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The Ultimate Guide To: Bounce Back Higher
The Ultimate Guide To: Bounce Back Higher
The Ultimate Guide To: Bounce Back Higher
Ebook85 pages53 minutes

The Ultimate Guide To: Bounce Back Higher

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

You have hit rock bottom and feel like there is no way up. This is your new beginning and great things are in store for you.

Based on her bounce back higher experience, Prathisha Singh tells you that you will bounce back and it will be higher than you could have ever imagined.

The Ultimate Guide To: Bounce Back Higher is encouraging, supportive and inspirational. It will change your perception of life and your crisis, allowing you to use your rock bottom as a stepping stone to your greatest life.

Prathisha has included tools and techniques that she has successfully used on her journey of self-transformation. She is convinced that if used with care and consideration, they will shift your life too.

The book provides insights and exercises, without harping on tales of negative experiences. It focuses on increasing your vibrational frequency with a large dose of positivity!

Release dateJan 19, 2021
The Ultimate Guide To: Bounce Back Higher

Prathisha Singh

Debut author, Prathisha Singh, is a mom of two beautiful children and she is a qualified professional scientist. She spends her days following her new passion of empowering humanity on her journey of self-transformation. Sharing her newfound and tested acquired knowledge, Prathisha is determined to help others bounce back higher and live the grandest vision of their best lives.

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    Book preview

    The Ultimate Guide To - Prathisha Singh


    If you are drawn to this book now, it is likely that something earth-shattering, unspeakable and unthinkable has happened to you - and you need to turn your life around RIGHT NOW.

    At least that is what happened to me.

    The night my whole world crashed, I was cradling my seven week old baby girl in my arms, when I realised that I had hit rock bottom. My life was in shambles.

    I questioned every truth I ever knew. The horror and loss of life as I knew it, rendered me helpless, hopeless, powerless and unable to even function.

    I fell apart emotionally, physically and mentally. It wasn't very long before all the categories in the spectrum of my life began to crumble - one by one. Finance, career opportunities, parenting, health and fitness (nutrition, fitness and supplementation were the least of my priorities), intellect and spirituality all suffered a beating. I feared losing everything I had and we had two beautiful children to take care of.

    It felt impossible to climb out of the emotional hole I had dug for myself.

    Eleven months later I am here to tell YOU, that hitting rock bottom is about mending the broken pieces of your heart with gold.

    'The wound is the place where light enters you.'

    - Rumi

    I spent the last eleven months in deep study - the study of myself and the discovery of who I am. This book is about sharing the tools and techniques that I used to help me bounce back higher than ever. I have decided to not hold back and just share everything that worked for me, as crazy as some of the techniques might seem!

    I am convinced that if you were to try the exercises that I discuss here, it will help you turn your life around too.

    To limit the focus on negativity, I decided to not included stories of hardship to explain and demonstrate the success of the tools and techniques. You had to have mustered enough positive energy to find yourself reading this book, and I would like to keep you on that track.

    And so, here begins the journey...

    I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and powerfully asserted:

    'NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL OVERCOME THIS AND I WILL LIVE MY GREATEST LIFE BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I DESERVE. I did not go through all of this for nothing. There has to be a higher power at work here and it has to be for my highest good. I am only accepting the BEST that life has to offer.'

    I decided that I had suffered enough and it was time for me to thrive in every aspect of my life. I was determined to envision my dream life and to put in everything I had into manifesting it.

    I am an amazing person and so are you - with all faults and shortcomings included. Something big had to come off this. For me, this was the biggest test of heart, mind and soul. There just had to be some point to this.

    Rock bottom comes in many forms, magnitudes and shapes - as does anything unique in life. For you, rock bottom could be a broken relationship, death, you lost your job, health issues or any other circumstance that has left you feeling powerless.

    I am here to tell you, that you CAN and you WILL pick yourself up from this and you will bounce back higher than you could have ever imagined, before this 'happened' to you.

    Make the decision to do so and you will. Not making a decision is in fact making a decision.

    You control your experience of life, no one else. You have the greatest power that exists: the power of choice. You could choose to pack up your life today, sell your stuff in a week and move to an island where you sell hotdogs and live off the land (and I am not suggesting that you do). The point is, your life is a blank canvas and you can choose to do with it, whatever you like!


    The first step in the re-discovery of you is to set a powerful intention. Make the decision to learn the lessons, brush off the negativity, modify your path in life and move on from this situation.

    When you are clouded by the negative situation that you are facing, your mind-set switches

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