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Multiplying Motivation
Multiplying Motivation
Multiplying Motivation
Ebook27 pages23 minutes

Multiplying Motivation

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About this ebook

Does that one thing you have been striving for seem to always be just beyond reach? Do you wake up missing that vigor and excitement to attack the new day? What is missing is motivation. Motivation drives us to take that next step, to finish that project, or to simply just get started. Multiplying Motivation is a guidebook that will help you break free from the doldrums and find your inner drive. This book features:


        ◆ Understanding the power of motivation
        ◆ Pitfalls that interfere with your maximum motivation
        ◆ How to supercharge your motivation and attack any goal with focus


So, do not wait another minute, whether you need a little boost for yourself or there is someone in your life that could benefit from a little more drive, Multiplying Motivation is for you. Give this book a try and let me know what you think by leaving a quick review✓✓. I always love hearing what is working and what I can improve. ★★Thanks, and enjoy!★★   

PublisherPaul Phelps
Release dateDec 4, 2020
Multiplying Motivation

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    Book preview

    Multiplying Motivation - Paul Phelps

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Multiplying Motivation

    What is motivation? You will find this question has a wide variety of answers depending on who you ask.For an unbiased definition, you have to look at psychology for guidance. The simple definition is the force that drives us to act; which means any type of action, including making lunch or going to work. If we completely lacked motivation, we would go hungry or fail to support our needs. Of course, in those cases, the body has certain defenses against starving or acting against our basic needs, but the larger point is that motivation drives everything.

    Psychology describes motivation as the biological, social, cognitive, or emotional force that makes us do something. Commonly, most would agree that motivation is something that urges us to make changes, and that’s the definition that we’re going to be using in this book. The force that drives us to make changes and do big things is motivation and if you can control your motivation, you can control your destiny.

    Understanding motivation

    The best way to conquer motivation is to understand it and that’s why I will be breaking motivation down into three distinct parts. If you want to attain a goal, you know that change only begins with having the desire. Achieving your goals require that you maintain your motivation throughout the obstacles that you will undoubtedly encounter. By breaking motivation down into three basic parts the process of overcoming those obstacles can seem much less daunting. Think of motivation as three separate components which include:




    Launching Motivation

    Launching motivation is when you act towards a desire that you wish to achieve. For example, if you wanted to lose a few pounds, you might create a diet or exercise plan over the next few weeks. You are motivated because you have the desire to achieve your goal, and you take a step in that direction.

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