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We Are England
We Are England
We Are England
Ebook46 pages41 minutes

We Are England

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When Jimmy receives news which turns his world upside down, he begins to question the society around him more than ever before. He soon realises, however, that the eyes only see what the mentality allows...
Release dateMar 24, 2014
We Are England

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    We Are England - Andrew Foot

    We Are England

    We Are England


    Culture. It's a very vague term, and one which many would find difficult to tie down to a precise definition. So to evaluate and quantify how the culture you have been brought up in has shaped you as a person sounds like a difficult task. Yet, when I first decided I would try to show this cultural 'moulding' through a short story, I thought it would be easy. I felt I could just write about everything I felt was of any importance which had happened in my life. It would be a journal of events to date. It would be a record of what has made me the person I am today.

    But then you begin to realise, it isn't that straight forward. It's hard to pin-point the moments when you become your true self, if indeed you ever do. The problem is that the culture and national identity which was to be the subject of evaluation is such an intrinsic part of every person that it becomes almost impossible to separate it from more naturalistic influences. Try to think for a second; which parts of your persona, of your mind and of your soul happened purely because you were born, irrespective of the country and culture to which that birth gave you; and which came specifically to you as a result of that culture? To put it in to more straightforward terms, it's like whistling. A lot of people can do it themselves, and we take it for granted. Yet if you try explaining it to somebody, it becomes difficult. You could tell a group of one hundred people to put their lips together and blow, but few would make the desired sound.

    Then I realised. It's not about the naturalistic influences or a train of events. It's not one thing that makes you a person, and it's not one thing that makes culture so important in that. It's everything. But at the same time, it's more than that. It's everyone. It isn't the noise you make when you whistle. It's the person who teaches you, the people who encourage you, those who inspire you. Maybe culture is so hard to define because it can be so personal. Such a common term, a word which encompasses mass sections of society by its most basic of definitions, can be so unique in its form to us as individuals that it now means something more. To some culture might be art. To some, it might be society. To me, it is those who teach, encourage and inspire me.

    So I have written a story in which I aim to echo that. It isn't an autobiography, and it isn't a journal. It is a piece of fiction, which has its roots firmly intertwined with a very personal reality. I use characters to represent those who have influenced me. Some are only a shadow of one or two, some of a whole area of society. Three characters each take a portion of my personal self in to them. Tom is the neutral me, who sits back and watches as society passes by, but understands how it works, and more importantly, how it doesn't. Jimmy is the small part of me that has become contaminated by the cynicism so evident in this modern day society. Mark is the part

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