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Cannon in Canada, Province by Province, Volume 3: Nova Scotia
Cannon in Canada, Province by Province, Volume 3: Nova Scotia
Cannon in Canada, Province by Province, Volume 3: Nova Scotia
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Cannon in Canada, Province by Province, Volume 3: Nova Scotia

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About this ebook

This third volume of Cannon in Canada is an informative and detailed synopsis of the carefully preserved and restored guns and artillery on display in the province of Nova Scotia. The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery is represented by a long and distinguished line of gunners with historical ties back to the days before Canada's Confederation

Release dateFeb 10, 2021
Cannon in Canada, Province by Province, Volume 3: Nova Scotia

Harold Skaarup

Major (Retired) Harold A. Skaarup, CD2, BFA, MA in War Studies, is a retired Canadian Army Intelligence Officer with an interest in Military History. He has served overseas with 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in Germany, with the Candian Airborne Regiment and the United Nations in Nicosia, Cyprus, with the NATO-led Peace Stabilization Force in Sarajevo, Bosni-Herzegovina, with North American Aerospace Defence Command and Northern Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and with the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, Afghanistan. He currently resides at his home in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.

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    Cannon in Canada, Province by Province, Volume 3 - Harold Skaarup


    Cannon in Canada,

    Province by Province,

    Volume 3: Nova Scotia

    Harold A. Skaarup


    Copyright Page

    Cannon in Canada, Province by Province,

    Volume 3: Nova Scotia

    by Harold A. Skaarup

    This book is written to provide information and motivation to readers. Its purpose isn’t to render any type of psychological, legal, or professional advice of any kind. The content is the sole opinion and expression of the author, and not necessarily that of the publisher.

    Copyright © 2021 by Harold A. Skaarup

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form by any means, including, but not limited to, recording, photocopying, or taking screenshots of parts of the book, without prior written permission from the author or the publisher. Brief quotations for noncommercial purposes, such as book reviews, permitted by Fair Use of the U.S. Copyright Law, are allowed without written permissions, as long as such quotations do not cause damage to the book’s commercial value. For permissions, write to the publisher, whose address is stated below.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Many significant elements of the use of artillery in Canadian military history have not yet been told. The information that is found within this collection of technical data, historical reports and military photos may not be complete or fully accurate. The story will continue to unfold as additional research turns up the missing data.

    First Published, 2021

    Printed in the United States of America.

    ISBN: 978-1-953584-96-0 (E-book)

    ISBN: 978-1-953584-97-7 (Paperback)

    Published by Lime Press LLC

    425 West Washington Street Suite 4

    Suffolk, VA 23434 US

    Table of Contents


    List of Illustrations




    Introduction – Cannon in Nova Scotia


    Chapter I Annapolis Royal

    Chapter II Baddeck, Bear River, Black River

    Chapter III Bridgewater

    Chapter IV Chester, Cheticamp, Clark’s Harbour

    Chapter V Digby

    Chapter VI Fort Lawrence, Fort Point, Green Island

    Chapter VII Dartmouth, Albro Lake, and the Mont Blanc Gun

    Chapter VIII Halifax, the Citadel, Fort George

    Chapter IX Halifax, the Citadel, The Army Museum

    Chapter X 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA

    Chapter XI Halifax, Province House and Government House

    Chapter XII CFB Halifax, The Naval Museum, Admiralty House

    Chapter XIII CFB Halifax, MARCOM HQ & HMC Dockyard

    Chapter XIV CFB Halifax, Stadacona, Juno Towers, Naval Gunnery School

    Chapter XV Halifax, McNab’s Island, Fort Ives

    Chapter XVI Halifax, George’s Island, Fort Charlotte

    Chapter XVII Halifax, HMCS Sackville, K181

    Chapter XVIII Halifax, HMCS Scotian

    Chapter XIX Halifax, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

    Chapter XX Halifax, Point Pleasant Park, Fort Cambridge Battery

    Chapter XXI Halifax, Royal Artillery Park

    Chapter XXII Halifax, York Redoubt

    Chapter XXIII CFB Shearwater, Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic

    Chapter XXIV LaHave

    Chapter XXV Liverpool

    Chapter XXVI Fortress Louisbourg

    Chapter XXVII Lunenburg

    Chapter XXVIII New Victoria, Fort Petrie, North Sydney, Parrsboro, Peggy’s Cove, Pictou, Port La Tour, River John, Riverport, and Sambro Island New Victoria, Fort Petrie, Cape Breton Island

    Chapter XXIX Shelburne, McNutt’s Island

    Chapter XXX Sydney, Trenton, Truro, Wallace, Whycocomagh

    Chapter XXXI Windsor, Fort Edward

    Chapter XXXII Wolfville, Acadia University

    Chapter XXXIII Yarmouth, 84th Independent Field Battery, RCA

    Chapter XXXIV Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Nova Scotia, Amherst, Bridgewater, Cornwallis, Glace Bay, Halifax, Kentville, Camp Aldershot, Memramcook, Metagan, and New Victoria

    List of Abbreviations



    About the Author



    By each gun a loaded brand, in a bold determined hand.¹

    ¹ Lines from a poem by T. Campbell, Battle of the Baltic, Francis T. Palgrave, ed. (1824–1897). The Golden Treasury. 1875.

    For both of my grandfathers, Unteroffizier Frederick Christensen Skaarup and Sergeant Walter Ray Estabrooks, two gunners who fought on opposite sides of the line during the First World War, and for all those members of the Canadian Armed Forces whose primary task at home and abroad has been and is to keep us safe.

    Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Logo.

    During my service as a soldier and officer in the Canadian Forces, I was taught to use the combat arms radio call sign Sheldrake whenever the message traffic being relayed referred to artillery. This designation has been replaced with the call sign Golf. The armour elements were Ironsides, now Tango, hence the titles of the companion volumes to this series. For the interested reader, Acorn was my call sign as the Regimental and later Brigade Intelligence Officer.

    List of Illustrations

    Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery logo.

    Fort Anne, Officers Quarters, 1935.

    Location diagram for the artillery at Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal.

    Cast iron 18-pounder SBML cannon, weight 41-2-21, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder SBML cannon, weight 41-2-21, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder SBML cannon, weight 41-2-21, Fort Anne.

    Bronze 16-inch SBML mortar, stamped No. 2, Serial No. 2006, Fort Anne.

    Bronze 16-inch SBML mortar, stamped No. 2, Serial No. 2006, Fort Anne.

    Bronze 16-inch SBML mortar, stamped No. 2, Serial No. 2006, Fort Anne.

    Bronze 16-inch SBML mortar, stamped No. 2, Serial No. 2006, Fort Anne.

    Bronze 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 6-0-17, La Rugissant.

    Bronze 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 6-0-17, La Rugissant.

    Bronze 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 6-0-17, La Rugissant.

    Bronze 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 6-0-17, La Rugissant.

    Bronze 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 6-0-17, La Rugissant.

    Fort Anne, Officers Quarters, 1951.

    12-pounder SBML cannon, Fort Anne.

    6-pounder SBML carronade, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML cannons (3), Fort Anne.

    Blomefield 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML cannons (3), Fort Anne.

    12-pounder 6-cwt SBML carronade, Fort Anne.

    3-pounder SBML cannon, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 42-0-0, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 42-0-0, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 42-0-0, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 41-2-14, (SOLID) on the left trunnion, (Z) on the right trunnion, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 41-2-14, (SOLID) on the left trunnion, (Z) on the right trunnion, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-27, No. 64, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-27, No. 64, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-24, No. 63, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-24, No. 63, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-24, No. 63, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-24, No. 63, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-7, No. 66, Fort Anne.

    Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 32-3-7, No. 66, Fort Anne.

    Armstrong 20-pounder 16-cwt RBL cannon, weight 16-1-12, (No. 2, 1860), Fort Anne.

    Armstrong 20-pounder 16-cwt RBL cannon, weight 16-1-12, (No. 2, 1860), Fort Anne.

    Armstrong 20-pounder 16-cwt RBL cannon, weight 16-1-12, (No. 45, 1860), Fort Anne.

    Armstrong 20-pounder 16-cwt RBL cannon, weight 16-1-12, (No. 45, 1860), Fort Anne.

    Armstrong 20-pounder 16-cwt RBL cannon, weight 16-1-12, (No. 45, 1860), Fort Anne.

    9-pounder 8-cwt muzzleloading rifle (MLR), Fort Anne.

    9-pounder 8-cwt MLR, Fort Anne.

    Cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 33-1-17, KG2, Arcadia.

    Blomefield 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML cannon, Arichat.

    SBML cannon, Baddeck.

    7.7-cm Feldkanone 16, Black River.

    QF 2-pounder pom-pom anti-aircraft gun.

    9-pounder 8-cwt MLR, Bridgewater.

    9-pounder 8-cwt MLR, Bridgewater.

    Chester War Memorial.

    Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 3----, Serial No. CCCCLXXXIV (484), KG3 cypher, Chester.

    Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 3----, Serial No. CCCCLXXXIV (484), KG3 cypher, Chester.

    Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 3----, Serial No. CCCCLXXXIV (484), KG3 cypher, Chester.

    Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 3----, Serial No. DV (505), KG3 cypher, Chester.

    Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 3----, Serial No. DV (505), KG3 cypher, Chester.

    Cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 34-0-15, KG2, Chester.

    Cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 34-0-15, KG2, Chester.

    Cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 33-0-21, KG2, Chester.

    Cast iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 33-0-21, KG2, Chester.

    40-mm Bofors Light Anti-aircraft Gun and 6-pounder 7-cwt QF Anti-tank Gun Mk. III, Cheticamp War Memorial.

    7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 machine gun repair, April 1918.

    Digby Soldier’s Cenotaph.

    Dundas 32/64-pounder 58-cwt converted rifled muzzleloading cannon, weight 59-1-0, RGF No. 238, Digby.

    Dundas 32/64-pounder 58-cwt converted rifled muzzleloading cannon, weight 59-2-14, RGF corroded, Digby.

    Dundas 32/64-pounder 58-cwt converted rifled muzzleloading (RML) cannon, QV cypher, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 42-1-11, 1841, Serial No. 800, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 43-2-14, 1844, Serial No. 2848, Low Moor, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 42-3-6, 1844, Serial No. 1112, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 42-3-0, 1841, Serial No. 664. CVH, Digby.

    ast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 42-3-0, 1841, Serial No. 664. CVH, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 42-0-26, 1840, Serial No. 112, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 42-0-26, 1840, Serial No. 112, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 41-3-1, SOLID, No. 116 (Z) on right trunnion, Digby.

    Cast iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 41-3-1, SOLID, No. 116 (Z) on right trunnion, Digby.

    7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 machine gun, Digby.

    Three cast iron SBML cannons, Gut of Digby.

    Cast iron 32-pounder 45-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 45-0-7, 1850, Serial No. 108, Fort Point.

    Cast iron 32-pounder 45-cwt SBML cannon with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 44-3-0, 1848, Serial No. 16, Fort Point.

    Halifax explosion, 6 Dec 1917.

    Mont Blanc, 1913.

    Mont Blanc gun, Dartmouth.

    Cast iron 12-pounder SBML cannon, serving as a bollard, Dartmouth.

    Posting the guard at sunrise, Fort George, Halifax Citadel.

    Early 1900s view of the Halifax Citadel.

    Early 1900s view of the Halifax Citadel.

    Early 1900s view of the Halifax Citadel.

    Early 1900s view of the Halifax Citadel, with cast iron 32-pounder SBML cannon serving as gate bollards.

    Halifax Citadel with a cast iron 10-inch 18-cwt SBML Land Service mortar, c1926.

    Two Gunners raising the flags at the Halifax Citadel.

    Halifax Citadel, aerial view, 1926.

    Halifax Citadel and Harbour, aerial view by Harold Reid, 29 Aug 1931.

    First aerial photograph taken in Canada over the Halifax Citadel in 1883.

    Location diagram for the artillery inside the Halifax Citadel.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 1. Cast iron 10-inch, 18-ton MLR Mk. III with Millar-pattern breeching ring.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 2. Blomefield cast iron 12-pounder SBML cannon, weight 33-3-24, (1808) replica.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 3. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-24, RGF No. 15, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 3. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-24, RGF No. 15, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 3. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-24, RGF No. 15, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 3. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-24, RGF No. 15, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 4. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-4, RGF No. 35, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 4. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-4, RGF No. 35, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 4. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I, weight 7-2-1-4, RGF No. 35, 1866.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 5. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 6. Cast iron 68-pounder 95-cwt SBML cannon with a Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 95-1-0, 1858.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 7. Cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt MLR with Millar-pattern breeching ring, weight corroded.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 8. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 9. Cast iron 7-inch, 7-ton MLR Mk. I.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 10. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-3-3.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 11. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, Carron replica.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 12. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-3-3.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 13. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-3-3.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 13. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-3-3.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 14. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-3-3 1807.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 14. Blomefield cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-3-3 1807.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 15. Cast iron 10-inch 18-cwt SBML Land Service mortar, weight 18-1-1 (2,045 lbs), 1856.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 16. Cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt MLR with Millar-pattern breeching ring, unmounted.

    Halifax Citadel ramparts, No. 17. Cast iron 13-inch 36-cwt Land Service SBML mortar, weight 35-2-7, Serial No. 1470, Low Moor.

    Halifax Citadel courtyard, cannon resting in a row on wood blocks in the courtyard of the Halifax Citadel, 1973.

    Halifax Citadel courtyard, cannon resting in a row on wood blocks in the courtyard of the Halifax Citadel, 2020, Nos. 1 to 9.

    Halifax Citadel courtyard, cannon resting in a row on wood blocks in the courtyard of the Halifax Citadel, 2020, Nos. 1 to 9.

    Citadel Courtyard No. 1. Cast iron 32-pounder 56-cwt MLR.

    Citadel Courtyard No. 2. Cast iron

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