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In order to fully appreciate this book you need to read the previous books in the Shonak Series. 

The Shonakians are a simple, placid race of people but so different from us that a great deal of background is provided in the first book, The Crown of Happenstance. The book introduces the three main protagonists in the book; Bon of

PublisherElk Press
Release dateAug 13, 2020

Dennis Patrick Treece

Dennis Patrick Treece grew up in a Navy family and lived all over the world. His father retired to Phoenix, Arizona when Dennis was in the seventh grade. He attended Cortez High School and Arizona State University and was commissioned in the Army as a Second Lieutenant in 1970. After infantry and intelligence training, he went to Vietnam in 1972, for the last full year of the war, and was wounded in action. He spent thirty years in the Army, in Military Intelligence, seventeen years of which were overseas, mostly Europe, but also Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and the Balkans. He retired as a full colonel and settled in Atlanta in 2000 where he worked for two years doing cybersecurity for banks and insurance companies. After the tragedy of 9/11/2001 he was hired to run the security program for the Massachusetts Port Authority, with its airports and seaports. He retired for the last time at the end of 2013. Today he lives quietly near the beach north of Boston with his lovely wife, and their dog, cat, koi pond, and garden. They enjoy traveling, dressing up in period costume for vintage dancing, playing golf, and socializing with their friends. His wife, Dr. Eleanor Ruth Fisher, PsyD, is a semi-retired psychotherapist and successful commercial artist and Dennis enjoys helping her with her art business.

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    BOT DIARIES - Dennis Patrick Treece


    Bot Diaries

    Copyright © 2020 Dennis Patrick Treece

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    ISBN (Hardcover): 978-1-989942-04-8

    ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-989942-03-1

    ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-989942-05-5

    Printed in the United States of America


    112th Street, Suite 904 Edmonton, AB T5K 2J1 Canada

    +1 888 410 0122


    This book is dedicated to all the dreamers out there who will bring these diaries to life in their own minds and in their own ways. Enjoy!


    Young, pre-adult Shonakian students learn about Earth near the end of their 40-year formal education. In order to understand and enjoy a lifetime of Earther vid-watching they must understand Earther behavior and how Earthers came to behave the way they do. These young Shonakian students also need to understand just what the vid-collecting bot fleet is capable of. Products from bot collection are known as Bot Diaries.

    In the Solar Rotation 306761/3 Eldest, Grand Team Education and Training requested vid examples of Earther behavior which will form the basis of their formal education on the subject. The students are in the fourth quarter of their forty-year education, and are located in more than twenty- two hundred education centers across all 142 of Shonak’s administrative regions. At the conclusion of these lectures they will be given access to a library of selected historical vids chosen for their educational value.

    GT Eldest thought it proper to introduce Earther behaviors to this worldwide audience of senior students in an academic setting before they see this behavior in any unrestricted vids. Previous generations had commented that they could have benefitted from some educational frame of reference in order to fully understand what they were seeing. Their Vid-Watch clubs filled this void for the young red dots eventually but not as efficiently as standardized formal education.

    The student versions of these diaries contain the accompanying videos but in this written version the videos are unavailable.

    Table of Contents

    Welcome Introduction

    by Eldest, GT Education and Training

    Opening Lecture

    by Eldest of Curriculum, GT Education and Training: Contrasting Earther and Shonak Behavior

    Diary Number One: Establishing Expectations

    – Introducing Basic Earther Behavior Norms

    Diary Number Two: Earther Social Injustice

    – Social Class Divisions

    Diary Number Three: Specific Historical


    – Who Named Alexander The Great’s Horse?

    Diary Number Four: Clarifying History

    – Cleopatra’s Final Secrets

    Diary Number Five: Witnessing Inventiveness

    – The Bow and Arrow

    Diary Number Six: Witnessing Inventiveness

    – The Stirrup

    Diary Number Seven: Solving Mysteries

    – The Lost Colony of Roanoke

    Diary Number Eight: Following Objects Over Time

    – Thirty Pieces of Silver

    Diary Number Nine: Humbot Influencing a

    Famous Earther

    – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Diary Number Ten: Information Integrity

    – How Shonak Helped Earth Overcome The

    Assault on Truth

    Diary Number Eleven: Influencing Earther

    Myths and Legends

    Diary Number Twelve: In Search of the Soul

    Welcome Introduction by

    Eldest, Grand Team Education and Training 

    Welcome to the final decade of your formal education. Since you hatched thirty Solar Rotations ago we have introduced you to our planet, Shonak. In the first ten Solar Rotations you learned our language, system of weights and measures, our geography, our astronomy, and our history. In the second ten S-Rots you learned our math and science. In the third quarter you learned our technology and how we are organized as a global mono-culture with our system of Grand Teams and Regions, and age-based system of elders and Eldests. You have been schooled in the workings of all the Grand Teams that maintain our planet. The food we eat, the roads we use, the power we consume, the manufacturing of all our technology, the technology itself, our arts and our transportation and medicine, pure science and exploration. As a result of what you now know of our culture you understand what is expected of you over your very long lives and how to behave in concert with your teammates and fellow citizens; hard work, dedication to team missions, maintenance and advancement of our peaceful culture. Looking back at it, you will see that up to now your education has been an inward look at Shonak and what it means to be a Shonakian.

    In this final quarter of your education we will broaden your horizons. We are now introducing you to what lies beyond ourselves.

    Shonak is not alone. We exist in a complex cosmology of physical universes which are similar but not exact copies of each other. There are six solar systems in our physical space which contain six similar but not exact copies of each other. We are separated by our native resonant frequencies, or natural vibrations. Each of the six universes has these six different native resonances. We know this because after we discovered phase technology, we visited these five other worlds. We now call this our resonant family of planets. Shonak occupies the slowest of the six physical planetary vibrations and we call this the Prime Vibration. The five planets above us are named Plus-One through Plus-Five to denote their different native resonance. In the case of Plus-One and Plus-Five we refer to them by the name their natives have chosen. The dominant intelligent species on Plus-One calls their planet Home. The dominant intelligent species on Plus-Five calls their planet Earth. When referring to the native frequency or resonance of these planets we use the Plus-One and Plus-Five designations. When referring to the planets, we use the names given them by their own people.

    The six planets themselves are physically similar but not identical. Plus-One/Home is very much like Shonak inappearanceand climate and has two intelligent life forms; one just emerging and one very advanced but less advanced than ourselves. The population of these intelligent life forms is small. Plus-Two was until recently an arid world, devoid of water when Emerald Bon asked GT Exploration to punch through the crust to get at the water underneath. It now resembles Shonak in most respects except it has only microscopic life forms, both plant and animal. Plus-Three resembles Shonak in most ways except that it only has plant life; no animal life at all. Plus-Four is the most divergent of these six planets. To begin with, it has no moon. We believe the moon fell to Earth and the collision caused both bodies to be consumed in plasma fires which have not yet cooled. It is totally volcanic with no life of any kind and little surface water. Its planetary supply of water is thought to equal ours but is mostly trapped in the hot air of the planet which has a very dense atmosphere. The water is in an endless cycle of falling as rain only to be heated back into steam again and raising back into the atmosphere. Its gravity is stronger due to its greater mass and one day we will enjoy studying it further, but that time is perhaps millions of S-Rots in the future. We have no idea when it will be cool enough and stable enough to visit. At the top of the resonant spectrum we have Plus-Five/Earth. It is very much like Shonak in its geography and weather but that is where the similarities end. We will teach you about the other planets in more detail later but we will now introduce you to Earth in some detail so you can understand the historical vids from that planet you will shortly have access to.

    Earthers are very different from Shonakians. They have a very diverse, very complex sociology and history and Shonakians have derived a great deal of entertainment from watching them go about their very different, very active lives while their cultures have matured. They are not only different from us in appearance and conduct but are also different in many ways from each other. Unlike our monoculture, theirs is extraordinarily diverse.

    You will become devoted to vid-watching Earthers but because of the Law of Nativity you will never be able to visit Earth without phase shifting technology. The Law of Nativity holds that all physical matter resonates at the vibration it was born into and cannot be changed. So we can’t live on the other five worlds and they cannot live on Shonak. But we can enjoy each other’s company, in a manner of speaking.

    Because we derive so much interest from watching the lives of the humans on Earth, we determined to saturate their planet with surveillance devices of many different types to ensure we capture all the audio and video from every scene . We call the surveillance collection devices bots. They are made of Earth-native materials because of the Law of Nativity. If they were made of Shonak materials, they would need resonance changing equipment to keep them from reverting to our own resonance. That would render them easily detectable by the people there. The resonance equipment we use causes things to appear blurry and gives off a distinct humming sound. Earth natives find both to be very annoying and it makes some of them sick to be near them. As a result, we only field bots made of materials native to the resonance where they are deployed. On Earth we have a maintenance and manufacturing facility deep under their Sahara Desert. There are no doors to this facility. Everything phases into it and out again leaving no signs of passage. Earthers are not aware of this facility and we are careful to keep it that way. All bots are controlled by Bot Control under the Infotainment Grand Team working closely with Grand Team Plus-Five/Earth. Humbot Control is the Team which controls the construction and placement and maintenance of humbots, but it is the Vid-Watch clubs that determine when and where a humbot is needed. Indeed, the Vid-Watch clubs essentially determine the placement and priorities for collection of all bots, both static and dynamic.

    Most of these collection devices, these bots, resemble natural things on Earth, like rocks, trees, birds, small animals or even insects, which we do not have here on Shonak. We also use native human-appearing bots to achieve the level of interactive vid-collection our people demand. These human bots, which we refer to as humbots, are like Earthers in every detail, and constitute some of our greatest technological achievements. While we have cultivated an open relationship with the people of Earth it remains for us essentially a zoo or cultural theme park to watch at our leisure. We have told them about our interest in them and that we enjoy watching some of their public activities but we have never told them just how intrusive or extensive our bot fleet is. In return, we do provide them with vids of a number of our public facilities so they can feel we are reciprocating but they have no idea how much of their lives we have access to and we do not intend for them to find out. During the time of Emerald OE Bon, one of our humbots was discovered after it malfunctioned, and this caused great anger on Earth. We publicly destroyed more than a million bots as a result of their outrage and we had no open communication with them for one hundred S-Rots. OE Bon re-established good relations with them after that time and told them all humbots would from that time forward only be fielded at their request and would not look so human as to fool anyone. What Bon did not tell them was that we secretly kept fifty thousand of the perfect humbots in place and we have not told them about the tens of thousands we have introduced since. These bots can anti-grav or phase out of any situation and none of them has been discovered since that one unfortunate incident back in Shonak 306210, Earth 2373 UAY.

    The dramatic differences between our two worlds is what makes vid-watching so popular. With nothing to do on Shonak but work for the common good, when we do find time away from our teams it has become the norm to watch our favorite Plus-Five characters and their scenarios playing out in real time. We have formed clubs devoted to both general or specific Earther things of interest. One might watch a particular king and his court or a struggling family ina poor remotevillage somewhere, or military operations or a night of jazz music in a night club on Earth. One person might focus on their struggle with rudimentary tools and another might follow their use of engineering forms in architecture. Many of us are more interested in their distant past, before technology and mass communications, but others prefer their high-tech present. There are tens of thousands of these Vid-Watch clubs on Shonak, all devoted to their own interests and all clamoring for more coverage by the Plus-Five Infotainment Team that builds, maintains and places purpose-built surveillance bots at their request.

    Before we begin with all that it is essential that you understand more about how Shonak monitors Earther activity. There are two basic types of bots; static and mobile. Static bots are helpful in places where coverage of video and audio can be achieved without moving the sensor. Static bots come in many forms but all are camouflaged to appear part of the landscape if outside or part of the building if inside. These devices can be very small without losing their ability to generate high quality visual and audio output. They operate in low light and no light situations and maps of their locations are available in the various Vid-Watch clubs or on comm with Grand Team Plus-Five. Eldest, GT Plus-Five welcomes requests for additional static sensor placement to facilitate better viewing by Vid-Watch clubs.

    Mobile bots are in the form of insects, small and large birds, animals and Earthers. They have the ability to move about and improve collection on people and situations that are themselves dynamic. A bird flying over a scene or a person actually participating in it can collect much more imagery from one or more angles. Multiple bots covering a single scene provide the best chance for optimal coverage.

    Each bot has a unique identifier which allows the Vid-Watch clubs to see what each can do, where it is, and what it is currently doing. Most Vid-Watch clubs own their own bot fleets and keep close watch on their status and collection . They can watch what they collect in real-time or review archives of what they have already collected. Some historical research projects require the combined fleets of many Vid-Watch clubs and members take great pride in their ability to seamlessly follow a subject from one team’s bots to the next. Many of the examples of bot collection demonstrate how well we can achieve continuity from one bot to the next or among multiple bots. This applies equally to live action or historical views.

    It is also possible for a Vid-Watch effort to take control of bots from many different clubs and determine their collection location and priorities in furtherance of a specific, ongoing, real-time project.

    The fleet of Shonakian humbots that have taken up covert residence on Plus-Five in order to watch and collect live vid-streams for the viewing pleasure of all Shonak has steadily expanded over time. Vid watching has also greatly expanded and Shonakian elders keep a close watch on us for any indication of Earther behavior developing among us on Shonak from all this exposure. Only two changes have been observed; there has been some encroachment by Plus-Five languages into our own, and more of our leisure time has been devoted to watching Earther vids. That is a welcome relief. And it must be pointed out that our Elders have no such concerns for the reverse effect. In fact, we feel Earth could only benefit if some of their behavior was more like our own.

    Our humbots are interacting daily with Earthers and of course they are altering history for them in so many ways. The humbots are not there to alter history on Plus-Five but any and every time one of our humbots interacts with an Earther it will have some impact on its life and the things it is doing. Our Eldests have always reasoned that life everywhere is chaos anyway, so what does another cog in that wheel really mean in the overall scheme of things? There are, as a result, no prohibitions on humbot behavior as they work either independently or with Earther humans in pursuit of their Vid-Watch club objectives. They do need to be careful, however in order to avoid detection. For example, they must protect themselves from great injury that would show them to be machines. They are free to kill or maim Earther combatants as the case may arise if it keeps them from being damaged or even compromised. They are discouraged from becoming soldiers, though, and for example, because it is too difficult to keep their identities a secret in that environment. This could be either through observed super-human powers or by having an arm chopped off in combat with no bleeding or pain.

    As Earth history progressed and their technology advanced it became more difficult to keep our bots of all kinds from being discovered. I refer here to any of them, not just the ones that look like people. There are large teams of Shonakians monitoring the entire Earth bot fleet and they take action whenever there is any danger of discovery. A tree-bot which serves as a collector in a village or some other desirable location must some day die, like all trees do. Typically, the people there will chop off the branches to keep them from falling on someone and eventually the tree is cut down. Or they cut it down for firewood. This is always a problem and our bot maintenance and security teams work continuously to ensure that they remove potential disclosures before they are discovered and examined. It is also essential to ensure that the entire fleet is updated to reflect the growing technological capabilities of the locals. A bird bot that collects aerial images may be shot down by a hunter and therefore compromise the entire operation so they must fly higher, change direction to avoid the projectile, or be taken out of service. Over the millennia this has become something of a game with the Shonakians staying one step ahead of the ever larger and more technically adept Earther population.

    Of course, we see our humbot fleet as a triumph of our technological prowess, especially the ones designed to look, sound, and act in every way human on Earth. Living Earther is always a challenge, even for an automated being like a Shonakian bot fashioned to impersonate an Earth-native human. Care is taken to avoid perfection in appearance or in

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