Mindset Revolution III: To Build the Africa We Want; Our Move
By Akosua Bame
About this ebook
Akosua Bame continues her popular Mindset Revolution series with this latest book, noting that everything that has ever been created began as a thought – and thoughts are driven by mindsets. Without the right mindsets, Africa will remain caught up in this ever-vicious cycle of poverty and dependence on aid.
In this book, the author seeks to empower her audience to play their part in resetting and rebuilding Africa, by sharing strategies for developing and embedding the seven mindsets that are necessary to realising the continent’s potential. Here she discusses a visionary mindset, an evolutionary mindset, a legacy mindset, a knowledge-seeking mindset, a wealth-creation mindset, an entrepreneurial mindset and a health mindset.
Akosua declares that Africa has been a cocoon for far too long; it is time for the butterfly to emerge. For that to happen, the people of Africa must turn inward, change the way they think, and then take steps to transform the continent. It is time for a paradigm shift. It is time for Africa to stop apologetically seeking a voice on the global stage. It is time for Africa to stop seeking solutions to its socio-economic problems by looking externally. It is time for Africa to realise that the power and indeed the only way to transform comes from within.
To build the Africa we want, to transform the continent, all it takes is this –
Akosua Bame
Akosua Bame is a born-again Christian mother whose passion is to empower her generation through her entrepreneurial, literary, and media work. A Ghanaian, born and raised in Ghana, Akosua relocated to the United Kingdom at the age of twenty-three, where she started her professional career. She did not go with a begging bowl but rather a passion to learn and maximise her potential. She went in search of greener pastures and is truly grateful for the opportunities that she has had to develop her knowledge, skills, and experience in a range of fields. Akosua’s background and experience have given her the ability to look at Africa from an objective perspective; in the process, she has gone from being sad to angry to frustrated and, finally, to hopeful. An MBA, accomplished strategic change manager, entrepreneur, life coach, and talk show host, Akosua’s overwhelming vision is to see lives enriched through the alignment of the body, soul, and spirit.
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Mindset Revolution III - Akosua Bame
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Published by AuthorHouse 10/22/2020
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Revolution III
The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
Change the way people think and things will never be the same.
—Steve Biko, South African antiapartheid activist, I Write What I Like: Selected Writings, 1978
To God:
For channelling yet another book through me.
To Daa:
For the legacy of your integrity, which
continues to speak for me.
To Maa:
For being a pillar of spiritual strength always.
To Kojo, Nana Kofi, and Yaa:
For the memories we continue to create
and the laughter we continue share.
To Carlo-Samuel and Chrystine-Symone:
For the joy of parenting you.
To my husband Charles Ashiagbor:
For pushing me to succeed.
To my human family:
For the privilege of being a part of your journey.
My Dear Readers,
Africa does not have a capability problem;
Africa does not have a capacity problem;
Africa does not have an energy problem;
Africa does not have an infrastructure problem;
Africa does not have an intellectual problem;
Africa does not have a labour problem;
Africa does not have a leadership problem;
Africa does not have a resource problem;
Africa does not have a skills problem.
Africa has a mindset problem! Period!
The mindset of our leaders,
The mindset of those being led,
The mindset of other continents about Africa,
All predispose Africa to failure!
This has been my motivation for writing Mindset Revolution III, which contains rules that are geared towards helping us all to develop the mindsets that will ensure a sustained renaissance of our beloved continent.
Now, I acknowledge that Africa is not a homogenous entity, but I believe its rebirth will be fuelled by a focus on the similarities (be they assets, problems, economic potential, or something else) across countries rather than the differences. As the countries within Africa are at varying stages of development, the proposals within Mindset Revolution III will not apply equally to every country. I can, however, comfortably suggest that there will be at least a handful of proposals each country will find beneficial to implement. Alternatively, if there is a country within Africa that is already pursuing all the suggested rules to bring about Africa’s renaissance, then it should certainly be held up as a beacon of hope. Such a country should be the benchmark which all other countries on the continent aspire to become. Most importantly, as the author, I believe such a country would represent complete validation of this book’s purpose and contents.
So, regardless of where you are as an African country in the rebirthing process, you will find something to be gleaned from this book.
And here’s my rallying cry to us all: let’s reset and rebuild. Let the mindset revolution continue.
Happy renaissance!
This book has been the most challenging one in the Mindset Revolution series to write. I especially want to thank my children Carlo-Samuel and Chrystine-Symone for their unwavering support and encouragement. You kept me focused on the end goal and helped make this book happen.
Guys, I want to say thanks for ‘parenting’ me throughout the time I was writing this book.
* * *
How to Change a Mindset
How to Use This Book
A Visionary Mindset
Rule 1: Build a Half-Century Blueprint
Rule 2: Let the People’s Vision Speak
Rule 3: Establish Nonpartisan Governance
Rule 4: Elevate Women’s Emancipation
Rule 5: Replace the Single Story of Africa
Rule 6: Build Language Cohesion
Rule 7: Exploit National Similarities
Rule 8: Benchmark against ‘Best of Breed’
Rule 9: Encourage Peer Review
Rule 10: Develop Communal Responsibility
Rule 11: Encourage Big Brother to Watch
An Evolutionary Mindset
Rule 12: Promote STEM
Rule 13: Foster Innovation
Rule 14: Nurture National Change Agents
Rule 15: Restore Traditional Governance
A Legacy Mindset
Rule 16: Elect Servants
Rule 17: Invest in Parenting
Rule 18: Watch Out for Disenfranchised Youth
A Knowledge-Seeking Mindset
Rule 19: Document Our History
Rule 20: Address Religious Exploitation
Rule 21: Change the Imagery
Rule 22: Dominate Media
Rule 23: Know Your Continent
Rule 24: Redefine Literacy
Rule 25: Formalise Mindset Change
Rule 26: Prioritise Our Literature
Rule 27: Build Virtual National Classrooms
Rule 28: Create National Mentors
Rule 29: Address the Nation(s)
Rule 30: Explain Taxation
Rule 31: Sanction Professionals
A Wealth-Creation Mindset
Rule 32: Know and Leverage National Assets
Rule 33: Borrow Less
Rule 34: Barter
Rule 35: Lend More
Rule 36: Decentralise and Maximise Direct Taxation
Rule 37: Let Citizens Set Rewards for Parliament and Government Officials
Rule 38: Make Incarceration Work
Rule 39: Encourage Charitable Works
An Entrepreneurial Mindset
Rule 40: Embed Entrepreneurialism
Rule 41: Change the Agricultural Landscape
Rule 42: Promote Traditional Medicines
Rule 43: Exploit and Maximise Aviation
Rule 44: Showcase Indigenous Entrepreneurs
Rule 45: Push Cottage Industries
Rule 46: Expand Inter-African and Intra-African Trade
A Health-Conscious Mindset
Rule 47: Prioritise Sanitation
Rule 48: Address Pollution
Rule 49: Control Your Food Chain
Rule 50: Control Your Drug Industry
Rule 51: Teach Nutrition
Rule 52: Introduce National Walks
The Bottom Line
How to Change a Mindset
The process of changing a mindset is an internal one. It is fluid in nature and is a continuous cycle that remains throughout one’s lifetime. Whilst this process is inherently personal in terms of the nature of results that may be achieved, there are logical steps that one may follow in order to cause a shift in his or her mindset. Below is an example of a process flow that one could follow:
1.jpgThe goal and process of changing a mindset begins with believing the underlying principle of the mindset one is trying to develop. For example, a wealth mindset believes all the abundance that could ever be desired already exists. To develop that mindset, you will need to believe that principle.
All creative activity begins in the subconscious mind, where one’s beliefs are crystallised into a mindset. Therefore a shift in mindset necessitates replacing subconscious thoughts and visualisation. This can be achieved through messages reinforced by action. One needs to consciously reprogramme his subconscious thoughts with messages that are in alignment with the mindset change he is aiming to achieve. The rules in Mindset Revolution III are targeted actions geared towards introducing and reinforcing the beliefs underpinning the mindsets that African nations should be aiming to cultivate.
All the rules of engagement in Mindset Revolution III are geared towards reinforcing messages that complement the beliefs we need our citizens to adopt in order to develop the desired mindsets. To aid in gaining momentum for the mindset revolution, this book is underpinned by a range of complementary training, coaching, and mentoring programmes targeted at Africa’s political leaders, traditional leaders, government officials, educators, law enforcement agencies (such as the police force), community leaders, co-operative societies, families, women and so on. Whilst the internal process of changing a mindset is rather personal, deploying tools that reinforce the right messages at a national, corporate, community, and family level will aid in the collective mindset change. The rules of engagement with the proposed associated actions and the complementary programmes, if effectively deployed and implemented, should expedite the collective mindset-shift process.
Belief systems are never truly changed unless the thoughts and perceptions are backed by actions and resulting evidence. It is therefore important that we diligently evaluate how effectively minds are being transformed by observing and capturing changes in behaviour. In taking stock, we need to continue to identify any unhelpful beliefs that are holding citizens back and continue the cycle of mindset change.
How to Use This Book
This book is a practical mindset-change tool, one in the Mindset Revolution series.
It is primarily aimed at all citizens of Africa; those living at home on the continent and those in the diaspora. It is also aimed at those who have a genuine passion and commitment to see Africa become the fully thriving continent it could be. It is also earmarked for those occupying leadership positions, such as government officials, traditional rulers, religious leaders, and teachers, who are potential national change agents for transforming mindsets on the continent.
The overall goal is to drive readers and users of the content within Mindset Revolution III towards developing seven key mindset states: a visionary mindset, an evolutionary mindset, a legacy mindset, a knowledge-seeking mindset, a wealth-creation mindset, an entrepreneurial mindset, and a health mindset.
Mindset Revolution III is a starting point for mindset change achieved through practical steps. It contains fifty-two rules of engagement, each highlighting steps that can be taken towards transforming key elements of the continent whilst simultaneously developing one of the seven mindsets highlighted above. It is not, by any means, a panacea for all of Africa’s problems. It is, however, a valuable starting point to address Africa’s most important underlying problem—our mindset.
Whether you are an ordinary citizen of Africa or a person occupying a leadership position on the continent, take the following recommended steps to get the best use out of this book:
I. Initially read through Mindset Revolution III (cover to cover) to get a flavour of the mindset states and rules of engagement discussed here. You will be drawn to the ones that are immediately relevant to the different situations you are facing presently. Prioritise those mindset states and rules of engagement for further research and action planning.
II. Undertake further research into your prioritised mindset states, that is, read books on those particular mindset states in order to enhance your understanding of where you want to get to. You could also enrol in one of our numerous mindset-change programmes by visiting www.buildingtheafricawewant.com.
III. Go through the rules of engagement and develop an action plan using the steps highlighted under the subsection ‘How Do We Get There?’ as a guide. Not all steps will be relevant. You should also aim to identify additional actions that may be more relevant to your circumstances which you could undertake.
IV. Implement the action plan and continue to evaluate how your way of thinking is changing.
a. As with any form of change, it is not a magical process of switching from one mindset state to the other in one step or with one project or initiative. The steps under the rules of engagement are merely here to help kick-start the internal process of shifting your mindset. The real work of changing one’s mindset is an internal journey and is evidenced when one consciously applies that mindset in practical situations as they emerge. You will know that you have achieved the mindset change when you no longer have to consciously apply it, that is, when you naturally approach a given life situation that way.
Throughout the days ahead, try to reflect on what you have read and the actions you have planned and/or undertaken.
Note: Steps II to IV, above, are best completed in a team/group environment where this book is being used as a tool for communal transformation.
Mindset Revolution III
Mindset is neither a static nor a ‘one size fits all situations’ phenomenon!
Berlin of 1884 was effected through the sword and the bullet. But the night of the sword and the bullet was followed by the morning of the chalk and the blackboard. The physical violence of the battlefield was followed by the psychological violence of the classroom. But where the former was visibly brutal, the latter was visibly gentle. … The bullet was the means of physical subjugation. Language was the means of the spiritual subjugation.
—Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
A Visionary Mindset
Visionary builds what dreamers imagined.
—Toba Beta
A Visionary Mindset
As the saying goes, ‘Perception is reality,’ and the visionary mindset epitomises this saying. This mindset is based on the premise that in order to live the dream, one must first picture himself or herself living the dream. With this mindset, life is a journey involving a series of destinations covering the short, medium, and long term. Each destination needs to be visualised as this creates the hunger and drive to progress towards it. With a visionary mindset, visualisation is the true starting point of creation. Why? Because having a picture of one’s destination spurs one on to take the necessary action to arrive there.
In most African countries, our vision tends to be skewed towards solving our current socio-economic problems. What this perpetuates is a cycle of reactive problem-solving, which leads to stagnation. The fact is, countries that are clear about their economic, social, and political ambitions are more successful than those that are not clear about such things. It is that simple. Engendering this mindset in Africa is fundamental to shifting the current position in which we find ourselves. Adopting this mindset would ensure that African leaders and those who are being led work together to create a common image of the desired reborn Africa.
A visionary mindset says, ‘As long as I can see where I am going, I will arrive.’
Rule 1: Build a
Half-Century Blueprint
Africa is a product of our collective imaginations; imagine better!
—Akosua Bame, author of Mindset Revolution: