that former behavior and focused on the internal work—the reality was that no one else would focus on it, and no one else knew the depth in which the rubble had accumulated. Only I knew what would work best for my spiritual healing and growth, and I knew for sure that it was time. The universe had been throwing pebbles at me for some time, and rather than dismissing them any longer, I faced them head on. Much of this type of behavior is like a double-edged sword.
I am referring to hoarding. This destructive behavior can cause so many life-altering affects. When we refuse to listen to our inner voices, we tend to get ourselves in a heap of trouble. When feelings are left repressed and not dealt with, we tend to take on behaviors and excuses to soothe those damaged parts of ourselves.
Often times when we refuse to take stock of what matters most to us in life, like our health and spiritual well-being, we end up adapting dangerous choices, and by the time we realize it, we are neck deep in them. We have replaced our love for ourselves with things.
We have adapted a thought process that the ego creates to trick us into believing that one more of this and one more of that will make us feel better.
When we choose to look outside ourselves for love, contentment, and soothing, we are, more often than not, left empty-handed, and the perpetual pattern begins all over again, day after day, week after week. The next thing we know, years have passed, and not only is the rubble accumulating up around us, but the internal rubble is indescribable, often too much to bear.
We are lost in a sea of turbulent waves; we are lost, waiting for the answers to come to us, but we don’t realize that all we need is within is. We have covered it up for so long with actions and things that our true self can’t breathe, let alone fight its way to the top of the passage of pure light and love. This damaging behavior is due to the fact that we have been taught that we are separate from our source, that we are separate from one another, and that we are left out there in the great big world alone. We then go into what’s referred to as fight or flight mode.
Every breath is one for survival rather than peace. We feel a need to protect and guard ourselves, as we see those around us