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Very Good-Looking Seeks Same: Gay Profiles in Search of Love
Very Good-Looking Seeks Same: Gay Profiles in Search of Love
Very Good-Looking Seeks Same: Gay Profiles in Search of Love
Ebook137 pages46 minutes

Very Good-Looking Seeks Same: Gay Profiles in Search of Love

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About this ebook

Meet the denizens of the gay personal ads: The married guy cruising for a same-sex hookup warning that he needs to keep it simple. Or the Dom Master who boasts that hes a Christian and former Boy Scout. Or the happy goofball who is jealous of his dogs. In Very Good-Looking Seeks Same filmmaker Robert Philipson turns his eye to the hilarious and frequently poignant world of gay men in search of love. Always intriguing, often titillating and sometimes shocking, this gallery of profiles is sure to seduce readers of every persuasion. Find out what mathematical athletes, ex-marines, and 63 transvestites post on the Internet to entice the men they want to be with.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 28, 2010
Very Good-Looking Seeks Same: Gay Profiles in Search of Love

Robert Philipson

Dr. Philipson, a Nobel Laureate in Animal Husbandry, has gone on to excel in numerous fields: proponent of inter-species marriage rights, scholar of Swahili literature, and dog-walker to the stars (most notably, Betelgeuse). Dr. Philipson has sadly not had the time to cultivate a soul-connection to that one special lady but remains devoted to his mother, with whom he lives at the age of 39. His autobiography, Memoirs of a Jewish Dinge Queen, was optioned by a major Hollywood studio in 1987. Dr. Philipson has lived in the Central African Republic, Paris, and Manhattan where he taught Comparative Literature at New York University. According to his parole officer, he currently resides in Oakland, CA. Photo by: Bob Fisher

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    Book preview

    Very Good-Looking Seeks Same - Robert Philipson


    The Promise   

    Part One

    Cox Populi   

    Not Yet  

    The Captain Speaking 

    Dom Master   








    Yearning for Mediocrity   


    Bear Song 


    Loosely Translated  


    Ripeness Is All   




    Fat Bastard  

    Low-Key TV   

    Water Baby  

    For Real  


    Bad Luck  



    Faithful to the Corps   

    Caveat Emptor  


    A Theory of Attraction   

    Body Parts  



    On Target   


    The Rant 

    The Other Half   



    Fallen Angel  


    Snow Queen   


    Funny Bear   

    Grease Monkey   

    Desert Vanilla   



    Ethical Leather   







    Carpe Diem  


    The Pagan   

    Not Nice  

    Minnesota Jack  


    The Foreigner   


    Want and Need   

    What is this I hear of sorrow and weariness,

    Anger, discontent and drooping hopes?

    Degenerate sons and daughters,

    Life is too strong for you—

    It takes life to love Life.

    Edgar Lee Masters

    Lucinda Matlock

    To Michael Hamilton,

    Jerry Stafford,

    and the countless others taken by the Plague

    The Promise   

    Romantics, please apply in search of joy

    Exhausted or expecting worlds to come

    Where love reveals that fated girl or boy

    Whose answer to desire yet is dumb.

    Elusive still, the yearnings of the heart

    Call after that sweet woman, that fine man

    Transgendered, gay, bisexual—or not

    We trawl in waters overfished and banned.

    Just $13.95 will give you voice

    A place to hang your hat on Cupid’s stand

    An infinite variety of choice

    A street address to welcome hopeful hands.

    A business springs from Hope’s unquenched desire:

    Book, song, and film are prophets of the lyre.

    Book, song, and film are profits of the liar.

    Part One

    Cox Populi   

    Not Yet  

    I have kissed a lot of frogs

    yet my Prince Charming has yet to come

    There are times when I want to give up and stop the kissing

    yet that would not be fair to him

    That would make his job twice as hard

    I’m Hispanic, 18, Iowa born and raised

    I’m going to college in the fall

    a bartender too—the money’s good

    I love to dance

    I always speak my mind

    and I’ve been told I’m a little chatty

    I’m not afraid of commitment

    yet most guys treat me as a boi

    a plaything


    Others treat the word commit as if it were a plague

    What kind of disease is that?

    to have someone to cuddle in the morning

    I want to find Mr. Right

    (I said Mr. Right, not Mr. Perfect

    I’m a realist

    and my Mr. Right, with all his flaws

    can be my Mr. Perfect)

    Yet none of the guys I meet is Mr. Right

    but Mr. Right Now

    and after the kissing’s over

    I find myself in bed

    with a frog

    The Captain Speaking 

    Welcome aboard Seduction 747

    All bottoms are automatic ticket holders

    All Republicans refused boarding privileges

    To enter the cockpit while the flight is in progress

    you must be


    in my age range


    6'1" or shorter


    have good conversational skills

    have a life outside the airport

    did I mention single?

    Air marshals will escort idiots back to their seats

    Liars will be evicted from the cockpit

    as will tops trying to convince me to bottom

    I am the captain of this flight

    Black men, Arabs, and Persians fly first class

    Orientals will be on standby

    However… all cute men are welcome aboard

    but masculine is a must

    Queens may apply as flight attendants

    Make sure your baggage is properly stored

    and completely out of my sight

    Last but not least

    IDs without a face pic will not be considered valid

    and you will not board the plane

    If you can’t afford the two bucks to scan a pic at

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