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Creation Is a Science: Why the Biblical Narrative Makes Sense
Creation Is a Science: Why the Biblical Narrative Makes Sense
Creation Is a Science: Why the Biblical Narrative Makes Sense
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Creation Is a Science: Why the Biblical Narrative Makes Sense

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Creation is a science, and the author proves it!

In December 2005, a Federal Court decision in Harrisburg, PA, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, ruled in a 139-page decision that creationism "is not a science." Based on this decision, the teaching of creation was removed from the ninth grade biology classes in the Dover, PA area sc

Release dateMay 16, 2020
Creation Is a Science: Why the Biblical Narrative Makes Sense

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    Creation Is a Science - Kevin Turnbaugh


    After the presidential election of 2004, when President George W. Bush was re-elected over his Democratic challenger Senator John Kerry, D-MA, many of the liberal television and radio commentators complained openly about how the large turnout of evangelical Christians kept Senator Kerry from the office he deserved. (The result of the 2016 election was also credited to the large turnout by those called evangelicals.)

    This response was very noteworthy because it proved how the will of the people can and will put into office the person we desire to lead our nation and serve in that particular office. This right of the citizens of the United States of America, protected by the Constitution, applies to the state and local elected offices as well.

    When the people of the USA do not take this right seriously, our nation will end up with less than desirable leaders, as was evident with the election and re-election of President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

    Not casting a vote denies ourselves the right of expressing our feelings and desires at the voting booth. It will also affect how our nation, state, and even our local decisions are made and enforced. The old and totally invalid statement that my one vote cannot and will not make a difference is so very wrong. It is your one vote, combined with others of like-minded feelings, that will elect those who you wish to lead and make our laws, regulations, and ordinances that we must abide by in the future.

    Among those actions and claims today that prevent people from voting are others trying to influence a vote result through threats at voting centers like those recently documented in Philadelphia by modern Black Panther members. When people or organizations try to stuff the ballot boxes, they enable a false and detrimental vote result, to the benefit of the candidate they wish to have elected to a particular office.

    The backlash to a recent movement requiring voters to show proof of citizenship with a photo identification is another attempt to skew the voting results. This idea is being met with totally unsubstantiated claims that it prevents the elderly, the handicapped, and minorities from voting. Instead, the truth behind this claim is actually that this requirement prevents both ballot box stuffing and a vote by those without United States citizenship. I can personally attest to this, as I am blind; yet, I have several forms of photo identification. The federally mandated Real ID Act effective in May 2008, to be utilized by USA citizens to fly and also to enter federal buildings, should (in my opinion) be used as official identification to vote.

    This fundamental right to vote should be used by the citizens of the USA to remove the incumbents if they do not agree with their actions. In addition, when initiatives or proposals are put forth to the people, the voting booth results give the currently serving elected officials a clear understanding of how the citizens of a state or local area wish for laws to be enacted.

    We in the USA, and many other countries around the world, have this right to decide who will represent us in our government offices; however, this right is not available to the people of many other countries in the world. Some countries have a monarchy, where the rule of the King, Queen, Emperor, etc., decides what is best for the people. This type of rule usually benefits the sitting ruler and may even expand his or her control over the people.

    Countries with dictatorial type leaders are ruled firmly and with iron fists, often adding to the hardships of the people. Other countries are ruled by those who base their leadership on religious beliefs, instilling upon the people fear that failure to follow them will result in adverse actions from their false and nonexistent gods.

    When citizens, who do have the right and freedom to decide who does and does not serve as a representative of the people, do not exercise this right, the results can, and have in the past, resulted in rulings, laws, and just plain denial of those things the people desire. If not enough of the citizenry turns out to influence the results of a vote, nothing will change.

    This is exactly what happened to the citizens who live in, and vote for those who serve on the school board of a local school district near my home a few years ago. The results of that election put in place board members who opposed the teaching of creation, which many today refer to as Intelligent Design.

    Just a short time after these duly elected officials were sworn into their positions on the school board, they passed a resolution that directed the teaching of evolution only in the district and banned the teaching of creation entirely (based on the Federal Court ruling in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, December 20, 2005).

    Many of the parents, and even one sixteen-year-old girl featured in an interview on a local television station, expressed their great displeasure and demanded the school board change this ruling. However, the board chose not to appeal the decision to the Federal Court.

    I have pounded the drums about threats on all things Christian in many of my past books, and this threat still exists today. The actions of the Federal Court Judge and this school board are just two examples of what steps opponents use to remove our God from our society. It is why voters who desire things like the teaching of Intelligent Design must make sure that they get to the voting booth and make their desires known.

    Whether the official is a plain atheist, an agnostic, or just marches to his or her own drummer, it is quite apparent that they do not give a good rip if God is properly represented in our schools or not. Parents, students, and their local churches need to raise the roof about it in school board meetings. Let these officials know clearly that their decisions and actions are not the will of the people and that it will be made clear at the next election cycle.

    When one takes the attitude that they cannot change things and what is happening is just God’s will, then this kind of result will be realized more and more in our nation. We must, for the sake of our children attending our public schools, take a stand for God at meetings and especially at the voting booth. If your pastor tells you that voting is not for Christians, demand scripture to back up the statement. He or she will not find it because it does not exist. Instead, we need to get out there and make a difference through our votes. Elected officials have only one concern when re-election time comes and that is to be re-elected.

    I have heard both sides of the argument on requiring term limits of officials in an office, and I must admit I lean toward being in favor of it. However, when there is someone in office who is doing good for the people and honoring God, people who hold this argument may be plunged into a great deal of confusion as to how to proceed in this matter.

    After a long period of consideration, I decided to address the background of the issue on the teaching of evolution versus creation. What were the students in this school district being taught and what were they denied being taught by the federal court ruling and this school board? Just what do scientists and so-called experts try to force into the heads of our young people? Why do they feel that a theory, and a bad one at that, is so much more needed in our schools? Why are they opposed to the facts of creation and the world that God created? I will endeavor to answer many of these questions, what the theory has to offer and the facts that the Bible provides us.

    You may be dealing with this issue, or maybe a totally unrelated but just as detrimental issue, in your area. In today’s society, attacks on all things Christian are not just being felt, they are being imposed upon us, and our elected officials are keeping us from serving our God. We cannot just sit back and take a position of oh well, whatever God’s will is that is the way it will be. Just as Jesus dealt with the money changers in the Temple, described in the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, and John, we Christians must also make a difference and glorify God in doing so.


    Big Bang?

    When it comes to understanding how our universe, and all things here on earth, were created and came into existence, you will probably find as many opinions as you will find grains of sand on the shoreline. If you take ten scientists who claim to be experts and knowledgeable in how all things came into existence and interview each one separately, you will get ten different opinions about just what is meant by the big bang theory.


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