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The Case for God: A Math Book
The Case for God: A Math Book
The Case for God: A Math Book
Ebook75 pages56 minutes

The Case for God: A Math Book

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About this ebook

Contained in these pages, there will be a few puzzles and questions. They may be unnerving for both atheists and the believers in God, but that is the purpose. Everything here is based on pure logical observation and not on any mythical or religious foundation. Th
Release dateMay 26, 2020
The Case for God: A Math Book

Clancy Imislund

Born and raised in sunny Santa Monica, California. He lives four blocks from the beach and zero centimeters from his God. He has a BS in computer engineering and that alternate logic comes easy to him. Many consider him the Messiah of the Flugelhorn and our possible evolutionary link to dachshunds. He enforces no ethos, creed, or religion on any living thing—just observable facts. The computer would not put up with anything else!

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    The Case for God - Clancy Imislund


    The Case for God

    A Math Book


    Clancy John Imislund

    The Case for God: A Math Book

    This book is written to provide information and motivation to readers. Its purpose is not to render any type of psychological, legal, or professional advice of any kind. The content is the sole opinion and expression of the author, and not necessarily that of the publisher.

    Copyright © 2020 by Clancy Imislund

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form by any means, including, but not limited to, recording, photocopying, or taking screenshots of parts of the book, without prior written permission from the author or the publisher. Brief quotations for noncommercial purposes, such as book reviews, permitted by Fair Use of the U.S. Copyright Law, are allowed without written permissions, as long as such quotations do not cause damage to the book’s commercial value. For permissions, write to the publisher, whose address is stated below.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    ISBN 978-1-64552-095-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64552-096-2 (Digital)

    Lettra Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:

    Lettra Press LLC

    30 N Gould St. Ste N

    Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    In the Beginning

    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3

    More Bible

    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6

    Ghost Stories

    Chapter 7




    Hello. Let us start this easy. My name is Clancy and I am a computer engineer with a great amount of exposure to technology and science. That being said, I personally believe in God or whatever name you would like to use and the following pages will go through that process. This text is not meant to sway you either way and no religion will be enforced on you. It is just some information that tries to marry Science and Creation. There is no Thou shalt not… here.

    Contained in these pages, there will be a few puzzles and questions. They may be unnerving for both atheists and the believers in God but that is the purpose. Everything here is based on pure logical observation and not on any mythical or religious foundation. There will be a few lines of tedious math and Bible verse but those you may choose to skip over. They are only there for your perusal and to help make points.

    At the end of each chapter, there will be a question. Hopefully they are all good enough to make it into your meditation schedule. They sure made it into mine!

    Anyway, I hate long and boring prologues as much as the next person. As your attorney inside of these book covers, I advise we commence!

    Chapter 1

    In the Beginning

    Okay. Here is an old joke. It is always good to break the ice. It will get much nastier after this point so let’s laugh it up for now.

    A Fella: God?

    God: Yes, my child?

    A Fella: God? How long is a billion years to you?

    God: It is less than a second, my child.

    A Fella: God? How much is a million dollars to you?

    God: It is less than a penny, my child.

    A Fella: God? May I have a penny?

    God: Yes, my child--in a second.

    Now I will proceed and try to get the boring stuff out of the way quickly. I stayed away from all of the math I could so as not to bore any of us.

    It will be presented by way of a fictional court trial. This court does not have the rules of a conventional courtroom so I have omitted the location of this place. The Three Stooges would be better counselors. My friends and I can speak more freely here.

    Enter it if ye dare...

    Black Holes

    (This is a section you can skip if you understand them already)

    Before this first part, let us have a very short primer regarding Black Holes. They are collections of matter so dense that not even light can escape their gravitational grip. Nothing that we know of may return after it crosses what is called the Event Horizon. They are without dimension and they cannot be measured except by their gravitational effects on nearby objects.

    The word for such a thing is a Singularity. It only takes a chunk of matter about 3 times more massive than that of our sun to create one after the Hydrogen is expended. They bend space and time as Einstein has already theorized and proven through many experiments conducted by

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