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The Gossip Corner
The Gossip Corner
The Gossip Corner
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The Gossip Corner

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                                   Welcome to the gossip corner. You're about to enter into the lives of eleven individuals that have been victims of malicious gossip, or lives nearly ruined by the whispers of others that have found its way onto my desktop. The stories you're about to read are true..., in a sense. The names have been changed of course to protect the innocent and the reputation of their families from any further embarrassment. The stories have come from good reliable sources such as a family member, friend, and even the victims themselves. Who knows, the next story could possibly be about you or someone close to you. So remember, whatever you do, say and wherever you go, somebody is ALWAYS watching and listening, but then again... that's only my opinion.     

                                 "The gossip corner" is a series of short stories written about real situations and gossip rumors based on the lives of real people. It opens with the opinion of the author for every chapter and there are moral lessons that could be learned from each story if paid very close attention to. It gives the reader a chance to reflect on his or her life as well when gossiping about the lives of others. Everyone at one point or another in their lives has been a victim by the tongue of others and some until this present day still suffer from the effects whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually hasn't healed. I warn you that the content in this special edition may be of some sexual content and violence in nature and explicit language that may be in need of parental consent for those under the age of 18. Parental Guidance is suggested.                          

PublisherD.R. Tracy
Release dateApr 25, 2021
The Gossip Corner

D.R. Tracy

D. R.-Tracy is a freelance writer, spiritual educator, second language teacher and minister of spiritual warfare. Several certifications in Biblical Studies and more than 15 years experience of spiritual conflict, has inspired him to write and complete the first of the five novel series Battlefield of Angels. Though fictional in content he shares with his readers the reality of spiritual warfare that has taken place around his life and those individual lives close to him since his early childhood. Mr. Tracy enjoys the challenges of creative writing that continually keeps him researching and sharing his experience that offers insight to others. As a man of faith his work, research, and experience gives readers the opportunity to seek spiritual truths for themselves through scripture according to their beliefs. Born in the small town of Harbor in Indiana, as a youth and first born grandson he accompanied his grandmother who faithfully attended the community Baptist church as an usher and volunteer felt the spiritual influence on his life at an early age. His years of experience has shaped and molded the inspired writer into several projects that are in progress such as his second novel Battlefield of Angels, Duality, Puppets and also the completed work of the Gossip Corner…The Serpents Tongue. He is currently a member of the Spiritual Writers Association where spiritual views are shared by other members. He’s looking forward to his work reaching and bringing inspiration, hope and a rekindled faith to his readers worldwide.

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    Book preview

    The Gossip Corner - D.R. Tracy

    The Serpents Tongue

    Written By...    D.R.Tracy

    Welcome to the gossip corner. You're about to enter into the lives of eleven individuals that has been victims of malicious gossip, or lives nearly ruined by the whispers of others that has found its way onto my desktop. The stories you're about to read are true..., in a sense. The names have been changed of course to protect the innocent and the reputation of their families from any further embarrassment. The stories have come from good reliable sources such as a family member, friend, and even the victims themselves. Who knows, the next story could possibly be about you or someone close to you. So remember, whatever you do, say and wherever you go, somebody is ALWAYS watching and listening, but then again... that's only my opinion.

    The gossip corner is a series of short stories written about real situations and gossip rumors based on the lives of real people. It opens with the opinion of the author for every chapter and there are moral lessons that could be learned from each story if paid very close attention to. It gives the reader a chance to reflect on his or her life as well when gossiping about the lives of others. Everyone at one point or another in their lives has been a victim by the tongue of others and some until this present day still suffer from the effects whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually hasn't healed. I warn you that the content in this special edition may be of some sexual content and violence in nature and explicit language that may be in need of parental consent for those under the age of 18. Parental Guidance is suggested.




    Special Edition               

    Chapter 1.......A Cry for Freedom.......Page 1


    Chapter 2.........Date Rape.................Page 32


    Chapter 3...........Gossip.....................Page 49


    Chapter 4............Attraction...............Page 69


    Chapter 5.........Assumptions.............Page 94


    Chapter 6.......Taboo..Unforbidden...Page 65


    Chapter 7............Skeletons.............Page 82


    Chapter 8............Hypocrisy.............Page 90



    Psalms 21:23

    "He who guards his mouth and his tongue,

    keeps himself from calamity."

    James 3:6

    "The tongue is a small part of the body, but it

    makes great boast. Consider what a great forest

    is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue is also

    a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.


    It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole

    course of his life on fire, and itself set on fire by hell.

    All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures

    of the sea are being tamed by man, but no man or

    woman can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil,

    full of deadly poison."



    I can remember sitting in my 4th grade elementary class waiting on the new teacher, Mrs. Lewis to arrive and all of the students were running around out of control. The door opened slowly and I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. Well, the teacher wasn't the only one that noticed the expression on my face as my mouth dropped open and I began to smile very big. The kids began to laugh and for the next few days I had to listen to everything that I supposedly had said, but never did and the secrets of others that generally ended up with the words I never said that. After hearing everything that was being said, one day Mrs. Lewis came into the class and said that we were going to play a new game that day called Secret. She explained the rules very clearly and that there would be two parts to this game. She would begin by telling the student closest to her a secret and that student would then turn around and tell the next student behind them the same secret and so on. When the secret had reached the last student, he or she would then stand up and tell the class what the secret was. It started like this Billy went and had his teeth cleaned today at the dentist by Mr. Green. By the time this secret made its way around the room, it ended like this: Billy had his teeth cleaned today by a mean dentist and his teeth are green. AMAZING! How could such a little secret like that get so twisted in such a small classroom? The only thing that made any sense to me years later as I listened to more and more stories about people is that somewhere along the line there was the true source, so it had been watered down so to speak. It had lost its truth in the mouths of others. Now as an adult when tempted to listen to the latest gossip about others, I know that only 10% maybe 20% of what is being said is true, 50% of the story is twisted and add-ons and the remaining parts is fabricated crap. So, that leaves me reading between the lines of the entertaining story to develop what I think may have really happened and be creative with my imagination of what possibly may have happened, and trust me, that's a lot of work. Later I decided not to listen to the gossip of others, because a lot of people out there were being hurt and ruined by the slippery tongues of other people and this on a regular basis. And two, because many families are being divided, marriages ruined and reputations are being destroyed and because of what?  Other people can't keep their tongues from whispering in the dark or simply can’t stay out of other people affairs? So, here I sit back inside the crap I longed to escape for so many years. My advice to you out there so eager to talk about the lives of others, remember one thing... misery loves company and things that people talk about are only a reflection of themselves of what they see in the lives of others in one form or another... this is very true. Be very careful about the things that you say and even more so be careful how you hear information, because everyone has skeletons in their closet and it is very easy to get caught in the fantasies of those that have nothing better to do but sit around and talk about others... even you! I look forward to seeing you... I’m sorry. I look forward to hearing about you very soon.

    The writer’s opinion

    The world wears two faces. One which we wear for the public and another that we wear behind the closed doors of our personal lives. It's how it has always been. We sometime wear a face that states everything is fine on the outside, because we want the world to see us shining and not burden others with the things that invades a troubling heart, so we think. However, sometimes that personal life follows us out into the full view of the public and exposes what is taking place behind closed doors at no control of our own and at others times whether we want it to or not. Besides, it's not like the world is really concerned with what is taking place in your life, it’s just an open-door opportunity for the world to get involved within your personal affairs, especially with words like "It's not my problem. How many times have we heard that one? This reminds me of a story in the Bible called The Good Samarian Luke 10:33 A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, he passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the inn keeper. Look after him... He said ...and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have." So, we find ourselves on the other end of the spectrum whispering behind ones back in a situation where we didn't act to begin with where justice could have prevailed or a life saved. Now you have to ask yourself one I my brother´s or neighbor´s keeper?  But hey who am I? It’s only my opinion.

    Chapter 1 

    A Cry for freedom


    ''Alfonzo, please!'' Brenda yelled and screamed kicking in the bed as Alfonzo grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the floor. SLAM! Oh God, no! She said in terror as she felt the hard jerk from the top of her head. Down the hall he drugged her as she struggled to release his hand from her hair. I told you I wasn’t going to take it anymore. To have my dinner ready for me when I returned home! He yelled heading toward the staircase. One stair after another, her back banged against the edge of each one causing agonizing pain. Alfonzo, please... you're going to wake the kids. Alfonzo! She shouted with her eyes wide open from fear. She began to cry, but not for herself. It was the fear for her boys, five-year-old Brian and Adam, who just turned three. It was the third night that week Alfonzo had come home drunk and beaten her. The small framed 125-pound Brenda was no match for the 250-pound Alfonzo. Twice he'd stopped in the middle of dragging her and bent over punching her in the face with all his might. The blood dripped from her mouth and her nose as she moaned in pain. Please, Alfonzo... she murmured through the blood flowing over her lips and into her mouth. I'm sorry...please, I'll fix your dinner right now, please. She cried as she watched the blood drip to the floor from her face. He kneeled down holding her head steady with his hand still gripped in her hair tightly watching her bleed. Why did I ever marry you? You're nothing and you’re good for nothing. The sight of you makes me sick. He said very calmly. Smack! He punched her in the face causing everything to go black. She felt her head slam against the sink’s cabinet and then to the floor. The pain was too much to bear, she was unconscious. Lying there unable to open her eyes, she could hear him slamming pots and pans around on the stove and breaking glasses. She tried to move, but her body would not respond. Son of a bitch! He yelled causing her to jerk nervously as she lay on the floor. Mom! Brian called from the top of the stairs looking through the bars below. Brenda heard the cry and began forcing herself to move for the sake of Brian. Go back to bed you little bastard! Alfonzo screamed. is okay, honey. Brenda replied slightly moving on the floor. Go back to be.... She began to say when she felt another slap across her face knocking her back to the floor. Who asked you to open your mouth, you bitch! He shouted. Hearing the sound of his father’s drunken voice, Brian began

    to cry knowing his mother was in trouble...again. Slamming the refrigerator door, Brenda could hear Alfonzo opening another beer. She could feel the freezing beer being poured over her face as she lay on the floor. What did I do? Why do you hate me so much? She whispered as she cried and rolled to her side to avoid the beer in her face. I'm the man in this house. I ask the questions. Do you hear me? He shouted as he snatched her by her hair again and began dragging her toward the living room. Alfonzo, Alfonzo, no, please... no! She begged trying to break free. Shut your fucking mouth, right now! He shouted stopping to look down at her. Okay, Okay. I'll be quiet, I promise. It's my fault that dinner wasn't ready. I'll do better, I promise. I’ll be a good wife... please. She cried out as her heart pounded within her chest. Mommy! Brian cried from the top of the stairs as he watched his father drag his mother toward the living room. Adam had been woken by the sound of the commotion and began to cry. Where's your family at now? He asked lifting her from her feet with both hands. Unable to respond, she felt her body being thrusted to the floor. That's right, I'm the only family you've got!" He yelled picking up the glass from the table and breaking it over her head. Brenda could feel the warm blood running from her head through her hair. She tried to crawl toward the stairs, but he forced his knee into her back causing her to be pinned to the floor. He forced her face to the floor on the broken glass and as she tried to struggle, the glass dug deeper into the side of her cheek. Again, she was unconscious.

    The neighbor, Carina lay there in her bed listening to the screams and the cries coming from next door through the paper-thin walls. She was afraid for her neighbor and her children as she clutched the blankets tightly with one hand and the other over her mouth so she wouldn't cry out. The tears rolled down the sides of her face. Not again. Lord, please help her. Don't let him kill her this time. Carina whispered trembling under the covers.

    Brian sat on the floor holding his little brother as they looked down stairs at their mother laying in the broken glass not moving. It's okay, Adam. I think he's gone. Brian whispered. We have to help mommy now, okay? He said to Adam taking him by the hand and slowly going down the stairs.


    It was quiet now. Carina rose from the bed and peeked out the window as she heard Alfonzo’s truck peeling away from in front of the house going side to side without any headlights as it speeds down the street. She tried to listen for any sign of life coming from Brenda's house by placing her ear close to the wall. I hope she's okay. She whispered to herself tiptoeing toward the window again wiping her tears and running nose with the sleeves of her pajamas, she saw that the truck clearly out of sight. My God her babies. She thought to herself as she began to weep. Sitting down on the bed, she picked up the cell phone and began dialing her friend Dorothy.

    It has been a very long day, my friend. We need to turn in for the night and get back at it in the morning. What do you say? The young red head investigator, Eric suggested closing his files. The head investigator and ex-police officer, David Brenner glanced up from the file in his hand. Yeah. I guess you're right. He replied taking a deep sigh. You know what bothers me the most about all of this, Eric? No, I don't. Why don't you enlighten me. He replied sitting on the corner of his desk. Is that no matter what town we travel to investigating domestic violence and abuse, the abuse has increased not only on women, but on men, also. This year alone abuse has risen 25%, and more cases are being reported daily. He shared looking down at the file. Yeah, tell me something I don't know. He responded standing up stretching. Okay. Have you ever wondered why there's an increase in violence, but the cases never make it to court? He asked standing up placing his hands in his pockets looking at the brutal photos posted on the boards. It's because most of these guys are the cops drinking buddies or the payments under the table are worth more than any human life. You have a little money you value something and if you don’t, you value nothing. That’s why He stated. And I suppose you have actual proof of these allegations, right? Eric questioned. No. David replied sadly. No. I didn't think so. Like I said... It’s been a long day. Let’s get a beer and start at it tomorrow. Eric suggested. Yeah, one case at a time. David said grabbing his jacket from the chair. 

    Brenda moved slowly lifting herself from all the broken glass on the floor. She could feel the blood still flowing from different parts of her head. She had received several kicks from Alfonzo along with his punches and her body was in terrible pain. There was sharp and throbbing pain that she felt coming from her face causing her vision to be blurred. Brian. She called out reaching with one hand trying to find the sofa to pull herself up. Again, she called out; Brian! This time with panic in her voice. I'm right here, mommy. Brian answered looking at all the blood that covered his mother watching for the broken glass as he stepped toward her. Okay, honey. Adam. Where's Adam? She asked pulling herself up through the pain. He's right here. He answered as she tried looking around barely able to see. She began to cry as she watched her boys stand there staring at their badly beaten mother. "I'm sorry, my loves, it's not your fault. Mommy never meant for you to go

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