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The Men that Time has Forgotten
The Men that Time has Forgotten
The Men that Time has Forgotten
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The Men that Time has Forgotten

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The is is about a young African American man name Jeffery "Popeye" Ross experience during WWII. When the U.S. entered war after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. At first he didn't want to get involved with war, but when he got his teen girlfriend pregnant and feeling the pressure from other people he deci

Release dateAug 27, 2021
The Men that Time has Forgotten

Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am a husband, a father, a son, and an author. Writing is something I have always been good at though I have not always wanted to be an author. That changed one day while I was at work back in 2009. I was married to my first wife at the time and working at a small HBCU when a student noticed I was wearing a wedding band. She correctly assumed that I was not married to a black woman and wanted to know why I was not married to a black woman. I could have handled this in a number of ways but I could tell she was not asking me about my life as much as she was asking about black men in general who date outside the race. There exists a very complicated dynamic within the black community when it comes to interracial dating. Those of us who are or have previously dated outside the race have done so for many reasons, but all reasons are influenced by racism. Black people who say they just fell for someone of a different race without considering any other factor is probably lying. Some of us do it because we feel we were driven to by the mistreatment from our own people. Some view interracial dating as a promotion of sorts; validation of their individual appeal to the outside world. Some believe the interracial relationship will be superior due to the influence of media and how often black people are presented in a negative light. When I answered the student's question, I told her that I was married to woman who was not black because I wanted to be, but also because I had not been noticed by my own women until I was with someone who did not look like them, and that is where the problem lies. For too many reasons to list here, black men and black women do not value each other and this belief I have, more than any other reason, compelled me to write this book. I wanted to explore how its possible for black men and women to reach a point when we look at potential romance with each other with pessimism. And then not at all. What is presented in Shades of Gray: The Introduction of Walter Harrison are the reasons why, mostly from the black male perspective, that black people are increasingly looking for romance for those who look nothing like us.

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    The Men that Time has Forgotten - Michael Johnson


    It was December of 1944 driving trucks in Europe in the worse winter in history was not my idea of fighting a war. I was cold as hell and hungry, but here I was fighting for my country who didn’t even consider me an equal. I didn’t mind though this war was suppose to change everything for Negro’s in America. A lot of the men joined thinking they would get a chance to fight, but we were wrong they assigned us to this truck company. I joined in March of 1942 hoping the same thing, but they shipped me off to this dusty base in the middle of Iowa. Since I have been in Europe all we have been doing is driving troops around and supply them. The ways things were going I didn’t think we would ever get a chance to fight. We had heard rumors that they didn’t need us and we were here to do is serve the white soldiers. The white soldiers were saying we were cowards and would run when we came face to face with the enemy. That get some nerve saying those things about us. I have heard stories about them going AWOL, shooting themselves and even committing suicide to get out of fighting. I thought about going AWOL myself, but I didn’t want to get shot and I have a family I have to take care of. They don’t believe a black soldier was as good as a white soldier. We all bleed red blood, but to tell those white soldiers that they wouldn’t believe it. They think we are some type of sub human who that can’t do anything without them. I can’t complain I know what I can do, so we better do our jobs and do it well or they will laugh us right out of the Army.

    The word had came down from Brass to ship out in August of 1944 a couple of months after the D-Day invasion. I was real exited and also scared I knew once I got over to Europe there was a real chance that I might get killed. The thought of not seeing my family again made things even more frightening. When I was at the base in Iowa I met my good friend Staff Sgt. Willie Earnest Banks III. He was a big man 6’4 250lbs brown eye, dark skin, muscular and black wooly hair. He also was a very handsome man. When he walked in a room everyone stopped and looked at him. He had this walk about him that showed how confident he was in himself. That scared a lot of those white boys they didn’t like that. All the ladies wanted to come out of their panties when they seen him. Even the white girls would be checking him out, but he knew and they knew that wasn’t possible. Especially back in those days a black knew better not to even look at a white woman he knew he would get lynched. Sgt (that’s what I called him) was not a very educated man, but he knew how to take charge. He had joined they Army when the war first broke out. He was driving trucks for the troops in San Diego, Ca. He was so good at it the promoted him to Corporal in 1942. Then he started training Negro soldiers that’s when he got promoted to Staff Sgt. The other Negro soldiers feared Sgt especially the white soldiers. I don’t think it was fear at all it was more like jealously wishing they were like him. He had a way when he talked people respected him. A lot of people didn’t know all he had was a 7th grade education, but he talked like a college graduate. I actually met Sgt by accident. We were doing rifle drills one afternoon out in the burning hot sun. They had us standing out in that hot ass sun in full gear sweat was pouring down my face. My hands were sweating I was tired and they had us running though some damn obstacle course. I was tired of drilling that’s all we did and drive those raggedy ass trucks. They told us to load our rifles I loaded my rifle when I went to put it at the ready it accidentally slipped out of my hands a round went off and killed a bird sitting in a tree. Who the FUCK did that Sgt asked? Everyone pointed at me. He came running over to me mad as hell.

    What the FUCK are you doing Pvt. Ross? He got in my face. I ain’t doin nutin Sgt. So you telling me your rifle didn’t go off killing that bird in that tree over there? Yes Sgt it was my rifle that went off, but it was an accident. He looked at me what this look like he wanted to kill me. An accident? Then he snatched me up by my collar with one hand my feet were dangling in the air. Look Pvt. Ross we ain’t got no time for accidents that bird in that tree could have been one of our guys and you just killed him. I’m sorry Sgt. Sorry ain’t going to bring that man man back Ross. Don’t let that shit happen again you understand Ross? Yes Sgt I understand.

    Then he let me go. I was real happy he did that he had some real bad breath. It stink so bad it was burning the hairs in my nose. Got on your feet Pvt. Ross. I picked up my rifle and got back in ranks. I was real mad at Sgt for embarrassing me in front of the whole division. I wanted to shoot him, but I knew he was only doing his job. I had only been with the division a few months and that was the first time he ever got mad at me and it wouldn’t be the last time.

    We finished our drills and they dismissed us I was on my way back to the barracks when Pvt. Anderson came up to me. Don’t worry about what Sgt did he has done that to all of us.Oh yeah. Yeah. I just looked at him and shook my head I was still mad about what he did. When I got back to the barracks I put my gear down on my bunk and sat down I was really tired standing in that hot ass sun had drained me. Hey Ross? Yeah Anderson. Are you coming with us to Sally’s tonight or are you going to stay in the barracks like you always do? I might come over there later. Come on Ross that’s all you been doing since got here. I’ll think about it.

    Sally’s was a local club the black soldiers hung out at. The white soldiers had the club on base and we couldn’t go there. The black soldiers had know where to go, so they all got together and built their own club out in town. They took this old barn and turned it into a night club. It sounded like one of those juke joints back in Houston. Man do I really miss home. I decided to go I was taking my time getting dressed, because I really didn’t want to go. I put on my uniform, my shined shoes and grabbed my cover. I was about to walk out the door when I heard a voice call my name. I turned to see who it was. It was Red. Hey are you going to Sally’s? Yeah. Okay I’ll walk with you. Red was a short man (5’5’) with real light skin, green eyes and red hair. They call him Red because his hair was red. His real name was Patrick Simmons. He was a quite man that kept to himself. This was the first time he had said anything to me. We didn’t talk much on our way to the club. All he asked me was where I was from. He seemed like a real nice guy, but they would find Red dead two weeks before we were to ship out to Europe. They wouldn’t tell us what happen to him, because they were afraid that it would cause a riot on base. We would find out later that he was killed by some white men who caught him with a white woman. He had been seeing this white woman ever since he came to Iowa. When they found him they had cut off his dick and shoved it in his mouth.


    When we got to the club from the outside it looked like a run down barn, but when I walked in it was a different story I was shocked to see how well they had fixed it up. I was expecting one of those raggedy juke joints like the ones back in Houston. There was a bar made out what looked like oak. There were bottles of alcohol the shelves behind it, finely stained wooden tables and chairs and a nice size dance floor. It even had a stage where a band (which were guys from the base) playing jazz music. What shocked me the most was all the black women and men there. I didn’t think Iowa hand any black people living there. The place was packed for a Wednesday night. I really didn’t know anyone so I sat at the bar. The bartender asked me what was I drinking? I told him to bring me a beer. He brought me back my beer I was about to take a sip when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. It was Sgt. Hey Ross what’s going on?

    Nothing much what’s going on with you? Nothing I’m just here hanging out. I’m sorry about this afternoon I didn’t mean to treat you that way in front of the whole company, but I take my job very serious. You (sitting down) know Ross they look for mistakes like that to keep us out of this war. You are very lucky Lt. Douglass wasn’t out there to see that he would have went and told Capt. Goodwin. Who’s Lt. Douglass? Oh that’s right you just got here. Lt. Douglass is the biggest uncle Tom on base.

    That Nigga will tell on anyone, so I try my best not to tell his sorry ass anything. So Ross what is your first name? It’s Jeffery, but back at home they call me Popeye. Popeye! Why they call you that? Well when I was young I had these big eyes that looked like they were about to pop out of my head. He gave me this funny look and started laughing. He was laughing so loud everyone started looking at us. To get him to stop laughing I asked him his name? My name is Willie Earnest Banks III. I was named after my father. Did you know they made him fight on the side of the French because the U.S. didn’t want any black soldiers fighting for them. No I didn’t know that. He told me they had to wear these funny looking helmets and they were given rifles from the 1870’s to fight with. He told me about Henry Johnson. Who’s Henry Johnson. You don’t know who Henry Johnson was? No. He was about to tell me who Henry Johnson was when the bartender asked us did we want another drink. I told him no I barely was finished with my first one, but Sgt told him to bring him two more beers. As he was telling me about Henry Johnson he sucked the beer he had. The bartender brought Sgt his two beers. He sucked down one beer as he was telling me this story about Henry Johnson. Henry and my father served in the same company. Another soldier by the name of Needham Roberts came and relieved my father. Around 0200 hours the Germans surprised Henry and Needham . They shoot Henry and left him for dead. They took Needham as their prisoner. When Henry saw them taking Needham away he jumped up and pulled out his 9’’ bolo knife jumps in the middle of those Germans and started cutting and slashing like a wild man. When he had finished he had killed 29 Germans and saved Needham. He was wounded severely. The papers wrote ll about it. They gave Henry the Distinguish Service Cross and a Purple Heart. He even receive a hero’s welcome when he got home. As for my father he was lynched when I was 13 years old. When the soldiers got home the white people started to attack them thinking they wanted the same treatment as whites. Riots broke out all over the south. As he was telling me about that riots. I remember my daddy telling me about them and how his brother and wife were killed during those riots. While Sgt was telling this story he had drink six beers and he was good and drunk. He started to slur his words. I drink the rest of my beers and told him let’s get you back to the barracks. I took him by the arm and put it on my shoulder. It felt like a tree trunk was on me. He was so drunk he couldn’t even stand up. I was trying to stand him up, but it just wasn’t working he was falling all over the place. Now here I am 5’8" 140lbs trying to carry this 250lb man out the door.

    Everybody is looking and laughing at me. Damn y’all instead of laughing at me give me a hand. This Nigga is heavy. One of the guys got up and I thought he was going to help, but instead he opened the door for me. I looked at him. You Bastard! You be careful on the way back. I will. Than he closed the door behind me laughing.When I got outside and seen how far I had to go I almost cried. I stood him the best way Icould and started the long walk back to the base. I could barely hold him up all his weightwas on me. Just holding him up was wearing me out. Come on please stand up. I was about to drop him when I felt his weight get light. Let me help you with him Ross. A tall skinny man grabbed Sgt’s other arm. Thanks I really needed the help. We struggled to get Sgt to his feet. You got him he said? Yeah I got him. Once we had Sgt on his feet we started walking towards the base. Damn Sgt your ass is heavy the skinny man said.


    It took us 30 minutes to get Sgt back to the base. The guard on watch opened the door for us. I see Sgt than gone and got drunk again. Yeah he did this time he is good and drunk help us put him in his bunk. By this time Sgt was passed out he was nothing but dead weight. We tossed him in his bunk. Man That Nigga was heavy. That felt like a work out I’m tired as hell. Thank you man. No problem. What’s your name? My name is Thomas Walters.

    Glad to meet you Thomas my name is Jeffery Ross, but my friends call me Popeye. Popeye!

    Why they call you that? When I was a kid I had these big eyes that look like they were about to pop out of my head. He looked at me and ok. We walked out to smoke a cigarette. I took one out and lit one up I took a drag and put my head back. That’s when I heard someone calling me name. Pvt. Ross, Pvt. Ross. It broke me out of my daydream I looked up to see who it was. It was Lt. Douglass he was standing over my foxhole. Yes sir. Make sure you and Webb stay awake. Yes sir I will sir. Than he walked away.

    2nd Lt. Arthur Douglass was a light skin man with curly brown hair, medium build, 5’8" 140lbs with brown eyes. He was a soft spoken man. The glasses he wore made him look like he was really smart. I thought he was smart. The guys in the company didn’t like him. The one thing I didn’t like about him was he was really scared of white people. He would do anything to please them even if it was something stupid. He made things hard on us when it didn’t have to be. I woke Webb up and told him Lt. Douglass was checking foxholes to see who was sleeping. Damn that motherfucker is always fucking with us. Why don’t you just get up Webb, so his silly ass won’t come back. Ernest Webb was a short stocky man about 5’6’’ 245LBS. I don’t see how he got in the Army being as heavy as he is. He probably got in because he was a great baseball player. He played catcher in the Negro leagues for the New York Black Yankees. I could see his round face when he sat up. He had this big gap between his two front teeth. He was mad that I had woke him up his stubby little hands grabbed is M-1 rifle stood up and pointed it out our foxhole. When are we going to see some action? This shit is boring sitting here in this foxhole freezing our balls off. Ever since we got here all we been doing is driving those raggedy trucks and burying the fucking dead. I came here to kill me some Germans. I was thinking the same thing I came to to prove that we could fight not drive trucks all over Europe. While we were talking Sgt jumped into our foxhole. Hey Sgt what’s up Lt. Douglass told me to go around to see if anyone is sleeping. We know he just came by and told us. Capt. Lewis has been getting on him about guys falling a sleep, so make y’all stay awake. We will Sgt. Hey Sgt. Yeah Webb. My hands are freezing. What the hell you want me to do Webb? You can find me some gloves. I ain’t got know gloves Webb nobody does.

    Put your hands down your pants. I laughed a little at Webb. I’ll be back to check on you two. I got to go check on Neal and Parks Douglass caught them sleeping. Alright Sgt. He jumped out of our foxhole and headed for Neal’s and Park’s foxhole. You know Popeye I think that Nigga’s crazy. Yeah I know, but he is a good friend. What was that? What was what Webb?

    That right there. What? SHHHH listen. That sounded like gun fire. Yeah it does, but it’s far away. Yeah it is. You know Popeye I was taking a shit this morning when I over heard Capt.

    Lewis talking to some of the other white officers about us. What was he saying Webb? He was telling them that we were a bunch of cowards and we were crying about going back home. What! Yeah he told them that he hated Niggers and where he was from they knew how to put Niggers in their place. Where is his ass from? That motherfucker is from Mississippi. That don’t surprise me that is a bad place for a Negro. That place I heard is worse than Texas. We knew what type of person Capt. Lewis was. We have dealt with white people like him everyday I hated white people like him. They think they can talk to you like you were a dog in the street. I was about to say something else to Webb when we heard a loud broom. You hear that Popeye? Yeah. The next one was closer. I got my M-1 rifle and stuck it out of my foxhole. Than bombs started dropping everywhere. I could see people running around pieces of dirt hit in my face and helmet. I heard someone yelling stay in your foxholes. It was Sgt running around to each foxholes. Than one hit right next to our foxhole Webb and I crouched down in our foxhole covering our ears from the loud booming sound from the bombs dropping. One hit a tree above our foxhole blowing it’s branches to pieces most of the debris fell in our foxhole. I hear people yelling and screaming than just as it started it stopped. I had debris all over me I stuck my head out to see was it ok. I asked Webb was he ok. He didn’t answer me, so I called him again. He didn’t move, so I grabbed his shoulder to turn him over to see if his was alright. That’s when I seen a piece of a branch sticking out his eye. It horrified me when I seen that. There was blood all over his clothes and in the foxhole. I started to get sick. I haven’t seen that much blood since I was 12 years old.

    My father found his brother with his head blow off. I yelled for a medic, bout one came. I jumped out of my foxhole to the nearest one. When I got to the foxhole I could see Reuben Scott and Tony Davis still crouching down in their foxhole. I yelled I need a medic Webb been hit. They told me to go to the next foxhole that where Doc Phillips was. I ran to Doc Phillips foxhole other men were yelling for a medic to. When I got to him he was helping another soldier who’s legs had been blow off. He was delivering a message to Capt. Lewis when the bombing started. He laying in a big pool of his blood looking at him started making me sick again. I started to get dizzy to. I had to catch myself I almost fell on Doc. He grabbed me and asked me was I alright. Yeah I’m fine Doc, but Webb has been hit. He looked at me like he knew Webb was already dead. We run over to my foxhole. When we got to my foxhole they were already pulling Webb body out of my foxhole. Lt. Douglass and Sgt were there. Where were you Pvt. Ross? I went to look for a medic sir. We told everyone to stay in there foxholes If you would have stay in yours this man probably would be alive. I just looked at him he must haven’t seen that branch sticking out of Webb eye that went out the back of his head. If I had stayed or not he still is dead. Staff Sgt. Banks! Yes sir. Get some men to bury Pvt. Webb. Yes sir. Sarge picked me and 4 other guys to bury Webb. We carried his body into the woods. His 245lb body made it seem like he weighed a ton. We find a hole where one of the bombs had left a big hole. We layed him in it, but it wasn’t deep enough so Scott and I had to dig a hole deeper hole for his body. We tired to dig a deeper hole, but it was useless the ground was frozen solid it was like trying to dig though cement. After about 30 minutes we just give and layed Webb body in the hole. We started covering Webb body when Scott asked should we pull the stick out of his eye? No Scott let’s just bury him and get back to camp. We started burying Webb as we were burying him I started thinking that could have been me. I started to think about my wife and baby girl. That really shook me up seeing Webb die like that. It ain’t right for a man to die like that being bury in the ground like a dog so far away from home. I really started to get scared, because I knew this was real now. Scott was scared to he had escaped death several times himself. When we were burying Webb Scott started telling me what happen to him back at home and why he joined the Army.


    Ruben Scott was from Washington D.C. A city boy. He was 5’10" medium built man with black hair and brown eyes. He also played for the Negro leagues he played second base for the Newark Eagles. He joined the Army to get away from some trouble he had gotten himself into. He was messing around with this white girl and her father found out. One night he was suppose to meet her in at this park, but instead of the girl showing up her father sent two of his Goons to beat Scott up.

    Scott said he was sitting on one of the benches waiting for the girl to show up. One of the two men came up behind him hit him in the back of the head knocking him down. The other man came and started kicking him. While they were beating on him Scott said he pulled out his .22 pistol and shot one of they men in the leg. As the man was falling Scott said he shot again hitting the man in the head. Stunned that this had happen the other man screamed I’M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU FUCKING NIGGER. Scott get up and started to back away when the man came running at him. Scott said he was backing away so fast he fell over a rock and the gun went off hitting the man in the chest killing him. When he fell the man fell on top of him. He pushed the man off knowing he just killed two white men.

    He knew right than and there he had to leave town before he got lynched. He said he got on the next bus leaving town and a few days later he joined the Army. By this time Webb body was frozen solid. We place him back in the hole and tried to bend his legs so he could fit, but but they were stiff like boards it didn’t matter he was dead we put him in the hole the best way we can. Scott asked me again if we should pull that branch out of his eye? I looked at him and told him to go ahead if it makes him feel better. He went to pull it out,but the stick was frozen in Webb head, so he put his foot on Webb head and pulled it out. When he did that he pulled out some of Webb’s brains came out with it. It made me sick, but this time Scott got sick and and throw up. He throw up all over poor Webb I wanted to laugh,but I didn’t because I wanted to throw up. We finished burying Webb said a prayer over him and we headed back to camp.

    On our way back I started thinking about what Webb said about getting a chance to fight. He got his wish and now he is dead. When we got back to camp everyone was cleaning up all the broken tree branches and debris. Hey Popeye what took y’all so long to bury Webb?

    Sgt asked us. Before we could say anything he told us that Russell Parks was killed also. I didn’t know Russell well. All I knew about him was that he told a bunch of lies. He claims he was a lady’s man, but we never saw him with any women. I heard rumors that he was a Homosexual. I don’t know how true that was, but I felt bad that he is dead. I was on my way back to my foxhole when Sgt told me to come up to the CP. Now what does he want with me at the CP? I was already messed up over Webb dying. I walked passed several dead bodies lying on the ground cover up. I wandered which one of those bodies was Russell Parks body.

    As I was walking towards the CP I started thinking about my wife Lillian. She didn’t want me to join the Army, but I had to make a better life for and my baby girl. We had only been married a a year before I shipped out to Europe. She had this smile that could light up a room when she walked in it. As I got closer to the CP I could see several people standing around. Sgt, Capt.

    Lewis, Douglass and other guys from my company. Capt. Lewis told us to gather around.

    Capt. John Parker Lewis was a tall man 6’3" 220lb with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and very pale skin. He had a long face that made him look older than he was. His lips were turning black for all the smoking he did and he was nerves all the time every 5 minutes he was lighting up a cigarette. He drink heavy too. He graduated from West Point, but he finished last in his class. They assigned him to our company because no else wanted him. The Army shit canned him form all the white companies, because of his bad leadership skills. They always give the black divisions bad leaders and he is one of the worse. He got assigned to our company when we first arrived in Europe. We can tell right from the start we were not going to like him. He’s been giving us a hard time since he got assigned to us. He doesn’t have any respect for us. He doesn’t care if we look good or bad and he’s never around. So Lt. Douglass and Sgt runs the division. He told us that the bombing tonight was the beginning of something big the Germans are about to do. That the Germans are about to mount a counter attack soon. On this map here there are some machine guns nest and 2 88’s in the woods. They need someone to take those out so our troops can get though there. I volunteered our division to take up this task. Lt. Douglass and I will lead two teams into woods.

    Everyone looked at each other. My heart almost stopped when he said that. These two are going to lead us we are all going to die. I got really scared. Lt. Douglass your team will be Staff Sgt. Benson, Cpl. Wilkes, Pvt. Davis, Scott and Kelly. My team will be Staff Sgt. Banks. Cpl. Walters, Pvt. Neal ,Ross and Jackson. Doc Phillips you will come along, but you will hang in the back just in case anyone gets wounded. Does anyone have any questions. No said a word. Ok than we will meet back at the CP at 0100 hours and we will be moving out at 0130 hours so get some rest and be back here. Your dismissed. When we were leaving Sgt. Benson stopped me. Hey Popeye I don’t know about this we ain’t trained for no shit like this. I know, but they don’t care Benson it’s just some Niggas going in some woods to get killed.

    Staff Sgt. Clarence David Benson was a dark skin man with a slim build. He was about 5’11" 175lbs with a slim and a long neck. His adam’s apple stuck out his neck like a buzzard. He had graduated from college with a degree in business from Howard University. He came into the Army as an officer a 2nd Lieutenant, but he lost it when he got into a fight with two white officers. One night he was on his way back to base when he ran into two drunk white officers.

    They told him that he better give them some money or they were going to beat his black ass.

    When Benson refused they attacked him. What they didn’t know was Benson was an ex golden gloves boxer. He beat the shit out of them. When the MP’S arrived they didn’t arrest the white officers they arrested Benson instead. They thrown Benson in the stockades for a year and took away his commission. Instead of the Army discharging him they wanted to humiliate him, so they demoted him to a Sgteant and made him work for the two white officers he had beaten up. They made his life a living hell. He was transferred to our company before we left for Europe. I could see all all dying Popeye. Lt. Douglass knows we ain’t never trained for anything like this. Before he could say another word Sgt interrupted him. Hey y’all Niggas stop complaining you sound like a bunch of little girls crying for your mommies. They was going to give this mission to someone else. Douglass and I begged Capt. Lewis to give it to us. Why you do that Sgt? Those white boys think we are cowards and this is a way to show them what they can do we can do. Now I don’t know the way you Niggas are talking maybe they are right. Come on Sgt you have got to admit that Douglass couldn’t lead a horse to water never mind lead this mission him or Capt. Lewis. Now you listen Benson you joined the Army to prove what you can do here is your chance to do just that. Now I don’t want to here anymore about this. Y’all get some rest and be back at the CP at 0100 hours you got that. Yes Sgt. As Benson and I was walking back to our foxholes Benson said to me that Niggas crazy he knows damn well this is a suicide mission. They always using us to clear the way for those white boys. We do all the hard work and those crackers get all the credit. I could see why Benson was angry he was right we were like lambs being lead to the slaughter. The white divisions couldn’t take out those guns, so what gave Sgt and Douglass the idea that we could do this? I think Douglass is looking to make Captain.

    If this mission goes well it will make him look good, but if we fuck this up we will be the laughing stock of the Army and he will get shit canned. So we are going to have to succeed.

    Neal stopped me for a light. So what you do you think about this mission Popeye? I don’t know Neal. Reggie Edward Neal was what you would call a pretty Nigga. He was light skin 5’10" 165lb black curly hair and green eyes women would flock all over him when came into a room he also was a city boy. He told me he was looking forward to doing this mission it was the only time he could kill a white man without getting lynched for it. Neal had a cool personality about him I guess it come from living in N.Y.C. Doc Phillips told me that Neal told him was a pimp back in N.Y.C. He was forced into the Army, because they found a white girl dead in one of his apartments. When he went to court the judge told him he had a choice go into the Army or he was going to throw his black ass in jail. I don’t know how true that is, but he seems out of place to me. He was just doing his time so that he could move on. I gave him a light and I walked back to my foxhole.


    I jumped back down into my foxhole I could smell Webb blood all over the foxhole. I sat on the other side in the corner took out a cigarette lit it up. I don’t start smoking until I joined the Army. My wife Lillian was shocked to see me smoking when I came home from boot camp.

    She told me she wasn’t going to kiss me as long as I was smoking. I told her that I would stop, but when I got to Europe I started up again. I tried to think of home, but the smell from Webb broke my concentration. I took my shovel started putting dirt on the bloody mess. I was putting dirt on the blood when I notice something white in the corner. I got down to see what it was. I picked it up it felt mussy, so I held it up to the moon light so I can see what it was.

    That’s when I realized it was Webb eyeball I throw it down and covered it with dirt. It gave me the chills knowing that eye was in the foxhole with me. I took a long drag of my cigarette and blew it out slowly. I looked at my watch to see what time it was. It looked at it and notice it wasn’t working. The time had stopped at 2110 hours it must had stopped during the bombing.

    I leaned my head back against the wall to take a quick nap before I had to report back to the CP. I started thinking about my wife Lillian she is the best thing that ever happen to me. I met her at a church dance one night I saw her standing there next to the punch bowl serving drinks. She was wearing a dark blue dress

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